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2021-02-24 20:40:04 +00:00
* HTML2PDF Library - main class
* HTML => PDF convertor
* distributed under the LGPL License
* @package Html2pdf
* @author Laurent MINGUET <>
* @copyright 2016 Laurent MINGUET
class HTML2PDF
* HTML2PDF_myPdf object, extends from TCPDF
* @var HTML2PDF_myPdf
public $pdf = null;
* CSS parsing
* @var HTML2PDF_parsingCss
public $parsingCss = null;
* HTML parsing
* @var HTML2PDF_parsingHtml
public $parsingHtml = null;
protected $_langue = 'fr'; // locale of the messages
protected $_orientation = 'P'; // page orientation : Portrait ou Landscape
protected $_format = 'A4'; // page format : A4, A3, ...
protected $_encoding = ''; // charset encoding
protected $_unicode = true; // means that the input text is unicode (default = true)
protected $_testTdInOnepage = true; // test of TD that can not take more than one page
protected $_testIsImage = true; // test if the images exist or not
protected $_testIsDeprecated = false; // test the deprecated functions
protected $_fallbackImage = null; // fallback image to use in img tags
protected $_parsePos = 0; // position in the parsing
protected $_tempPos = 0; // temporary position for complex table
protected $_page = 0; // current page number
protected $_subHtml = null; // sub html
protected $_subPart = false; // sub HTML2PDF
protected $_subHEADER = array(); // sub action to make the header
protected $_subFOOTER = array(); // sub action to make the footer
protected $_subSTATES = array(); // array to save some parameters
protected $_isSubPart = false; // flag : in a sub html2pdf
protected $_isInThead = false; // flag : in a thead
protected $_isInTfoot = false; // flag : in a tfoot
protected $_isInOverflow = false; // flag : in a overflow
protected $_isInFooter = false; // flag : in a footer
protected $_isInDraw = null; // flag : in a draw (svg)
protected $_isAfterFloat = false; // flag : is just after a float
protected $_isInForm = false; // flag : is in a float. false / action of the form
protected $_isInLink = ''; // flag : is in a link. empty / href of the link
protected $_isInParagraph = false; // flag : is in a paragraph
protected $_isForOneLine = false; // flag : in a specific sub html2pdf to have the height of the next line
protected $_maxX = 0; // maximum X of the current zone
protected $_maxY = 0; // maximum Y of the current zone
protected $_maxE = 0; // number of elements in the current zone
protected $_maxH = 0; // maximum height of the line in the current zone
protected $_maxSave = array(); // save the maximums of the current zone
protected $_currentH = 0; // height of the current line
protected $_defaultLeft = 0; // default marges of the page
protected $_defaultTop = 0;
protected $_defaultRight = 0;
protected $_defaultBottom = 0;
protected $_defaultFont = null; // default font to use, is the asked font does not exist
protected $_margeLeft = 0; // current marges of the page
protected $_margeTop = 0;
protected $_margeRight = 0;
protected $_margeBottom = 0;
protected $_marges = array(); // save the different marges of the current page
protected $_pageMarges = array(); // float marges of the current page
protected $_background = array(); // background informations
protected $_hideHeader = array(); // array : list of pages which the header gonna be hidden
protected $_firstPage = true; // flag : first page
protected $_defList = array(); // table to save the stats of the tags UL and OL
protected $_lstAnchor = array(); // list of the anchors
protected $_lstField = array(); // list of the fields
protected $_lstSelect = array(); // list of the options of the current select
protected $_previousCall = null; // last action called
protected $_debugActif = false; // flag : mode debug is active
protected $_debugOkUsage = false; // flag : the function memory_get_usage exist
protected $_debugOkPeak = false; // flag : the function memory_get_peak_usage exist
protected $_debugLevel = 0; // level in the debug
protected $_debugStartTime = 0; // debug start time
protected $_debugLastTime = 0; // debug stop time
static protected $_subobj = null; // object html2pdf prepared in order to accelerate the creation of sub html2pdf
static protected $_tables = array(); // static table to prepare the nested html tables
* class constructor
* @access public
* @param string $orientation page orientation, same as TCPDF
* @param mixed $format The format used for pages, same as TCPDF
* @param $tring $langue Lang : fr, en, it...
* @param boolean $unicode TRUE means that the input text is unicode (default = true)
* @param String $encoding charset encoding; default is UTF-8
* @param array $marges Default margins (left, top, right, bottom)
* @return HTML2PDF $this
public function __construct($orientation = 'P', $format = 'A4', $langue='fr', $unicode=true, $encoding='UTF-8', $marges = array(5, 5, 5, 8))
// init the page number
$this->_page = 0;
$this->_firstPage = true;
// save the parameters
$this->_orientation = $orientation;
$this->_format = $format;
$this->_langue = strtolower($langue);
$this->_unicode = $unicode;
$this->_encoding = $encoding;
// load the Local
// create the HTML2PDF_myPdf object
$this->pdf = new HTML2PDF_myPdf($orientation, 'mm', $format, $unicode, $encoding);
// init the CSS parsing object
$this->parsingCss = new HTML2PDF_parsingCss($this->pdf);
$this->_defList = array();
// init some tests
// init the default font
// init the HTML parsing object
$this->parsingHtml = new HTML2PDF_parsingHtml($this->_encoding);
$this->_subHtml = null;
$this->_subPart = false;
// init the marges of the page
if (!is_array($marges)) $marges = array($marges, $marges, $marges, $marges);
$this->_setDefaultMargins($marges[0], $marges[1], $marges[2], $marges[3]);
$this->_marges = array();
// init the form's fields
$this->_lstField = array();
return $this;
* Destructor
* @access public
* @return null
public function __destruct()
* Gets the detailed version as array
* @return array
public function getVersionAsArray()
return array(
'major' => 4,
'minor' => 6,
'revision' => 1,
* Gets the current version as string
* @return string
public function getVersion()
$v = $this->getVersionAsArray();
return $v['major'].'.'.$v['minor'].'.'.$v['revision'];
* Clone to create a sub HTML2PDF from HTML2PDF::$_subobj
* @access public
public function __clone()
$this->pdf = clone $this->pdf;
$this->parsingHtml = clone $this->parsingHtml;
$this->parsingCss = clone $this->parsingCss;
* set the debug mode to On
* @access public
* @return HTML2PDF $this
public function setModeDebug()
$time = microtime(true);
$this->_debugActif = true;
$this->_debugOkUsage = function_exists('memory_get_usage');
$this->_debugOkPeak = function_exists('memory_get_peak_usage');
$this->_debugStartTime = $time;
$this->_debugLastTime = $time;
$this->_DEBUG_stepline('step', 'time', 'delta', 'memory', 'peak');
$this->_DEBUG_add('Init debug');
return $this;
* Set the test of TD that can not take more than one page
* @access public
* @param boolean $mode
* @return HTML2PDF $this
public function setTestTdInOnePage($mode = true)
$this->_testTdInOnepage = $mode ? true : false;
return $this;
* Set the test if the images exist or not
* @access public
* @param boolean $mode
* @return HTML2PDF $this
public function setTestIsImage($mode = true)
$this->_testIsImage = $mode ? true : false;
return $this;
* @param string $fallback Path or URL to the fallback image
* @return $this
public function setFallbackImage($fallback)
$this->_fallbackImage = $fallback;
return $this;
* Set the test on deprecated functions
* @access public
* @param boolean $mode
* @return HTML2PDF $this
public function setTestIsDeprecated($mode = true)
$this->_testIsDeprecated = $mode ? true : false;
return $this;
* Set the default font to use, if no font is specified, or if the asked font does not exist
* @access public
* @param string $default name of the default font to use. If null : Arial if no font is specified, and error if the asked font does not exist
* @return HTML2PDF $this
public function setDefaultFont($default = null)
$this->_defaultFont = $default;
return $this;
* add a font, see TCPDF function addFont
* @access public
* @param string $family Font family. The name can be chosen arbitrarily. If it is a standard family name, it will override the corresponding font.
* @param string $style Font style. Possible values are (case insensitive):<ul><li>empty string: regular (default)</li><li>B: bold</li><li>I: italic</li><li>BI or IB: bold italic</li></ul>
* @param string $file The font definition file. By default, the name is built from the family and style, in lower case with no spaces.
* @return HTML2PDF $this
* @see TCPDF::addFont
public function addFont($family, $style='', $file='')
$this->pdf->AddFont($family, $style, $file);
return $this;
* display a automatic index, from the bookmarks
* @access public
* @param string $titre index title
* @param int $sizeTitle font size of the index title, in mm
* @param int $sizeBookmark font size of the index, in mm
* @param boolean $bookmarkTitle add a bookmark for the index, at his beginning
* @param boolean $displayPage display the page numbers
* @param int $onPage if null : at the end of the document on a new page, else on the $onPage page
* @param string $fontName font name to use
* @return null
public function createIndex($titre = 'Index', $sizeTitle = 20, $sizeBookmark = 15, $bookmarkTitle = true, $displayPage = true, $onPage = null, $fontName = 'helvetica')
$oldPage = $this->_INDEX_NewPage($onPage);
$this->pdf->createIndex($this, $titre, $sizeTitle, $sizeBookmark, $bookmarkTitle, $displayPage, $onPage, $fontName);
if ($oldPage) $this->pdf->setPage($oldPage);
* clean up the objects
* @access protected
protected function _cleanUp()
HTML2PDF::$_subobj = null;
HTML2PDF::$_tables = array();
* Send the document to a given destination: string, local file or browser.
* Dest can be :
* I : send the file inline to the browser (default). The plug-in is used if available. The name given by name is used when one selects the "Save as" option on the link generating the PDF.
* D : send to the browser and force a file download with the name given by name.
* F : save to a local server file with the name given by name.
* S : return the document as a string. name is ignored.
* FI: equivalent to F + I option
* FD: equivalent to F + D option
* true => I
* false => S
* @param string $name The name of the file when saved.
* @param string $dest Destination where to send the document.
* @return string content of the PDF, if $dest=S
* @throws HTML2PDF_exception
* @see TCPDF::close
* @access public
public function Output($name = '', $dest = false)
// close the pdf and clean up
// if on debug mode
if ($this->_debugActif) {
$this->_DEBUG_add('Before output');
// complete parameters
if ($dest===false) $dest = 'I';
if ($dest===true) $dest = 'S';
if ($dest==='') $dest = 'I';
if ($name=='') $name='document.pdf';
// clean up the destination
$dest = strtoupper($dest);
if (!in_array($dest, array('I', 'D', 'F', 'S', 'FI','FD'))) $dest = 'I';
// the name must be a PDF name
if (strtolower(substr($name, -4))!='.pdf') {
throw new HTML2PDF_exception(0, 'The output document name "'.$name.'" is not a PDF name');
// call the output of TCPDF
return $this->pdf->Output($name, $dest);
* convert HTML to PDF
* @access public
* @param string $html
* @param boolean $debugVue enable the HTML debug vue
* @return null
public function writeHTML($html, $debugVue = false)
// if it is a real html page, we have to convert it
if (preg_match('/<body/isU', $html))
$html = $this->getHtmlFromPage($html);
$html = str_replace('[[date_y]]', date('Y'), $html);
$html = str_replace('[[date_m]]', date('m'), $html);
$html = str_replace('[[date_d]]', date('d'), $html);
$html = str_replace('[[date_h]]', date('H'), $html);
$html = str_replace('[[date_i]]', date('i'), $html);
$html = str_replace('[[date_s]]', date('s'), $html);
// If we are in HTML debug vue : display the HTML
if ($debugVue) {
return $this->_vueHTML($html);
// convert HTMl to PDF
* convert the HTML of a real page, to a code adapted to HTML2PDF
* @access public
* @param string $html HTML code of a real page
* @return string HTML adapted to HTML2PDF
public function getHtmlFromPage($html)
$html = str_replace('<BODY', '<body', $html);
$html = str_replace('</BODY', '</body', $html);
// extract the content
$res = explode('<body', $html);
if (count($res)<2) return $html;
$content = '<page'.$res[1];
$content = explode('</body', $content);
$content = $content[0].'</page>';
// extract the link tags
preg_match_all('/<link([^>]*)>/isU', $html, $match);
foreach ($match[0] as $src)
$content = $src.'</link>'.$content;
// extract the css style tags
preg_match_all('/<style[^>]*>(.*)<\/style[^>]*>/isU', $html, $match);
foreach ($match[0] as $src)
$content = $src.$content;
return $content;
* init a sub HTML2PDF. do not use it directly. Only the method createSubHTML must use it
* @access public
* @param string $format
* @param string $orientation
* @param array $marge
* @param integer $page
* @param array $defLIST
* @param integer $myLastPageGroup
* @param integer $myLastPageGroupNb
public function initSubHtml($format, $orientation, $marge, $page, $defLIST, $myLastPageGroup, $myLastPageGroupNb)
$this->_isSubPart = true;
$this->_setNewPage($format, $orientation, null, null, ($myLastPageGroup!==null));
$this->_saveMargin(0, 0, $marge);
$this->_defList = $defLIST;
$this->_page = $page;
$this->pdf->setXY(0, 0);
* display the content in HTML moden for debug
* @access protected
* @param string $content
protected function _vueHTML($content)
$content = preg_replace('/<page_header([^>]*)>/isU', '<hr>'.HTML2PDF_locale::get('vue01').' : $1<hr><div$1>', $content);
$content = preg_replace('/<page_footer([^>]*)>/isU', '<hr>'.HTML2PDF_locale::get('vue02').' : $1<hr><div$1>', $content);
$content = preg_replace('/<page([^>]*)>/isU', '<hr>'.HTML2PDF_locale::get('vue03').' : $1<hr><div$1>', $content);
$content = preg_replace('/<\/page([^>]*)>/isU', '</div><hr>', $content);
$content = preg_replace('/<bookmark([^>]*)>/isU', '<hr>bookmark : $1<hr>', $content);
$content = preg_replace('/<\/bookmark([^>]*)>/isU', '', $content);
$content = preg_replace('/<barcode([^>]*)>/isU', '<hr>barcode : $1<hr>', $content);
$content = preg_replace('/<\/barcode([^>]*)>/isU', '', $content);
$content = preg_replace('/<qrcode([^>]*)>/isU', '<hr>qrcode : $1<hr>', $content);
$content = preg_replace('/<\/qrcode([^>]*)>/isU', '', $content);
echo '<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "">
<title>'.HTML2PDF_locale::get('vue04').' HTML</title>
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset='.$this->_encoding.'" >
<body style="padding: 10px; font-size: 10pt;font-family: Verdana;">
* set the default margins of the page
* @access protected
* @param int $left (mm, left margin)
* @param int $top (mm, top margin)
* @param int $right (mm, right margin, if null => left=right)
* @param int $bottom (mm, bottom margin, if null => bottom=8mm)
protected function _setDefaultMargins($left, $top, $right = null, $bottom = null)
if ($right===null) $right = $left;
if ($bottom===null) $bottom = 8;
$this->_defaultLeft = $this->parsingCss->ConvertToMM($left.'mm');
$this->_defaultTop = $this->parsingCss->ConvertToMM($top.'mm');
$this->_defaultRight = $this->parsingCss->ConvertToMM($right.'mm');
$this->_defaultBottom = $this->parsingCss->ConvertToMM($bottom.'mm');
* create a new page
* @access protected
* @param mixed $format
* @param string $orientation
* @param array $background background information
* @param integer $curr real position in the html parser (if break line in the write of a text)
* @param boolean $resetPageNumber
protected function _setNewPage($format = null, $orientation = '', $background = null, $curr = null, $resetPageNumber=false)
$this->_firstPage = false;
$this->_format = $format ? $format : $this->_format;
$this->_orientation = $orientation ? $orientation : $this->_orientation;
$this->_background = $background!==null ? $background : $this->_background;
$this->_maxY = 0;
$this->_maxX = 0;
$this->_maxH = 0;
$this->_maxE = 0;
$this->pdf->SetMargins($this->_defaultLeft, $this->_defaultTop, $this->_defaultRight);
if ($resetPageNumber) {
$this->pdf->AddPage($this->_orientation, $this->_format);
if ($resetPageNumber) {
if (!$this->_subPart && !$this->_isSubPart) {
if (is_array($this->_background)) {
if (isset($this->_background['color']) && $this->_background['color']) {
$this->pdf->Rect(0, 0, $this->pdf->getW(), $this->pdf->getH(), 'F');
if (isset($this->_background['img']) && $this->_background['img'])
$this->pdf->Image($this->_background['img'], $this->_background['posX'], $this->_background['posY'], $this->_background['width']);
$this->_maxH = 0;
* set the real margin, using the default margins and the page margins
* @access protected
protected function _setMargins()
// prepare the margins
$this->_margeLeft = $this->_defaultLeft + (isset($this->_background['left']) ? $this->_background['left'] : 0);
$this->_margeRight = $this->_defaultRight + (isset($this->_background['right']) ? $this->_background['right'] : 0);
$this->_margeTop = $this->_defaultTop + (isset($this->_background['top']) ? $this->_background['top'] : 0);
$this->_margeBottom = $this->_defaultBottom + (isset($this->_background['bottom']) ? $this->_background['bottom'] : 0);
// set the PDF margins
$this->pdf->SetMargins($this->_margeLeft, $this->_margeTop, $this->_margeRight);
$this->pdf->SetAutoPageBreak(false, $this->_margeBottom);
// set the float Margins
$this->_pageMarges = array();
if ($this->_isInParagraph!==false) {
$this->_pageMarges[floor($this->_margeTop*100)] = array($this->_isInParagraph[0], $this->pdf->getW()-$this->_isInParagraph[1]);
} else {
$this->_pageMarges[floor($this->_margeTop*100)] = array($this->_margeLeft, $this->pdf->getW()-$this->_margeRight);
* add a debug step
* @access protected
* @param string $name step name
* @param boolean $level (true=up, false=down, null=nothing to do)
* @return $this
protected function _DEBUG_add($name, $level=null)
// if true : UP
if ($level===true) $this->_debugLevel++;
$name = str_repeat(' ', $this->_debugLevel). $name.($level===true ? ' Begin' : ($level===false ? ' End' : ''));
$time = microtime(true);
$usage = ($this->_debugOkUsage ? memory_get_usage() : 0);
$peak = ($this->_debugOkPeak ? memory_get_peak_usage() : 0);
number_format(($time - $this->_debugStartTime)*1000, 1, '.', ' ').' ms',
number_format(($time - $this->_debugLastTime)*1000, 1, '.', ' ').' ms',
number_format($usage/1024, 1, '.', ' ').' Ko',
number_format($peak/1024, 1, '.', ' ').' Ko'
$this->_debugLastTime = $time;
// it false : DOWN
if ($level===false) $this->_debugLevel--;
return $this;
* display a debug line
* @access protected
* @param string $name
* @param string $timeTotal
* @param string $timeStep
* @param string $memoryUsage
* @param string $memoryPeak
protected function _DEBUG_stepline($name, $timeTotal, $timeStep, $memoryUsage, $memoryPeak)
$txt = str_pad($name, 30, ' ', STR_PAD_RIGHT).
str_pad($timeTotal, 12, ' ', STR_PAD_LEFT).
str_pad($timeStep, 12, ' ', STR_PAD_LEFT).
str_pad($memoryUsage, 15, ' ', STR_PAD_LEFT).
str_pad($memoryPeak, 15, ' ', STR_PAD_LEFT);
echo '<pre style="padding:0; margin:0">'.$txt.'</pre>';
* get the Min and Max X, for Y (use the float margins)
* @access protected
* @param float $y
* @return array(float, float)
protected function _getMargins($y)
$y = floor($y*100);
$x = array($this->pdf->getlMargin(), $this->pdf->getW()-$this->pdf->getrMargin());
foreach ($this->_pageMarges as $mY => $mX)
if ($mY<=$y) $x = $mX;
return $x;
* Add margins, for a float
* @access protected
* @param string $float (left / right)
* @param float $xLeft
* @param float $yTop
* @param float $xRight
* @param float $yBottom
protected function _addMargins($float, $xLeft, $yTop, $xRight, $yBottom)
// get the current float margins, for top and bottom
$oldTop = $this->_getMargins($yTop);
$oldBottom = $this->_getMargins($yBottom);
// update the top float margin
if ($float=='left' && $oldTop[0]<$xRight) $oldTop[0] = $xRight;
if ($float=='right' && $oldTop[1]>$xLeft) $oldTop[1] = $xLeft;
$yTop = floor($yTop*100);
$yBottom = floor($yBottom*100);
// erase all the float margins that are smaller than the new one
foreach ($this->_pageMarges as $mY => $mX) {
if ($mY<$yTop) continue;
if ($mY>$yBottom) break;
if ($float=='left' && $this->_pageMarges[$mY][0]<$xRight) unset($this->_pageMarges[$mY]);
if ($float=='right' && $this->_pageMarges[$mY][1]>$xLeft) unset($this->_pageMarges[$mY]);
// save the new Top and Bottom margins
$this->_pageMarges[$yTop] = $oldTop;
$this->_pageMarges[$yBottom] = $oldBottom;
// sort the margins
// we are just after float
$this->_isAfterFloat = true;
* Save old margins (push), and set new ones
* @access protected
* @param float $ml left margin
* @param float $mt top margin
* @param float $mr right margin
protected function _saveMargin($ml, $mt, $mr)
// save old margins
$this->_marges[] = array('l' => $this->pdf->getlMargin(), 't' => $this->pdf->gettMargin(), 'r' => $this->pdf->getrMargin(), 'page' => $this->_pageMarges);
// set new ones
$this->pdf->SetMargins($ml, $mt, $mr);
// prepare for float margins
$this->_pageMarges = array();
$this->_pageMarges[floor($mt*100)] = array($ml, $this->pdf->getW()-$mr);
* load the last saved margins (pop)
* @access protected
protected function _loadMargin()
$old = array_pop($this->_marges);
if ($old) {
$ml = $old['l'];
$mt = $old['t'];
$mr = $old['r'];
$mP = $old['page'];
} else {
$ml = $this->_margeLeft;
$mt = 0;
$mr = $this->_margeRight;
$mP = array($mt => array($ml, $this->pdf->getW()-$mr));
$this->pdf->SetMargins($ml, $mt, $mr);
$this->_pageMarges = $mP;
* save the current maxs (push)
* @access protected
protected function _saveMax()
$this->_maxSave[] = array($this->_maxX, $this->_maxY, $this->_maxH, $this->_maxE);
* load the last saved current maxs (pop)
* @access protected
protected function _loadMax()
$old = array_pop($this->_maxSave);
if ($old) {
$this->_maxX = $old[0];
$this->_maxY = $old[1];
$this->_maxH = $old[2];
$this->_maxE = $old[3];
} else {
$this->_maxX = 0;
$this->_maxY = 0;
$this->_maxH = 0;
$this->_maxE = 0;
* draw the PDF header with the HTML in page_header
* @access protected
protected function _setPageHeader()
if (!count($this->_subHEADER)) return false;
if (in_array($this->pdf->getPage(), $this->_hideHeader)) return false;
$oldParsePos = $this->_parsePos;
$oldParseCode = $this->parsingHtml->code;
$this->_parsePos = 0;
$this->parsingHtml->code = $this->_subHEADER;
$this->_parsePos = $oldParsePos;
$this->parsingHtml->code = $oldParseCode;
* draw the PDF footer with the HTML in page_footer
* @access protected
protected function _setPageFooter()
if (!count($this->_subFOOTER)) return false;
$oldParsePos = $this->_parsePos;
$oldParseCode = $this->parsingHtml->code;
$this->_parsePos = 0;
$this->parsingHtml->code = $this->_subFOOTER;
$this->_isInFooter = true;
$this->_isInFooter = false;
$this->_parsePos = $oldParsePos;
$this->parsingHtml->code = $oldParseCode;
* new line, with a specific height
* @access protected
* @param float $h
* @param integer $curr real current position in the text, if new line in the write of a text
protected function _setNewLine($h, $curr = null)
* calculate the start position of the next line, depending on the text-align
* @access protected
* @param integer $curr real current position in the text, if new line in the write of a text
protected function _setNewPositionForNewLine($curr = null)
// get the margins for the current line
list($lx, $rx) = $this->_getMargins($this->pdf->getY());
$wMax = $rx-$lx;
$this->_currentH = 0;
// if subPart => return because align left
if ($this->_subPart || $this->_isSubPart || $this->_isForOneLine) {
return null;
// create the sub object
$sub = null;
$sub->_saveMargin(0, 0, $sub->pdf->getW()-$wMax);
$sub->_isForOneLine = true;
$sub->_parsePos = $this->_parsePos;
$sub->parsingHtml->code = $this->parsingHtml->code;
// if $curr => adapt the current position of the parsing
if ($curr!==null && $sub->parsingHtml->code[$this->_parsePos]['name']=='write') {
$txt = $sub->parsingHtml->code[$this->_parsePos]['param']['txt'];
$txt = str_replace('[[page_cu]]', $sub->pdf->getMyNumPage($this->_page), $txt);
$sub->parsingHtml->code[$this->_parsePos]['param']['txt'] = substr($txt, $curr+1);
} else
// for each element of the parsing => load the action
$res = null;
for ($sub->_parsePos; $sub->_parsePos<count($sub->parsingHtml->code); $sub->_parsePos++) {
$action = $sub->parsingHtml->code[$sub->_parsePos];
$res = $sub->_executeAction($action);
if (!$res) break;
$w = $sub->_maxX; // max width
$h = $sub->_maxH; // max height
$e = ($res===null ? $sub->_maxE : 0); // maxnumber of elemets on the line
// destroy the sub HTML
// adapt the start of the line, depending on the text-align
if ($this->parsingCss->value['text-align']=='center')
else if ($this->parsingCss->value['text-align']=='right')
// set the height of the line
$this->_currentH = $h;
// if justify => set the word spacing
if ($this->parsingCss->value['text-align']=='justify' && $e>1) {
} else {
* prepare HTML2PDF::$_subobj (used for create the sub HTML2PDF objects
* @access protected
protected function _prepareSubObj()
$pdf = null;
// create the sub object
HTML2PDF::$_subobj = new HTML2PDF(
// init
HTML2PDF::$_subobj->parsingCss->css = &$this->parsingCss->css;
HTML2PDF::$_subobj->parsingCss->cssKeys = &$this->parsingCss->cssKeys;
// clone font from the original PDF
// remove the link to the parent
* create a sub HTML2PDF, to calculate the multi-tables
* @access protected
* @param &HTML2PDF $subHtml sub HTML2PDF to create
* @param integer $cellmargin if in a TD : cellmargin of this td
protected function _createSubHTML(&$subHtml, $cellmargin=0)
// prepare the subObject, if never prepare before
if (HTML2PDF::$_subobj===null) {
// calculate the width to use
if ($this->parsingCss->value['width']) {
$marge = $cellmargin*2;
$marge+= $this->parsingCss->value['padding']['l'] + $this->parsingCss->value['padding']['r'];
$marge+= $this->parsingCss->value['border']['l']['width'] + $this->parsingCss->value['border']['r']['width'];
$marge = $this->pdf->getW() - $this->parsingCss->value['width'] + $marge;
} else {
$marge = $this->_margeLeft+$this->_margeRight;
// BUGFIX : we have to call the method, because of a bug in php 5.1.6
// clone the sub oject
$subHtml = clone HTML2PDF::$_subobj;
$subHtml->parsingCss->table = $this->parsingCss->table;
$subHtml->parsingCss->value = $this->parsingCss->value;
* destroy a subHTML2PDF
* @access protected
protected function _destroySubHTML(&$subHtml)
$subHtml = null;
* Convert an arabic number into a roman number
* @access protected
* @param integer $nbArabic
* @return string $nbRoman
protected function _listeArab2Rom($nbArabic)
$nbBaseTen = array('I','X','C','M');
$nbBaseFive = array('V','L','D');
$nbRoman = '';
if ($nbArabic<1) return $nbArabic;
if ($nbArabic>3999) return $nbArabic;
for ($i=3; $i>=0 ; $i--) {
$digit=floor($nbArabic/pow(10, $i));
if ($digit>=1) {
$nbArabic=$nbArabic-$digit*pow(10, $i);
if ($digit<=3) {
for ($j=$digit; $j>=1; $j--) {
} else if ($digit==9) {
} else if ($digit==4) {
} else {
for ($j=$digit-5; $j>=1; $j--) {
return $nbRoman;
* add a LI to the current level
* @access protected
protected function _listeAddLi()
* get the width to use for the column of the list
* @access protected
* @return string $width
protected function _listeGetWidth()
return '7mm';
* get the padding to use for the column of the list
* @access protected
* @return string $padding
protected function _listeGetPadding()
return '1mm';
* get the information of the li on the current level
* @access protected
* @return array(fontName, small size, string)
protected function _listeGetLi()
$im = $this->_defList[count($this->_defList)-1]['img'];
$st = $this->_defList[count($this->_defList)-1]['style'];
$nb = $this->_defList[count($this->_defList)-1]['nb'];
$up = (substr($st, 0, 6)=='upper-');
if ($im) return array(false, false, $im);
case 'none':
return array('helvetica', true, ' ');
case 'upper-alpha':
case 'lower-alpha':
$str = '';
while ($nb>26) {
$str = chr(96+$nb%26).$str;
$nb = floor($nb/26);
$str = chr(96+$nb).$str;
return array('helvetica', false, ($up ? strtoupper($str) : $str).'.');
case 'upper-roman':
case 'lower-roman':
$str = $this->_listeArab2Rom($nb);
return array('helvetica', false, ($up ? strtoupper($str) : $str).'.');
case 'decimal':
return array('helvetica', false, $nb.'.');
case 'square':
return array('zapfdingbats', true, chr(110));
case 'circle':
return array('zapfdingbats', true, chr(109));
case 'disc':
return array('zapfdingbats', true, chr(108));
* add a level to the list
* @access protected
* @param string $type : ul, ol
* @param string $style : lower-alpha, ...
* @param string $img
protected function _listeAddLevel($type = 'ul', $style = '', $img = null, $start = null)
// get the url of the image, if we want to use a image
if ($img) {
if (preg_match('/^url\(([^)]+)\)$/isU', trim($img), $match)) {
$img = $match[1];
} else {
$img = null;
} else {
$img = null;
// prepare the datas
if (!in_array($type, array('ul', 'ol'))) $type = 'ul';
if (!in_array($style, array('lower-alpha', 'upper-alpha', 'upper-roman', 'lower-roman', 'decimal', 'square', 'circle', 'disc', 'none'))) $style = '';
if (!$style) {
if ($type=='ul') $style = 'disc';
else $style = 'decimal';
if (is_null($start) || (int) $start<1) {
} else {
// add the new level
$this->_defList[count($this->_defList)] = array('style' => $style, 'nb' => $start, 'img' => $img);
* remove a level from the list
* @access protected
protected function _listeDelLevel()
if (count($this->_defList)) {
$this->_defList = array_values($this->_defList);
* execute the actions to convert the html
* @access protected
protected function _makeHTMLcode()
// foreach elements of the parsing
for ($this->_parsePos=0; $this->_parsePos<count($this->parsingHtml->code); $this->_parsePos++) {
// get the action to do
$action = $this->parsingHtml->code[$this->_parsePos];
// if it is a opening of table / ul / ol
if (in_array($action['name'], array('table', 'ul', 'ol')) && !$action['close']) {
// we will work as a sub HTML to calculate the size of the element
$this->_subPart = true;
// get the name of the opening tag
$tagOpen = $action['name'];
// save the actual pos on the parsing
$this->_tempPos = $this->_parsePos;
// foreach elements, while we are in the opened tag
while (isset($this->parsingHtml->code[$this->_tempPos]) && !($this->parsingHtml->code[$this->_tempPos]['name']==$tagOpen && $this->parsingHtml->code[$this->_tempPos]['close'])) {
// make the action
// execute the closure of the tag
if (isset($this->parsingHtml->code[$this->_tempPos])) {
// end of the sub part
$this->_subPart = false;
// execute the action
* execute the action from the parsing
* @access protected
* @param array $action
* @throws HTML2PDF_exception
protected function _executeAction($action)
// name of the action
$fnc = ($action['close'] ? '_tag_close_' : '_tag_open_').strtoupper($action['name']);
// parameters of the action
$param = $action['param'];
// if it is the first action of the first page, and if it is not an open tag of PAGE => create the new page
if ($fnc!='_tag_open_PAGE' && $this->_firstPage) {
// the action must exist
if (!is_callable(array(&$this, $fnc))) {
throw new HTML2PDF_exception(1, strtoupper($action['name']), $this->parsingHtml->getHtmlErrorCode($action['html_pos']));
// run the action
$res = $this->{$fnc}($param);
// save the name of the action
$this->_previousCall = $fnc;
// return the result
return $res;
* get the position of the element on the current line, depending on its height
* @access protected
* @param float $h
* @return float
protected function _getElementY($h)
if ($this->_subPart || $this->_isSubPart || !$this->_currentH || $this->_currentH<$h)
return 0;
return ($this->_currentH-$h)*0.8;
* make a break line
* @access protected
* @param float $h current line height
* @param integer $curr real current position in the text, if new line in the write of a text
protected function _makeBreakLine($h, $curr = null)
if ($h) {
if (($this->pdf->getY()+$h<$this->pdf->getH() - $this->pdf->getbMargin()) || $this->_isInOverflow || $this->_isInFooter)
$this->_setNewLine($h, $curr);
$this->_setNewPage(null, '', null, $curr);
} else {
$this->_maxH = 0;
$this->_maxE = 0;
* display an image
* @access protected
* @param string $src
* @param boolean $subLi if true=image of a list
* @return boolean depending on "isForOneLine"
* @throws HTML2PDF_exception
protected function _drawImage($src, $subLi=false)
// get the size of the image
// WARNING : if URL, "allow_url_fopen" must turned to "on" in php.ini
// if the image does not exist, or can not be loaded
if (count($infos)<2) {
// if the test is activ => exception
if ($this->_testIsImage) {
throw new HTML2PDF_exception(6, $src);
if ($this->_fallbackImage) {
// display a fallback if provided
$src = $this->_fallbackImage;
$infos = @getimagesize($src);
} else {
// else, display a gray rectangle
$src = null;
$infos = array(16, 16);
// convert the size of the image in the unit of the PDF
$imageWidth = $infos[0]/$this->pdf->getK();
$imageHeight = $infos[1]/$this->pdf->getK();
$ratio = $imageWidth / $imageHeight;
// calculate the size from the css style
if ($this->parsingCss->value['width'] && $this->parsingCss->value['height']) {
$w = $this->parsingCss->value['width'];
$h = $this->parsingCss->value['height'];
} else if ($this->parsingCss->value['width']) {
$w = $this->parsingCss->value['width'];
$h = $w / $ratio;
} else if ($this->parsingCss->value['height']) {
$h = $this->parsingCss->value['height'];
$w = $h * $ratio;
} else {
// convert px to pt
$w = 72./96.*$imageWidth;
$h = 72./96.*$imageHeight;
if (isset($this->parsingCss->value['max-width']) && $this->parsingCss->value['max-width'] < $w) {
$w = $this->parsingCss->value['max-width'];
if (!$this->parsingCss->value['height']) {
// reprocess the height if not constrained
$h = $w / $ratio;
if (isset($this->parsingCss->value['max-height']) && $this->parsingCss->value['max-height'] < $h) {
$h = $this->parsingCss->value['max-height'];
if (!$this->parsingCss->value['width']) {
// reprocess the width if not constrained
$w = $h * $ratio;
// are we in a float
$float = $this->parsingCss->getFloat();
// if we are in a float, but if something else if on the line => Break Line
if ($float && $this->_maxH) {
// make the break line (false if we are in "_isForOneLine" mode)
if (!$this->_tag_open_BR(array())) {
return false;
// position of the image
$x = $this->pdf->getX();
$y = $this->pdf->getY();
// if the image can not be put on the current line => new line
if (!$float && ($x + $w>$this->pdf->getW() - $this->pdf->getrMargin()) && $this->_maxH) {
if ($this->_isForOneLine) {
return false;
// set the new line
$hnl = max($this->_maxH, $this->parsingCss->getLineHeight());
// get the new position
$x = $this->pdf->getX();
$y = $this->pdf->getY();
// if the image can not be put on the current page
if (($y + $h>$this->pdf->getH() - $this->pdf->getbMargin()) && !$this->_isInOverflow) {
// new page
// get the new position
$x = $this->pdf->getX();
$y = $this->pdf->getY();
// correction for display the image of a list
$hT = 0.80*$this->parsingCss->value['font-size'];
if ($subLi && $h<$hT) {
// add the margin top
$yc = $y-$this->parsingCss->value['margin']['t'];
// get the width and the position of the parent
$old = $this->parsingCss->getOldValues();
if ( $old['width']) {
$parentWidth = $old['width'];
$parentX = $x;
} else {
$parentWidth = $this->pdf->getW() - $this->pdf->getlMargin() - $this->pdf->getrMargin();
$parentX = $this->pdf->getlMargin();
// if we are in a gloat => adapt the parent position and width
if ($float) {
list($lx, $rx) = $this->_getMargins($yc);
$parentX = $lx;
$parentWidth = $rx-$lx;
// calculate the position of the image, if align to the right
if ($parentWidth>$w && $float!='left') {
if ($float=='right' || $this->parsingCss->value['text-align']=='li_right') $x = $parentX + $parentWidth - $w-$this->parsingCss->value['margin']['r']-$this->parsingCss->value['margin']['l'];
// display the image
if (!$this->_subPart && !$this->_isSubPart) {
if ($src) {
$this->pdf->Image($src, $x, $y, $w, $h, '', $this->_isInLink);
} else {
// rectangle if the image can not be loaded
$this->pdf->setFillColorArray(array(240, 220, 220));
$this->pdf->Rect($x, $y, $w, $h, 'F');
// apply the margins
$x-= $this->parsingCss->value['margin']['l'];
$y-= $this->parsingCss->value['margin']['t'];
$w+= $this->parsingCss->value['margin']['l'] + $this->parsingCss->value['margin']['r'];
$h+= $this->parsingCss->value['margin']['t'] + $this->parsingCss->value['margin']['b'];
if ($float=='left') {
// save the current max
$this->_maxX = max($this->_maxX, $x+$w);
$this->_maxY = max($this->_maxY, $y+$h);
// add the image to the margins
$this->_addMargins($float, $x, $y, $x+$w, $y+$h);
// get the new position
list($lx, $rx) = $this->_getMargins($yc);
$this->pdf->setXY($lx, $yc);
} else if ($float=='right') {
// save the current max. We don't save the X because it is not the real max of the line
$this->_maxY = max($this->_maxY, $y+$h);
// add the image to the margins
$this->_addMargins($float, $x, $y, $x+$w, $y+$h);
// get the new position
list($lx, $rx) = $this->_getMargins($yc);
$this->pdf->setXY($lx, $yc);
} else {
// set the new position at the end of the image
// save the current max
$this->_maxX = max($this->_maxX, $x+$w);
$this->_maxY = max($this->_maxY, $y+$h);
$this->_maxH = max($this->_maxH, $h);
return true;
* draw a rectangle
* @access protected
* @param float $x
* @param float $y
* @param float $w
* @param float $h
* @param array $border
* @param float $padding - internal margin of the rectangle => not used, but...
* @param float $margin - external margin of the rectangle
* @param array $background
* @return boolean
* @throws HTML2PDF_exception
protected function _drawRectangle($x, $y, $w, $h, $border, $padding, $margin, $background)
// if we are in a subpart or if height is null => return false
if ($this->_subPart || $this->_isSubPart || $h===null) return false;
// add the margin
$x+= $margin;
$y+= $margin;
$w-= $margin*2;
$h-= $margin*2;
// get the radius of the border
$outTL = $border['radius']['tl'];
$outTR = $border['radius']['tr'];
$outBR = $border['radius']['br'];
$outBL = $border['radius']['bl'];
// prepare the out radius
$outTL = ($outTL[0] && $outTL[1]) ? $outTL : null;
$outTR = ($outTR[0] && $outTR[1]) ? $outTR : null;
$outBR = ($outBR[0] && $outBR[1]) ? $outBR : null;
$outBL = ($outBL[0] && $outBL[1]) ? $outBL : null;
// prepare the in radius
$inTL = $outTL;
$inTR = $outTR;
$inBR = $outBR;
$inBL = $outBL;
if (is_array($inTL)) {
$inTL[0]-= $border['l']['width'];
$inTL[1]-= $border['t']['width'];
if (is_array($inTR)) {
$inTR[0]-= $border['r']['width'];
$inTR[1]-= $border['t']['width'];
if (is_array($inBR)) {
$inBR[0]-= $border['r']['width'];
$inBR[1]-= $border['b']['width'];
if (is_array($inBL)) {
$inBL[0]-= $border['l']['width'];
$inBL[1]-= $border['b']['width'];
if ($inTL[0]<=0 || $inTL[1]<=0) $inTL = null;
if ($inTR[0]<=0 || $inTR[1]<=0) $inTR = null;
if ($inBR[0]<=0 || $inBR[1]<=0) $inBR = null;
if ($inBL[0]<=0 || $inBL[1]<=0) $inBL = null;
// prepare the background color
$pdfStyle = '';
if ($background['color']) {
$pdfStyle.= 'F';
// if we have a background to fill => fill it with a path (because of the radius)
if ($pdfStyle) {
$this->pdf->clippingPathStart($x, $y, $w, $h, $outTL, $outTR, $outBL, $outBR);
$this->pdf->Rect($x, $y, $w, $h, $pdfStyle);
// prepare the background image
if ($background['image']) {
$iName = $background['image'];
$iPosition = $background['position']!==null ? $background['position'] : array(0, 0);
$iRepeat = $background['repeat']!==null ? $background['repeat'] : array(true, true);
// size of the background without the borders
$bX = $x;
$bY = $y;
$bW = $w;
$bH = $h;
if ($border['b']['width']) {
$bH-= $border['b']['width'];
if ($border['l']['width']) {
$bW-= $border['l']['width'];
$bX+= $border['l']['width'];
if ($border['t']['width']) {
$bH-= $border['t']['width'];
$bY+= $border['t']['width'];
if ($border['r']['width']) {
$bW-= $border['r']['width'];
// get the size of the image
// WARNING : if URL, "allow_url_fopen" must turned to "on" in php.ini
// if the image can not be loaded
if (count($imageInfos)<2) {
if ($this->_testIsImage) {
throw new HTML2PDF_exception(6, $iName);
} else {
// convert the size of the image from pixel to the unit of the PDF
$imageWidth = 72./96.*$imageInfos[0]/$this->pdf->getK();
$imageHeight = 72./96.*$imageInfos[1]/$this->pdf->getK();
// prepare the position of the backgroung
if ($iRepeat[0]) $iPosition[0] = $bX;
else if (preg_match('/^([-]?[0-9\.]+)%/isU', $iPosition[0], $match)) $iPosition[0] = $bX + $match[1]*($bW-$imageWidth)/100;
else $iPosition[0] = $bX+$iPosition[0];
if ($iRepeat[1]) $iPosition[1] = $bY;
else if (preg_match('/^([-]?[0-9\.]+)%/isU', $iPosition[1], $match)) $iPosition[1] = $bY + $match[1]*($bH-$imageHeight)/100;
else $iPosition[1] = $bY+$iPosition[1];
$imageXmin = $bX;
$imageXmax = $bX+$bW;
$imageYmin = $bY;
$imageYmax = $bY+$bH;
if (!$iRepeat[0] && !$iRepeat[1]) {
$imageXmin = $iPosition[0]; $imageXmax = $iPosition[0]+$imageWidth;
$imageYmin = $iPosition[1]; $imageYmax = $iPosition[1]+$imageHeight;
} else if ($iRepeat[0] && !$iRepeat[1]) {
$imageYmin = $iPosition[1]; $imageYmax = $iPosition[1]+$imageHeight;
} else if (!$iRepeat[0] && $iRepeat[1]) {
$imageXmin = $iPosition[0]; $imageXmax = $iPosition[0]+$imageWidth;
// build the path to display the image (because of radius)
$this->pdf->clippingPathStart($bX, $bY, $bW, $bH, $inTL, $inTR, $inBL, $inBR);
// repeat the image
for ($iY=$imageYmin; $iY<$imageYmax; $iY+=$imageHeight) {
for ($iX=$imageXmin; $iX<$imageXmax; $iX+=$imageWidth) {
$cX = null;
$cY = null;
$cW = $imageWidth;
$cH = $imageHeight;
if ($imageYmax-$iY<$imageHeight) {
$cX = $iX;
$cY = $iY;
$cH = $imageYmax-$iY;
if ($imageXmax-$iX<$imageWidth) {
$cX = $iX;
$cY = $iY;
$cW = $imageXmax-$iX;
$this->pdf->Image($iName, $iX, $iY, $imageWidth, $imageHeight, '', '');
// end of the path
// adding some loose (0.01mm)
$loose = 0.01;
$x-= $loose;
$y-= $loose;
$w+= 2.*$loose;
$h+= 2.*$loose;
if ($border['l']['width']) $border['l']['width']+= 2.*$loose;
if ($border['t']['width']) $border['t']['width']+= 2.*$loose;
if ($border['r']['width']) $border['r']['width']+= 2.*$loose;
if ($border['b']['width']) $border['b']['width']+= 2.*$loose;
// prepare the test on borders
$testBl = ($border['l']['width'] && $border['l']['color'][0]!==null);
$testBt = ($border['t']['width'] && $border['t']['color'][0]!==null);
$testBr = ($border['r']['width'] && $border['r']['color'][0]!==null);
$testBb = ($border['b']['width'] && $border['b']['color'][0]!==null);
// draw the radius bottom-left
if (is_array($outBL) && ($testBb || $testBl)) {
if ($inBL) {
$courbe = array();
$courbe[] = $x+$outBL[0]; $courbe[] = $y+$h;
$courbe[] = $x; $courbe[] = $y+$h-$outBL[1];
$courbe[] = $x+$outBL[0]; $courbe[] = $y+$h-$border['b']['width'];
$courbe[] = $x+$border['l']['width']; $courbe[] = $y+$h-$outBL[1];
$courbe[] = $x+$outBL[0]; $courbe[] = $y+$h-$outBL[1];
} else {
$courbe = array();
$courbe[] = $x+$outBL[0]; $courbe[] = $y+$h;
$courbe[] = $x; $courbe[] = $y+$h-$outBL[1];
$courbe[] = $x+$border['l']['width']; $courbe[] = $y+$h-$border['b']['width'];
$courbe[] = $x+$outBL[0]; $courbe[] = $y+$h-$outBL[1];
$this->_drawCurve($courbe, $border['l']['color']);
// draw the radius left-top
if (is_array($outTL) && ($testBt || $testBl)) {
if ($inTL) {
$courbe = array();
$courbe[] = $x; $courbe[] = $y+$outTL[1];
$courbe[] = $x+$outTL[0]; $courbe[] = $y;
$courbe[] = $x+$border['l']['width']; $courbe[] = $y+$outTL[1];
$courbe[] = $x+$outTL[0]; $courbe[] = $y+$border['t']['width'];
$courbe[] = $x+$outTL[0]; $courbe[] = $y+$outTL[1];
} else {
$courbe = array();
$courbe[] = $x; $courbe[] = $y+$outTL[1];
$courbe[] = $x+$outTL[0]; $courbe[] = $y;
$courbe[] = $x+$border['l']['width']; $courbe[] = $y+$border['t']['width'];
$courbe[] = $x+$outTL[0]; $courbe[] = $y+$outTL[1];
$this->_drawCurve($courbe, $border['t']['color']);
// draw the radius top-right
if (is_array($outTR) && ($testBt || $testBr)) {
if ($inTR) {
$courbe = array();
$courbe[] = $x+$w-$outTR[0]; $courbe[] = $y;
$courbe[] = $x+$w; $courbe[] = $y+$outTR[1];
$courbe[] = $x+$w-$outTR[0]; $courbe[] = $y+$border['t']['width'];
$courbe[] = $x+$w-$border['r']['width']; $courbe[] = $y+$outTR[1];
$courbe[] = $x+$w-$outTR[0]; $courbe[] = $y+$outTR[1];
} else {
$courbe = array();
$courbe[] = $x+$w-$outTR[0]; $courbe[] = $y;
$courbe[] = $x+$w; $courbe[] = $y+$outTR[1];
$courbe[] = $x+$w-$border['r']['width']; $courbe[] = $y+$border['t']['width'];
$courbe[] = $x+$w-$outTR[0]; $courbe[] = $y+$outTR[1];
$this->_drawCurve($courbe, $border['r']['color']);
// draw the radius right-bottom
if (is_array($outBR) && ($testBb || $testBr)) {
if ($inBR) {
$courbe = array();
$courbe[] = $x+$w; $courbe[] = $y+$h-$outBR[1];
$courbe[] = $x+$w-$outBR[0]; $courbe[] = $y+$h;
$courbe[] = $x+$w-$border['r']['width']; $courbe[] = $y+$h-$outBR[1];
$courbe[] = $x+$w-$outBR[0]; $courbe[] = $y+$h-$border['b']['width'];
$courbe[] = $x+$w-$outBR[0]; $courbe[] = $y+$h-$outBR[1];
} else {
$courbe = array();
$courbe[] = $x+$w; $courbe[] = $y+$h-$outBR[1];
$courbe[] = $x+$w-$outBR[0]; $courbe[] = $y+$h;
$courbe[] = $x+$w-$border['r']['width']; $courbe[] = $y+$h-$border['b']['width'];
$courbe[] = $x+$w-$outBR[0]; $courbe[] = $y+$h-$outBR[1];
$this->_drawCurve($courbe, $border['b']['color']);
// draw the left border
if ($testBl) {
$pt = array();
$pt[] = $x; $pt[] = $y+$h;
$pt[] = $x; $pt[] = $y+$h-$border['b']['width'];
$pt[] = $x; $pt[] = $y+$border['t']['width'];
$pt[] = $x; $pt[] = $y;
$pt[] = $x+$border['l']['width']; $pt[] = $y+$border['t']['width'];
$pt[] = $x+$border['l']['width']; $pt[] = $y+$h-$border['b']['width'];
$bord = 3;
if (is_array($outBL)) {
$pt[3] -= $outBL[1] - $border['b']['width'];
if ($inBL) $pt[11]-= $inBL[1];
if (is_array($outTL)) {
$pt[5] += $outTL[1]-$border['t']['width'];
if ($inTL) $pt[9] += $inTL[1];
$pt = array_values($pt);
$this->_drawLine($pt, $border['l']['color'], $border['l']['type'], $border['l']['width'], $bord);
// draw the top border
if ($testBt) {
$pt = array();
$pt[] = $x; $pt[] = $y;
$pt[] = $x+$border['l']['width']; $pt[] = $y;
$pt[] = $x+$w-$border['r']['width']; $pt[] = $y;
$pt[] = $x+$w; $pt[] = $y;
$pt[] = $x+$w-$border['r']['width']; $pt[] = $y+$border['t']['width'];
$pt[] = $x+$border['l']['width']; $pt[] = $y+$border['t']['width'];
$bord = 3;
if (is_array($outTL)) {
$pt[2] += $outTL[0] - $border['l']['width'];
if ($inTL) $pt[10]+= $inTL[0];
if (is_array($outTR)) {
$pt[4] -= $outTR[0] - $border['r']['width'];
if ($inTR) $pt[8] -= $inTR[0];
$pt = array_values($pt);
$this->_drawLine($pt, $border['t']['color'], $border['t']['type'], $border['t']['width'], $bord);
// draw the right border
if ($testBr) {
$pt = array();
$pt[] = $x+$w; $pt[] = $y;
$pt[] = $x+$w; $pt[] = $y+$border['t']['width'];
$pt[] = $x+$w; $pt[] = $y+$h-$border['b']['width'];
$pt[] = $x+$w; $pt[] = $y+$h;
$pt[] = $x+$w-$border['r']['width']; $pt[] = $y+$h-$border['b']['width'];
$pt[] = $x+$w-$border['r']['width']; $pt[] = $y+$border['t']['width'];
$bord = 3;
if (is_array($outTR)) {
$pt[3] += $outTR[1] - $border['t']['width'];
if ($inTR) $pt[11]+= $inTR[1];
if (is_array($outBR)) {
$pt[5] -= $outBR[1] - $border['b']['width'];
if ($inBR) $pt[9] -= $inBR[1];
$pt = array_values($pt);
$this->_drawLine($pt, $border['r']['color'], $border['r']['type'], $border['r']['width'], $bord);
// draw the bottom border
if ($testBb) {
$pt = array();
$pt[] = $x+$w; $pt[] = $y+$h;
$pt[] = $x+$w-$border['r']['width']; $pt[] = $y+$h;
$pt[] = $x+$border['l']['width']; $pt[] = $y+$h;
$pt[] = $x; $pt[] = $y+$h;
$pt[] = $x+$border['l']['width']; $pt[] = $y+$h-$border['b']['width'];
$pt[] = $x+$w-$border['r']['width']; $pt[] = $y+$h-$border['b']['width'];
$bord = 3;
if (is_array($outBL)) {
$pt[4] += $outBL[0] - $border['l']['width'];
if ($inBL) $pt[8] += $inBL[0];
if (is_array($outBR)) {
$pt[2] -= $outBR[0] - $border['r']['width'];
if ($inBR) $pt[10]-= $inBR[0];
$pt = array_values($pt);
$this->_drawLine($pt, $border['b']['color'], $border['b']['type'], $border['b']['width'], $bord);
if ($background['color']) {
return true;
* draw a curve (for border radius)
* @access protected
* @param array $pt
* @param array $color
protected function _drawCurve($pt, $color)
if (count($pt)==10)
$this->pdf->drawCurve($pt[0], $pt[1], $pt[2], $pt[3], $pt[4], $pt[5], $pt[6], $pt[7], $pt[8], $pt[9]);
$this->pdf->drawCorner($pt[0], $pt[1], $pt[2], $pt[3], $pt[4], $pt[5], $pt[6], $pt[7]);
* draw a line with a specific type, and specific start and end for radius
* @access protected
* @param array $pt
* @param array $color
* @param string $type (dashed, dotted, double, solid)
* @param float $width
* @param integer $radius (binary from 0 to 3 with 1=>start with a radius, 2=>end with a radius)
protected function _drawLine($pt, $color, $type, $width, $radius=3)
// set the fill color
// if dashed or dotted
if ($type=='dashed' || $type=='dotted') {
// clean the end of the line, if radius
if ($radius==1) {
$tmp = array(); $tmp[]=$pt[0]; $tmp[]=$pt[1]; $tmp[]=$pt[2]; $tmp[]=$pt[3]; $tmp[]=$pt[8]; $tmp[]=$pt[9];
$this->pdf->Polygon($tmp, 'F');
$tmp = array(); $tmp[]=$pt[2]; $tmp[]=$pt[3]; $tmp[]=$pt[4]; $tmp[]=$pt[5]; $tmp[]=$pt[6]; $tmp[]=$pt[7]; $tmp[]=$pt[8]; $tmp[]=$pt[9];
$pt = $tmp;
} else if ($radius==2) {
$tmp = array(); $tmp[]=$pt[2]; $tmp[]=$pt[3]; $tmp[]=$pt[4]; $tmp[]=$pt[5]; $tmp[]=$pt[6]; $tmp[]=$pt[7];
$this->pdf->Polygon($tmp, 'F');
$tmp = array(); $tmp[]=$pt[0]; $tmp[]=$pt[1]; $tmp[]=$pt[2]; $tmp[]=$pt[3]; $tmp[]=$pt[6]; $tmp[]=$pt[7]; $tmp[]=$pt[8]; $tmp[]=$pt[9];
$pt = $tmp;
} else if ($radius==3) {
$tmp = array(); $tmp[]=$pt[0]; $tmp[]=$pt[1]; $tmp[]=$pt[2]; $tmp[]=$pt[3]; $tmp[]=$pt[10]; $tmp[]=$pt[11];
$this->pdf->Polygon($tmp, 'F');
$tmp = array(); $tmp[]=$pt[4]; $tmp[]=$pt[5]; $tmp[]=$pt[6]; $tmp[]=$pt[7]; $tmp[]=$pt[8]; $tmp[]=$pt[9];
$this->pdf->Polygon($tmp, 'F');
$tmp = array(); $tmp[]=$pt[2]; $tmp[]=$pt[3]; $tmp[]=$pt[4]; $tmp[]=$pt[5]; $tmp[]=$pt[8]; $tmp[]=$pt[9]; $tmp[]=$pt[10]; $tmp[]=$pt[11];
$pt = $tmp;
// horisontal or vertical line
if ($pt[2]==$pt[0]) {
$l = abs(($pt[3]-$pt[1])*0.5);
$px = 0;
$py = $width;
$x1 = $pt[0]; $y1 = ($pt[3]+$pt[1])*0.5;
$x2 = $pt[6]; $y2 = ($pt[7]+$pt[5])*0.5;
} else {
$l = abs(($pt[2]-$pt[0])*0.5);
$px = $width;
$py = 0;
$x1 = ($pt[2]+$pt[0])*0.5; $y1 = $pt[1];
$x2 = ($pt[6]+$pt[4])*0.5; $y2 = $pt[7];
// if dashed : 3x bigger than dotted
if ($type=='dashed') {
$px = $px*3.;
$py = $py*3.;
$mode = ($l/($px+$py)<.5);
// display the dotted/dashed line
for ($i=0; $l-($px+$py)*($i-0.5)>0; $i++) {
if (($i%2)==$mode) {
$j = $i-0.5;
$lx1 = $px*($j); if ($lx1<-$l) $lx1 =-$l;
$ly1 = $py*($j); if ($ly1<-$l) $ly1 =-$l;
$lx2 = $px*($j+1); if ($lx2>$l) $lx2 = $l;
$ly2 = $py*($j+1); if ($ly2>$l) $ly2 = $l;
$tmp = array();
$tmp[] = $x1+$lx1; $tmp[] = $y1+$ly1;
$tmp[] = $x1+$lx2; $tmp[] = $y1+$ly2;
$tmp[] = $x2+$lx2; $tmp[] = $y2+$ly2;
$tmp[] = $x2+$lx1; $tmp[] = $y2+$ly1;
$this->pdf->Polygon($tmp, 'F');
if ($j>0) {
$tmp = array();
$tmp[] = $x1-$lx1; $tmp[] = $y1-$ly1;
$tmp[] = $x1-$lx2; $tmp[] = $y1-$ly2;
$tmp[] = $x2-$lx2; $tmp[] = $y2-$ly2;
$tmp[] = $x2-$lx1; $tmp[] = $y2-$ly1;
$this->pdf->Polygon($tmp, 'F');
} else if ($type=='double') {
// if double, 2 lines : 0=>1/3 and 2/3=>1
$pt1 = $pt;
$pt2 = $pt;
if (count($pt)==12) {
// line 1
$pt1[0] = ($pt[0]-$pt[10])*0.33 + $pt[10];
$pt1[1] = ($pt[1]-$pt[11])*0.33 + $pt[11];
$pt1[2] = ($pt[2]-$pt[10])*0.33 + $pt[10];
$pt1[3] = ($pt[3]-$pt[11])*0.33 + $pt[11];
$pt1[4] = ($pt[4]-$pt[8])*0.33 + $pt[8];
$pt1[5] = ($pt[5]-$pt[9])*0.33 + $pt[9];
$pt1[6] = ($pt[6]-$pt[8])*0.33 + $pt[8];
$pt1[7] = ($pt[7]-$pt[9])*0.33 + $pt[9];
$pt2[10]= ($pt[10]-$pt[0])*0.33 + $pt[0];
$pt2[11]= ($pt[11]-$pt[1])*0.33 + $pt[1];
// line 2
$pt2[2] = ($pt[2] -$pt[0])*0.33 + $pt[0];
$pt2[3] = ($pt[3] -$pt[1])*0.33 + $pt[1];
$pt2[4] = ($pt[4] -$pt[6])*0.33 + $pt[6];
$pt2[5] = ($pt[5] -$pt[7])*0.33 + $pt[7];
$pt2[8] = ($pt[8] -$pt[6])*0.33 + $pt[6];
$pt2[9] = ($pt[9] -$pt[7])*0.33 + $pt[7];
} else {
// line 1
$pt1[0] = ($pt[0]-$pt[6])*0.33 + $pt[6];
$pt1[1] = ($pt[1]-$pt[7])*0.33 + $pt[7];
$pt1[2] = ($pt[2]-$pt[4])*0.33 + $pt[4];
$pt1[3] = ($pt[3]-$pt[5])*0.33 + $pt[5];
// line 2
$pt2[6] = ($pt[6]-$pt[0])*0.33 + $pt[0];
$pt2[7] = ($pt[7]-$pt[1])*0.33 + $pt[1];
$pt2[4] = ($pt[4]-$pt[2])*0.33 + $pt[2];
$pt2[5] = ($pt[5]-$pt[3])*0.33 + $pt[3];
$this->pdf->Polygon($pt1, 'F');
$this->pdf->Polygon($pt2, 'F');
} else if ($type=='solid') {
// solid line : draw directly the polygon
$this->pdf->Polygon($pt, 'F');
* prepare a transform matrix, only for drawing a SVG graphic
* @access protected
* @param string $transform
* @return array $matrix
protected function _prepareTransform($transform)
// it can not be empty
if (!$transform) return null;
// sctions must be like scale(...)
if (!preg_match_all('/([a-z]+)\(([^\)]*)\)/isU', $transform, $match)) return null;
// prepare the list of the actions
$actions = array();
// for actions
for ($k=0; $k<count($match[0]); $k++) {
// get the name of the action
$name = strtolower($match[1][$k]);
// get the parameters of the action
$val = explode(',', trim($match[2][$k]));
foreach ($val as $i => $j) {
$val[$i] = trim($j);
// prepare the matrix, depending on the action
case 'scale':
if (!isset($val[0])) $val[0] = 1.; else $val[0] = 1.*$val[0];
if (!isset($val[1])) $val[1] = $val[0]; else $val[1] = 1.*$val[1];
$actions[] = array($val[0],0,0,$val[1],0,0);
case 'translate':
if (!isset($val[0])) $val[0] = 0.; else $val[0] = $this->parsingCss->ConvertToMM($val[0], $this->_isInDraw['w']);
if (!isset($val[1])) $val[1] = 0.; else $val[1] = $this->parsingCss->ConvertToMM($val[1], $this->_isInDraw['h']);
$actions[] = array(1,0,0,1,$val[0],$val[1]);
case 'rotate':
if (!isset($val[0])) $val[0] = 0.; else $val[0] = $val[0]*M_PI/180.;
if (!isset($val[1])) $val[1] = 0.; else $val[1] = $this->parsingCss->ConvertToMM($val[1], $this->_isInDraw['w']);
if (!isset($val[2])) $val[2] = 0.; else $val[2] = $this->parsingCss->ConvertToMM($val[2], $this->_isInDraw['h']);
if ($val[1] || $val[2]) $actions[] = array(1,0,0,1,-$val[1],-$val[2]);
$actions[] = array(cos($val[0]),sin($val[0]),-sin($val[0]),cos($val[0]),0,0);
if ($val[1] || $val[2]) $actions[] = array(1,0,0,1,$val[1],$val[2]);
case 'skewx':
if (!isset($val[0])) $val[0] = 0.; else $val[0] = $val[0]*M_PI/180.;
$actions[] = array(1,0,tan($val[0]),1,0,0);
case 'skewy':
if (!isset($val[0])) $val[0] = 0.; else $val[0] = $val[0]*M_PI/180.;
$actions[] = array(1,tan($val[0]),0,1,0,0);
case 'matrix':
if (!isset($val[0])) $val[0] = 0.; else $val[0] = $val[0]*1.;
if (!isset($val[1])) $val[1] = 0.; else $val[1] = $val[1]*1.;
if (!isset($val[2])) $val[2] = 0.; else $val[2] = $val[2]*1.;
if (!isset($val[3])) $val[3] = 0.; else $val[3] = $val[3]*1.;
if (!isset($val[4])) $val[4] = 0.; else $val[4] = $this->parsingCss->ConvertToMM($val[4], $this->_isInDraw['w']);
if (!isset($val[5])) $val[5] = 0.; else $val[5] = $this->parsingCss->ConvertToMM($val[5], $this->_isInDraw['h']);
$actions[] =$val;
// if there are no actions => return
if (!$actions) return null;
// get the first matrix
$m = $actions[0]; unset($actions[0]);
// foreach matrix => multiply to the last matrix
foreach ($actions as $n) {
$m = array(
// return the matrix
return $m;
* @access protected
* @param &array $cases
* @param &array $corr
protected function _calculateTableCellSize(&$cases, &$corr)
if (!isset($corr[0])) return true;
// for each cell without colspan, we get the max width for each column
$sw = array();
for ($x=0; $x<count($corr[0]); $x++) {
for ($y=0; $y<count($corr); $y++) {
if (isset($corr[$y][$x]) && is_array($corr[$y][$x]) && $corr[$y][$x][2]==1) {
$m = max($m, $cases[$corr[$y][$x][1]][$corr[$y][$x][0]]['w']);
$sw[$x] = $m;
// for each cell with colspan, we adapt the width of each column
for ($x=0; $x<count($corr[0]); $x++) {
for ($y=0; $y<count($corr); $y++) {
if (isset($corr[$y][$x]) && is_array($corr[$y][$x]) && $corr[$y][$x][2]>1) {
// sum the max width of each column in colspan
$s = 0; for ($i=0; $i<$corr[$y][$x][2]; $i++) $s+= $sw[$x+$i];
// if the max width is < the width of the cell with colspan => we adapt the width of each max width
if ($s>0 && $s<$cases[$corr[$y][$x][1]][$corr[$y][$x][0]]['w']) {
for ($i=0; $i<$corr[$y][$x][2]; $i++) {
$sw[$x+$i] = $sw[$x+$i]/$s*$cases[$corr[$y][$x][1]][$corr[$y][$x][0]]['w'];
// set the new width, for each cell
for ($x=0; $x<count($corr[0]); $x++) {
for ($y=0; $y<count($corr); $y++) {
if (isset($corr[$y][$x]) && is_array($corr[$y][$x])) {
// without colspan
if ($corr[$y][$x][2]==1) {
$cases[$corr[$y][$x][1]][$corr[$y][$x][0]]['w'] = $sw[$x];
// with colspan
} else {
$s = 0;
for ($i=0; $i<$corr[$y][$x][2]; $i++) {
$s+= $sw[$x+$i];
$cases[$corr[$y][$x][1]][$corr[$y][$x][0]]['w'] = $s;
// for each cell without rowspan, we get the max height for each line
$sh = array();
for ($y=0; $y<count($corr); $y++) {
for ($x=0; $x<count($corr[0]); $x++) {
if (isset($corr[$y][$x]) && is_array($corr[$y][$x]) && $corr[$y][$x][3]==1) {
$m = max($m, $cases[$corr[$y][$x][1]][$corr[$y][$x][0]]['h']);
$sh[$y] = $m;
// for each cell with rowspan, we adapt the height of each line
for ($y=0; $y<count($corr); $y++) {
for ($x=0; $x<count($corr[0]); $x++) {
if (isset($corr[$y][$x]) && is_array($corr[$y][$x]) && $corr[$y][$x][3]>1) {
// sum the max height of each line in rowspan
$s = 0;
for ($i=0; $i<$corr[$y][$x][3]; $i++) {
$s+= isset($sh[$y+$i]) ? $sh[$y+$i] : 0;
// if the max height is < the height of the cell with rowspan => we adapt the height of each max height
if ($s>0 && $s<$cases[$corr[$y][$x][1]][$corr[$y][$x][0]]['h']) {
for ($i=0; $i<$corr[$y][$x][3]; $i++) {
$sh[$y+$i] = $sh[$y+$i]/$s*$cases[$corr[$y][$x][1]][$corr[$y][$x][0]]['h'];
// set the new height, for each cell
for ($y=0; $y<count($corr); $y++) {
for ($x=0; $x<count($corr[0]); $x++) {
if (isset($corr[$y][$x]) && is_array($corr[$y][$x])) {
// without rowspan
if ($corr[$y][$x][3]==1) {
$cases[$corr[$y][$x][1]][$corr[$y][$x][0]]['h'] = $sh[$y];
// with rowspan
} else {
$s = 0;
for ($i=0; $i<$corr[$y][$x][3]; $i++) {
$s+= $sh[$y+$i];
$cases[$corr[$y][$x][1]][$corr[$y][$x][0]]['h'] = $s;
for ($j=1; $j<$corr[$y][$x][3]; $j++) {
$tx = $x+1;
$ty = $y+$j;
for (true; isset($corr[$ty][$tx]) && !is_array($corr[$ty][$tx]); $tx++);
if (isset($corr[$ty][$tx])) {
$cases[$corr[$ty][$tx][1]][$corr[$ty][$tx][0]]['dw']+= $cases[$corr[$y][$x][1]][$corr[$y][$x][0]]['w'];
* tag : PAGE
* mode : OPEN
* @param array $param
* @return boolean
protected function _tag_open_PAGE($param)
if ($this->_isForOneLine) return false;
if ($this->_debugActif) $this->_DEBUG_add('PAGE '.($this->_page+1), true);
$newPageSet= (!isset($param['pageset']) || $param['pageset']!='old');
$resetPageNumber = (isset($param['pagegroup']) && $param['pagegroup']=='new');
if (array_key_exists('hideheader', $param) && $param['hideheader']!='false' && !empty($param['hideheader'])) {
$this->_hideHeader = (array) array_merge($this->_hideHeader, split(',', $param['hideheader']));
$this->_maxH = 0;
// if new page set asked
if ($newPageSet) {
$this->_subHEADER = array();
$this->_subFOOTER = array();
// orientation
$orientation = '';
if (isset($param['orientation'])) {
$param['orientation'] = strtolower($param['orientation']);
if ($param['orientation']=='p') $orientation = 'P';
if ($param['orientation']=='portrait') $orientation = 'P';
if ($param['orientation']=='l') $orientation = 'L';
if ($param['orientation']=='paysage') $orientation = 'L';
if ($param['orientation']=='landscape') $orientation = 'L';
// format
$format = null;
if (isset($param['format'])) {
$format = strtolower($param['format']);
if (preg_match('/^([0-9]+)x([0-9]+)$/isU', $format, $match)) {
$format = array(intval($match[1]), intval($match[2]));
// background
$background = array();
if (isset($param['backimg'])) {
$background['img'] = isset($param['backimg']) ? $param['backimg'] : ''; // src of the image
$background['posX'] = isset($param['backimgx']) ? $param['backimgx'] : 'center'; // horizontale position of the image
$background['posY'] = isset($param['backimgy']) ? $param['backimgy'] : 'middle'; // vertical position of the image
$background['width'] = isset($param['backimgw']) ? $param['backimgw'] : '100%'; // width of the image (100% = page width)
// convert the src of the image, if parameters
$background['img'] = str_replace('&amp;', '&', $background['img']);
// convert the positions
if ($background['posX']=='left') $background['posX'] = '0%';
if ($background['posX']=='center') $background['posX'] = '50%';
if ($background['posX']=='right') $background['posX'] = '100%';
if ($background['posY']=='top') $background['posY'] = '0%';
if ($background['posY']=='middle') $background['posY'] = '50%';
if ($background['posY']=='bottom') $background['posY'] = '100%';
if ($background['img']) {
// get the size of the image
// WARNING : if URL, "allow_url_fopen" must turned to "on" in php.ini
if (count($infos)>1) {
$imageWidth = $this->parsingCss->ConvertToMM($background['width'], $this->pdf->getW());
$imageHeight = $imageWidth*$infos[1]/$infos[0];
$background['width'] = $imageWidth;
$background['posX'] = $this->parsingCss->ConvertToMM($background['posX'], $this->pdf->getW() - $imageWidth);
$background['posY'] = $this->parsingCss->ConvertToMM($background['posY'], $this->pdf->getH() - $imageHeight);
} else {
$background = array();
} else {
$background = array();
// margins of the page
$background['top'] = isset($param['backtop']) ? $param['backtop'] : '0';
$background['bottom'] = isset($param['backbottom']) ? $param['backbottom'] : '0';
$background['left'] = isset($param['backleft']) ? $param['backleft'] : '0';
$background['right'] = isset($param['backright']) ? $param['backright'] : '0';
// if no unit => mm
if (preg_match('/^([0-9]*)$/isU', $background['top'])) $background['top'] .= 'mm';
if (preg_match('/^([0-9]*)$/isU', $background['bottom'])) $background['bottom'] .= 'mm';
if (preg_match('/^([0-9]*)$/isU', $background['left'])) $background['left'] .= 'mm';
if (preg_match('/^([0-9]*)$/isU', $background['right'])) $background['right'] .= 'mm';
// convert to mm
$background['top'] = $this->parsingCss->ConvertToMM($background['top'], $this->pdf->getH());
$background['bottom'] = $this->parsingCss->ConvertToMM($background['bottom'], $this->pdf->getH());
$background['left'] = $this->parsingCss->ConvertToMM($background['left'], $this->pdf->getW());
$background['right'] = $this->parsingCss->ConvertToMM($background['right'], $this->pdf->getW());
// get the background color
$res = false;
$background['color'] = isset($param['backcolor']) ? $this->parsingCss->convertToColor($param['backcolor'], $res) : null;
if (!$res) $background['color'] = null;
$this->parsingCss->analyse('PAGE', $param);
// new page
$this->_setNewPage($format, $orientation, $background, null, $resetPageNumber);
// automatic footer
if (isset($param['footer'])) {
$lst = explode(';', $param['footer']);
foreach ($lst as $key => $val) $lst[$key] = trim(strtolower($val));
$page = in_array('page', $lst);
$date = in_array('date', $lst);
$hour = in_array('heure', $lst);
$form = in_array('form', $lst);
} else {
$page = null;
$date = null;
$hour = null;
$form = null;
$this->pdf->SetMyFooter($page, $date, $hour, $form);
// else => we use the last page set used
} else {
$this->parsingCss->analyse('PAGE', $param);
$this->_setNewPage(null, null, null, null, $resetPageNumber);
return true;
* tag : PAGE
* mode : CLOSE
* @param array $param
* @return boolean
protected function _tag_close_PAGE($param)
if ($this->_isForOneLine) return false;
$this->_maxH = 0;
if ($this->_debugActif) $this->_DEBUG_add('PAGE '.$this->_page, false);
return true;
* mode : OPEN
* @param array $param
* @return boolean
protected function _tag_open_PAGE_HEADER($param)
if ($this->_isForOneLine) return false;
$this->_subHEADER = array();
for ($this->_parsePos; $this->_parsePos<count($this->parsingHtml->code); $this->_parsePos++) {
$action = $this->parsingHtml->code[$this->_parsePos];
if ($action['name']=='page_header') $action['name']='page_header_sub';
$this->_subHEADER[] = $action;
if (strtolower($action['name'])=='page_header_sub' && $action['close']) break;
return true;
* mode : OPEN
* @param array $param
* @return boolean
protected function _tag_open_PAGE_FOOTER($param)
if ($this->_isForOneLine) return false;
$this->_subFOOTER = array();
for ($this->_parsePos; $this->_parsePos<count($this->parsingHtml->code); $this->_parsePos++) {
$action = $this->parsingHtml->code[$this->_parsePos];
if ($action['name']=='page_footer') $action['name']='page_footer_sub';
$this->_subFOOTER[] = $action;
if (strtolower($action['name'])=='page_footer_sub' && $action['close']) break;
return true;
* It is not a real tag. Does not use it directly
* @param array $param
* @return boolean
protected function _tag_open_PAGE_HEADER_SUB($param)
if ($this->_isForOneLine) return false;
// save the current stat
$this->_subSTATES = array();
$this->_subSTATES['x'] = $this->pdf->getX();
$this->_subSTATES['y'] = $this->pdf->getY();
$this->_subSTATES['s'] = $this->parsingCss->value;
$this->_subSTATES['t'] = $this->parsingCss->table;
$this->_subSTATES['ml'] = $this->_margeLeft;
$this->_subSTATES['mr'] = $this->_margeRight;
$this->_subSTATES['mt'] = $this->_margeTop;
$this->_subSTATES['mb'] = $this->_margeBottom;
$this->_subSTATES['mp'] = $this->_pageMarges;
// new stat for the header
$this->_pageMarges = array();
$this->_margeLeft = $this->_defaultLeft;
$this->_margeRight = $this->_defaultRight;
$this->_margeTop = $this->_defaultTop;
$this->_margeBottom = $this->_defaultBottom;
$this->pdf->SetMargins($this->_margeLeft, $this->_margeTop, $this->_margeRight);
$this->pdf->SetAutoPageBreak(false, $this->_margeBottom);
$this->pdf->setXY($this->_defaultLeft, $this->_defaultTop);
$this->parsingCss->value['width'] = $this->pdf->getW() - $this->_defaultLeft - $this->_defaultRight;
$this->parsingCss->table = array();
$this->parsingCss->analyse('page_header_sub', $param);
return true;
* It is not a real tag. Does not use it directly
* @param array $param
* @return boolean
protected function _tag_close_PAGE_HEADER_SUB($param)
if ($this->_isForOneLine) return false;
// restore the stat
$this->parsingCss->value = $this->_subSTATES['s'];
$this->parsingCss->table = $this->_subSTATES['t'];
$this->_pageMarges = $this->_subSTATES['mp'];
$this->_margeLeft = $this->_subSTATES['ml'];
$this->_margeRight = $this->_subSTATES['mr'];
$this->_margeTop = $this->_subSTATES['mt'];
$this->_margeBottom = $this->_subSTATES['mb'];
$this->pdf->SetMargins($this->_margeLeft, $this->_margeTop, $this->_margeRight);
$this->pdf->SetAutoPageBreak(false, $this->_margeBottom);
$this->pdf->setXY($this->_subSTATES['x'], $this->_subSTATES['y']);
$this->_maxH = 0;
return true;
* It is not a real tag. Does not use it directly
* @param array $param
* @return boolean
protected function _tag_open_PAGE_FOOTER_SUB($param)
if ($this->_isForOneLine) return false;
// save the current stat
$this->_subSTATES = array();
$this->_subSTATES['x'] = $this->pdf->getX();
$this->_subSTATES['y'] = $this->pdf->getY();
$this->_subSTATES['s'] = $this->parsingCss->value;
$this->_subSTATES['t'] = $this->parsingCss->table;
$this->_subSTATES['ml'] = $this->_margeLeft;
$this->_subSTATES['mr'] = $this->_margeRight;
$this->_subSTATES['mt'] = $this->_margeTop;
$this->_subSTATES['mb'] = $this->_margeBottom;
$this->_subSTATES['mp'] = $this->_pageMarges;
// new stat for the footer
$this->_pageMarges = array();
$this->_margeLeft = $this->_defaultLeft;
$this->_margeRight = $this->_defaultRight;
$this->_margeTop = $this->_defaultTop;
$this->_margeBottom = $this->_defaultBottom;
$this->pdf->SetMargins($this->_margeLeft, $this->_margeTop, $this->_margeRight);
$this->pdf->SetAutoPageBreak(false, $this->_margeBottom);
$this->pdf->setXY($this->_defaultLeft, $this->_defaultTop);
$this->parsingCss->value['width'] = $this->pdf->getW() - $this->_defaultLeft - $this->_defaultRight;
$this->parsingCss->table = array();
// we create a sub HTML2PFDF, and we execute on it the content of the footer, to get the height of it
$sub = null;
$sub->parsingHtml->code = $this->parsingHtml->getLevel($this->_parsePos);
$this->pdf->setY($this->pdf->getH() - $sub->_maxY - $this->_defaultBottom - 0.01);
$this->parsingCss->analyse('page_footer_sub', $param);
return true;
* It is not a real tag. Do not use it directly
* @param array $param
* @return boolean
protected function _tag_close_PAGE_FOOTER_SUB($param)
if ($this->_isForOneLine) return false;
$this->parsingCss->value = $this->_subSTATES['s'];
$this->parsingCss->table = $this->_subSTATES['t'];
$this->_pageMarges = $this->_subSTATES['mp'];
$this->_margeLeft = $this->_subSTATES['ml'];
$this->_margeRight = $this->_subSTATES['mr'];
$this->_margeTop = $this->_subSTATES['mt'];
$this->_margeBottom = $this->_subSTATES['mb'];
$this->pdf->SetMargins($this->_margeLeft, $this->_margeTop, $this->_margeRight);
$this->pdf->SetAutoPageBreak(false, $this->_margeBottom);
$this->pdf->setXY($this->_subSTATES['x'], $this->_subSTATES['y']);
$this->_maxH = 0;
return true;
* tag : NOBREAK
* mode : OPEN
* @param array $param
* @return boolean
protected function _tag_open_NOBREAK($param)
if ($this->_isForOneLine) return false;
$this->_maxH = 0;
// create a sub HTML2PDF to execute the content of the tag, to get the dimensions
$sub = null;
$sub->parsingHtml->code = $this->parsingHtml->getLevel($this->_parsePos);
$y = $this->pdf->getY();
// if the content does not fit on the page => new page
if (
$sub->_maxY < ($this->pdf->getH() - $this->pdf->gettMargin()-$this->pdf->getbMargin()) &&
$y + $sub->_maxY>=($this->pdf->getH() - $this->pdf->getbMargin())
) {
// destroy the sub HTML2PDF
return true;
* tag : NOBREAK
* mode : CLOSE
* @param array $param
* @return boolean
protected function _tag_close_NOBREAK($param)
if ($this->_isForOneLine) return false;
$this->_maxH = 0;
return true;
* tag : DIV
* mode : OPEN
* @param array $param
* @param string $other name of tag that used the div tag
* @return boolean
protected function _tag_open_DIV($param, $other = 'div')
if ($this->_isForOneLine) return false;
if ($this->_debugActif) $this->_DEBUG_add(strtoupper($other), true);
$this->parsingCss->analyse($other, $param);
// for fieldset and legend
if (in_array($other, array('fieldset', 'legend'))) {
if (isset($param['moveTop'])) $this->parsingCss->value['margin']['t'] += $param['moveTop'];
if (isset($param['moveLeft'])) $this->parsingCss->value['margin']['l'] += $param['moveLeft'];
if (isset($param['moveDown'])) $this->parsingCss->value['margin']['b'] += $param['moveDown'];
$alignObject = null;
if ($this->parsingCss->value['margin-auto']) $alignObject = 'center';
$marge = array();
$marge['l'] = $this->parsingCss->value['border']['l']['width'] + $this->parsingCss->value['padding']['l']+0.03;
$marge['r'] = $this->parsingCss->value['border']['r']['width'] + $this->parsingCss->value['padding']['r']+0.03;
$marge['t'] = $this->parsingCss->value['border']['t']['width'] + $this->parsingCss->value['padding']['t']+0.03;
$marge['b'] = $this->parsingCss->value['border']['b']['width'] + $this->parsingCss->value['padding']['b']+0.03;
// extract the content of the div
$level = $this->parsingHtml->getLevel($this->_parsePos);
// create a sub HTML2PDF to get the dimensions of the content of the div
$w = 0; $h = 0;
if (count($level)) {
$sub = null;
$sub->parsingHtml->code = $level;
$w = $sub->_maxX;
$h = $sub->_maxY;
$wReel = $w;
$hReel = $h;
$w+= $marge['l']+$marge['r']+0.001;
$h+= $marge['t']+$marge['b']+0.001;
if ($this->parsingCss->value['overflow']=='hidden') {
$overW = max($w, $this->parsingCss->value['width']);
$overH = max($h, $this->parsingCss->value['height']);
$overflow = true;
$this->parsingCss->value['old_maxX'] = $this->_maxX;
$this->parsingCss->value['old_maxY'] = $this->_maxY;
$this->parsingCss->value['old_maxH'] = $this->_maxH;
$this->parsingCss->value['old_overflow'] = $this->_isInOverflow;
$this->_isInOverflow = true;
} else {
$overW = null;
$overH = null;
$overflow = false;
$this->parsingCss->value['width'] = max($w, $this->parsingCss->value['width']);
$this->parsingCss->value['height'] = max($h, $this->parsingCss->value['height']);
case 90:
$tmp = $overH; $overH = $overW; $overW = $tmp;
$tmp = $hReel; $hReel = $wReel; $wReel = $tmp;
$w = $this->parsingCss->value['height'];
$h = $this->parsingCss->value['width'];
$tX =-$h;
$tY = 0;
case 180:
$w = $this->parsingCss->value['width'];
$h = $this->parsingCss->value['height'];
$tX = -$w;
$tY = -$h;
case 270:
$tmp = $overH; $overH = $overW; $overW = $tmp;
$tmp = $hReel; $hReel = $wReel; $wReel = $tmp;
$w = $this->parsingCss->value['height'];
$h = $this->parsingCss->value['width'];
$tX = 0;
$tY =-$w;
$w = $this->parsingCss->value['width'];
$h = $this->parsingCss->value['height'];
$tX = 0;
$tY = 0;
if (!$this->parsingCss->value['position']) {
if (
$w < ($this->pdf->getW() - $this->pdf->getlMargin()-$this->pdf->getrMargin()) &&
$this->pdf->getX() + $w>=($this->pdf->getW() - $this->pdf->getrMargin())
if (
($h < ($this->pdf->getH() - $this->pdf->gettMargin()-$this->pdf->getbMargin())) &&
($this->pdf->getY() + $h>=($this->pdf->getH() - $this->pdf->getbMargin())) &&
$old = $this->parsingCss->getOldValues();
$parentWidth = $old['width'] ? $old['width'] : $this->pdf->getW() - $this->pdf->getlMargin() - $this->pdf->getrMargin();
if ($parentWidth>$w) {
if ($alignObject=='center') $this->pdf->setX($this->pdf->getX() + ($parentWidth-$w)*0.5);
else if ($alignObject=='right') $this->pdf->setX($this->pdf->getX() + $parentWidth-$w);
} else {
$old = $this->parsingCss->getOldValues();
$parentWidth = $old['width'] ? $old['width'] : $this->pdf->getW() - $this->pdf->getlMargin() - $this->pdf->getrMargin();
if ($parentWidth>$w) {
if ($alignObject=='center') $this->pdf->setX($this->pdf->getX() + ($parentWidth-$w)*0.5);
else if ($alignObject=='right') $this->pdf->setX($this->pdf->getX() + $parentWidth-$w);
$this->_maxX = 0;
$this->_maxY = 0;
$this->_maxH = 0;
$this->_maxE = 0;
if ($this->parsingCss->value['rotate']) {
$this->pdf->setTranslate($tX, $tY);
$marge = array();
$marge['l'] = $this->parsingCss->value['border']['l']['width'] + $this->parsingCss->value['padding']['l']+0.03;
$marge['r'] = $this->parsingCss->value['border']['r']['width'] + $this->parsingCss->value['padding']['r']+0.03;
$marge['t'] = $this->parsingCss->value['border']['t']['width'] + $this->parsingCss->value['padding']['t']+0.03;
$marge['b'] = $this->parsingCss->value['border']['b']['width'] + $this->parsingCss->value['padding']['b']+0.03;
$this->parsingCss->value['width'] -= $marge['l']+$marge['r'];
$this->parsingCss->value['height']-= $marge['t']+$marge['b'];
$xCorr = 0;
$yCorr = 0;
if (!$this->_subPart && !$this->_isSubPart) {
case 'right':
$xCorr = ($this->parsingCss->value['width']-$wReel);
case 'center':
$xCorr = ($this->parsingCss->value['width']-$wReel)*0.5;
if ($xCorr>0) $xCorr=0;
case 'bottom':
$yCorr = ($this->parsingCss->value['height']-$hReel);
case 'middle':
$yCorr = ($this->parsingCss->value['height']-$hReel)*0.5;
if ($overflow) {
$overW-= $marge['l']+$marge['r'];
$overH-= $marge['t']+$marge['b'];
$this->parsingCss->value['x']+= $xCorr;
// marges from the dimension of the content
$mL = $this->parsingCss->value['x']+$marge['l'];
$mR = $this->pdf->getW() - $mL - $overW;
} else {
// marges from the dimension of the div
$mL = $this->parsingCss->value['x']+$marge['l'];
$mR = $this->pdf->getW() - $mL - $this->parsingCss->value['width'];
$x = $this->parsingCss->value['x']+$marge['l'];
$y = $this->parsingCss->value['y']+$marge['t']+$yCorr;
$this->_saveMargin($mL, 0, $mR);
$this->pdf->setXY($x, $y);
return true;
* mode : OPEN
* @param array $param
* @return boolean
protected function _tag_open_BLOCKQUOTE($param)
return $this->_tag_open_DIV($param, 'blockquote');
* tag : LEGEND
* mode : OPEN
* @param array $param
* @return boolean
protected function _tag_open_LEGEND($param)
return $this->_tag_open_DIV($param, 'legend');
* tag : FIELDSET
* mode : OPEN
* @author Pavel Kochman
* @param array $param
* @return boolean
protected function _tag_open_FIELDSET($param)
$this->parsingCss->analyse('fieldset', $param);
// get height of LEGEND element and make fieldset corrections
for ($tempPos = $this->_parsePos + 1; $tempPos<count($this->parsingHtml->code); $tempPos++) {
$action = $this->parsingHtml->code[$tempPos];
if ($action['name'] == 'fieldset') break;
if ($action['name'] == 'legend' && !$action['close']) {
$legendOpenPos = $tempPos;
$sub = null;
$sub->parsingHtml->code = $this->parsingHtml->getLevel($tempPos - 1);
$res = null;
for ($sub->_parsePos = 0; $sub->_parsePos<count($sub->parsingHtml->code); $sub->_parsePos++) {
$action = $sub->parsingHtml->code[$sub->_parsePos];
if ($action['name'] == 'legend' && $action['close'])
$legendH = $sub->_maxY;
$move = $this->parsingCss->value['padding']['t'] + $this->parsingCss->value['border']['t']['width'] + 0.03;
$param['moveTop'] = $legendH / 2;
$this->parsingHtml->code[$legendOpenPos]['param']['moveTop'] = - ($legendH / 2 + $move);
$this->parsingHtml->code[$legendOpenPos]['param']['moveLeft'] = 2 - $this->parsingCss->value['border']['l']['width'] - $this->parsingCss->value['padding']['l'];
$this->parsingHtml->code[$legendOpenPos]['param']['moveDown'] = $move;
return $this->_tag_open_DIV($param, 'fieldset');
* tag : DIV
* mode : CLOSE
* @param array $param
* @param string $other name of tag that used the div tag
* @return boolean
protected function _tag_close_DIV($param, $other='div')
if ($this->_isForOneLine) return false;
if ($this->parsingCss->value['overflow']=='hidden') {
$this->_maxX = $this->parsingCss->value['old_maxX'];
$this->_maxY = $this->parsingCss->value['old_maxY'];
$this->_maxH = $this->parsingCss->value['old_maxH'];
$this->_isInOverflow = $this->parsingCss->value['old_overflow'];
if ($this->parsingCss->value['rotate'])
$marge = array();
$marge['l'] = $this->parsingCss->value['border']['l']['width'] + $this->parsingCss->value['padding']['l']+0.03;
$marge['r'] = $this->parsingCss->value['border']['r']['width'] + $this->parsingCss->value['padding']['r']+0.03;
$marge['t'] = $this->parsingCss->value['border']['t']['width'] + $this->parsingCss->value['padding']['t']+0.03;
$marge['b'] = $this->parsingCss->value['border']['b']['width'] + $this->parsingCss->value['padding']['b']+0.03;
$x = $this->parsingCss->value['x'];
$y = $this->parsingCss->value['y'];
$w = $this->parsingCss->value['width']+$marge['l']+$marge['r']+$this->parsingCss->value['margin']['r'];
$h = $this->parsingCss->value['height']+$marge['t']+$marge['b']+$this->parsingCss->value['margin']['b'];
case 90:
$t = $w; $w = $h; $h = $t;
case 270:
$t = $w; $w = $h; $h = $t;
if ($this->parsingCss->value['position']!='absolute') {
$this->pdf->setXY($x+$w, $y);
$this->_maxX = max($this->_maxX, $x+$w);
$this->_maxY = max($this->_maxY, $y+$h);
$this->_maxH = max($this->_maxH, $h);
} else {
$this->pdf->setXY($this->parsingCss->value['xc'], $this->parsingCss->value['yc']);
$block = ($this->parsingCss->value['display']!='inline' && $this->parsingCss->value['position']!='absolute');
if ($block) $this->_tag_open_BR(array());
if ($this->_debugActif) $this->_DEBUG_add(strtoupper($other), false);
return true;
* mode : CLOSE
* @param array $param
* @return boolean
protected function _tag_close_BLOCKQUOTE($param)
return $this->_tag_close_DIV($param, 'blockquote');
* tag : FIELDSET
* mode : CLOSE
* @param array $param
* @return boolean
protected function _tag_close_FIELDSET($param)
return $this->_tag_close_DIV($param, 'fieldset');
* tag : LEGEND
* mode : CLOSE
* @param array $param
* @return boolean
protected function _tag_close_LEGEND($param)
return $this->_tag_close_DIV($param, 'legend');
* tag : BARCODE
* mode : OPEN
* @param array $param
* @return boolean
protected function _tag_open_BARCODE($param)
// for compatibility with old versions < 3.29
$lstBarcode = array();
$lstBarcode['UPC_A'] = 'UPCA';
$lstBarcode['CODE39'] = 'C39';
if (!isset($param['type'])) $param['type'] = 'C39';
if (!isset($param['value'])) $param['value'] = 0;
if (!isset($param['label'])) $param['label'] = 'label';
if (!isset($param['style']['color'])) $param['style']['color'] = '#000000';
if ($this->_testIsDeprecated && (isset($param['bar_h']) || isset($param['bar_w'])))
throw new HTML2PDF_exception(9, array('BARCODE', 'bar_h, bar_w'));
$param['type'] = strtoupper($param['type']);
if (isset($lstBarcode[$param['type']])) $param['type'] = $lstBarcode[$param['type']];
$this->parsingCss->analyse('barcode', $param);
$x = $this->pdf->getX();
$y = $this->pdf->getY();
$w = $this->parsingCss->value['width']; if (!$w) $w = $this->parsingCss->ConvertToMM('50mm');
$h = $this->parsingCss->value['height']; if (!$h) $h = $this->parsingCss->ConvertToMM('10mm');
$txt = ($param['label']!=='none' ? $this->parsingCss->value['font-size'] : false);
$c = $this->parsingCss->value['color'];
$infos = $this->pdf->myBarcode($param['value'], $param['type'], $x, $y, $w, $h, $txt, $c);
$this->_maxX = max($this->_maxX, $x+$infos[0]);
$this->_maxY = max($this->_maxY, $y+$infos[1]);
$this->_maxH = max($this->_maxH, $infos[1]);
$this->pdf->setXY($x+$infos[0], $y);
return true;
* tag : BARCODE
* mode : CLOSE
* @param array $param
* @return boolean
protected function _tag_close_BARCODE($param)
// there is nothing to do here
return true;
* tag : QRCODE
* mode : OPEN
* @param array $param
* @return boolean
protected function _tag_open_QRCODE($param)
if ($this->_testIsDeprecated && (isset($param['size']) || isset($param['noborder'])))
throw new HTML2PDF_exception(9, array('QRCODE', 'size, noborder'));
if ($this->_debugActif) $this->_DEBUG_add('QRCODE');
if (!isset($param['value'])) $param['value'] = '';
if (!isset($param['ec'])) $param['ec'] = 'H';
if (!isset($param['style']['color'])) $param['style']['color'] = '#000000';
if (!isset($param['style']['background-color'])) $param['style']['background-color'] = '#FFFFFF';
if (isset($param['style']['border'])) {
$borders = $param['style']['border']!='none';
} else {
$borders = true;
if ($param['value']==='') return true;
if (!in_array($param['ec'], array('L', 'M', 'Q', 'H'))) $param['ec'] = 'H';
$this->parsingCss->analyse('qrcode', $param);
$x = $this->pdf->getX();
$y = $this->pdf->getY();
$w = $this->parsingCss->value['width'];
$h = $this->parsingCss->value['height'];
$size = max($w, $h); if (!$size) $size = $this->parsingCss->ConvertToMM('50mm');
$style = array(
'fgcolor' => $this->parsingCss->value['color'],
'bgcolor' => $this->parsingCss->value['background']['color'],
if ($borders) {
$style['border'] = true;
$style['padding'] = 'auto';
} else {
$style['border'] = false;
$style['padding'] = 0;
if (!$this->_subPart && !$this->_isSubPart) {
$this->pdf->write2DBarcode($param['value'], 'QRCODE,'.$param['ec'], $x, $y, $size, $size, $style);
$this->_maxX = max($this->_maxX, $x+$size);
$this->_maxY = max($this->_maxY, $y+$size);
$this->_maxH = max($this->_maxH, $size);
return true;
* tag : QRCODE
* mode : CLOSE
* @param array $param
* @return boolean
protected function _tag_close_QRCODE($param)
// there is nothing to do here
return true;
* tag : BOOKMARK
* mode : OPEN
* @param array $param
* @return boolean
protected function _tag_open_BOOKMARK($param)
$titre = isset($param['title']) ? trim($param['title']) : '';
$level = isset($param['level']) ? floor($param['level']) : 0;
if ($level<0) $level = 0;
if ($titre) $this->pdf->Bookmark($titre, $level, -1);
return true;
* tag : BOOKMARK
* mode : CLOSE
* @param array $param
* @return boolean
protected function _tag_close_BOOKMARK($param)
// there is nothing to do here
return true;
* this is not a real TAG, it is just to write texts
* @param array $param
* @return boolean
protected function _tag_open_WRITE($param)
$fill = ($this->parsingCss->value['background']['color']!==null && $this->parsingCss->value['background']['image']===null);
if (in_array($this->parsingCss->value['id_tag'], array('fieldset', 'legend', 'div', 'table', 'tr', 'td', 'th'))) {
$fill = false;
// get the text to write
$txt = $param['txt'];
if ($this->_isAfterFloat) {
$txt = ltrim($txt);
$this->_isAfterFloat = false;
$txt = str_replace('[[page_nb]]', $this->pdf->getMyAliasNbPages(), $txt);
$txt = str_replace('[[page_cu]]', $this->pdf->getMyNumPage($this->_page), $txt);
if ($this->parsingCss->value['text-transform']!='none') {
if ($this->parsingCss->value['text-transform']=='capitalize')
$txt = mb_convert_case($txt, MB_CASE_TITLE, $this->_encoding);
else if ($this->parsingCss->value['text-transform']=='uppercase')
$txt = mb_convert_case($txt, MB_CASE_UPPER, $this->_encoding);
else if ($this->parsingCss->value['text-transform']=='lowercase')
$txt = mb_convert_case($txt, MB_CASE_LOWER, $this->_encoding);
// size of the text
$h = 1.08*$this->parsingCss->value['font-size'];
$dh = $h*$this->parsingCss->value['mini-decal'];
$lh = $this->parsingCss->getLineHeight();
// identify the align
$align = 'L';
if ($this->parsingCss->value['text-align']=='li_right') {
$w = $this->parsingCss->value['width'];
$align = 'R';
// calculate the width of each words, and of all the sentence
$w = 0;
$words = explode(' ', $txt);
foreach ($words as $k => $word) {
$words[$k] = array($word, $this->pdf->GetStringWidth($word));
$w+= $words[$k][1];
$space = $this->pdf->GetStringWidth(' ');
$w+= $space*(count($words)-1);
// position in the text
$currPos = 0;
// the bigger width of the text, after automatic break line
$maxX = 0;
// position of the text
$x = $this->pdf->getX();
$y = $this->pdf->getY();
$dy = $this->_getElementY($lh);
// margins
list($left, $right) = $this->_getMargins($y);
// number of lines after automatic break line
$nb = 0;
// while we have words, and the text does not fit on the line => we cut the sentence
while ($x+$w>$right && $x<$right+$space && count($words)) {
// adding words 1 by 1 to fit on the line
$old = array('', 0);
$str = $words[0];
$add = false;
while (($x+$str[1])<$right) {
$add = true;
$old = $str;
if (!count($words)) break;
$str[0].= ' '.$words[0][0];
$str[1]+= $space+$words[0][1];
$str = $old;
// if nothing fits on the line, and if the first word does not fit on the line => the word is too long, we put it
if ($i==0 && (($left+$words[0][1])>=$right)) {
$str = $words[0];
$add = true;
$currPos+= ($currPos ? 1 : 0)+strlen($str[0]);
// write the extract sentence that fit on the page
$wc = ($align=='L' ? $str[1] : $this->parsingCss->value['width']);
if ($right - $left<$wc) $wc = $right - $left;
if (strlen($str[0])) {
$this->pdf->setXY($this->pdf->getX(), $y+$dh+$dy);
$this->pdf->Cell($wc, $h, $str[0], 0, 0, $align, $fill, $this->_isInLink);
$this->pdf->setXY($this->pdf->getX(), $y);
$this->_maxH = max($this->_maxH, $lh);
// max width
$maxX = max($maxX, $this->pdf->getX());
// new position and new width for the "while"
$w-= $str[1];
$y = $this->pdf->getY();
$x = $this->pdf->getX();
$dy = $this->_getElementY($lh);
// if we have again words to write
if (count($words)) {
// remove the space at the end
if ($add) $w-= $space;
// if we don't add any word, and if the first word is empty => useless space to skip
if (!$add && $words[0][0]==='') {
// if it is just to calculate for one line => adding the number of words
if ($this->_isForOneLine) {
$this->_maxE+= $i;
$this->_maxX = max($this->_maxX, $maxX);
return null;
// automatic line break
$this->_tag_open_BR(array('style' => ''), $currPos);
// new position
$y = $this->pdf->getY();
$x = $this->pdf->getX();
$dy = $this->_getElementY($lh);
// if the next line does not fit on the page => new page
if ($y + $h>=$this->pdf->getH() - $this->pdf->getbMargin()) {
if (!$this->_isInOverflow && !$this->_isInFooter) {
$this->_setNewPage(null, '', null, $currPos);
$y = $this->pdf->getY();
$x = $this->pdf->getX();
$dy = $this->_getElementY($lh);
// if more than 10000 line => error
if ($nb>10000) {
$txt = ''; foreach ($words as $k => $word) $txt.= ($k ? ' ' : '').$word[0];
throw new HTML2PDF_exception(2, array($txt, $right-$left, $w));
// new margins for the new line
list($left, $right) = $this->_getMargins($y);
// if we have words after automatic cut, it is because they fit on the line => we write the text
if (count($words)) {
$txt = ''; foreach ($words as $k => $word) $txt.= ($k ? ' ' : '').$word[0];
$w+= $this->pdf->getWordSpacing()*(count($words));
$this->pdf->setXY($this->pdf->getX(), $y+$dh+$dy);
$this->pdf->Cell(($align=='L' ? $w : $this->parsingCss->value['width']), $h, $txt, 0, 0, $align, $fill, $this->_isInLink);
$this->pdf->setXY($this->pdf->getX(), $y);
$this->_maxH = max($this->_maxH, $lh);
$this->_maxE+= count($words);
$maxX = max($maxX, $this->pdf->getX());
$maxY = $this->pdf->getY()+$h;
$this->_maxX = max($this->_maxX, $maxX);
$this->_maxY = max($this->_maxY, $maxY);
return true;
* tag : BR
* mode : OPEN
* @param array $param
* @param integer $curr real position in the html parseur (if break line in the write of a text)
* @return boolean
protected function _tag_open_BR($param, $curr = null)
if ($this->_isForOneLine) return false;
$h = max($this->_maxH, $this->parsingCss->getLineHeight());
if ($this->_maxH==0) $this->_maxY = max($this->_maxY, $this->pdf->getY()+$h);
$this->_makeBreakLine($h, $curr);
$this->_maxH = 0;
$this->_maxE = 0;
return true;
* tag : HR
* mode : OPEN
* @param array $param
* @return boolean
protected function _tag_open_HR($param)
if ($this->_isForOneLine) return false;
$oldAlign = $this->parsingCss->value['text-align'];
$this->parsingCss->value['text-align'] = 'left';
if ($this->_maxH) $this->_tag_open_BR($param);
$fontSize = $this->parsingCss->value['font-size'];
$param['style']['width'] = '100%';
$this->parsingCss->analyse('hr', $param);
$h = $this->parsingCss->value['height'];
if ($h) $h-= $this->parsingCss->value['border']['t']['width']+$this->parsingCss->value['border']['b']['width'];
if ($h<=0) $h = $this->parsingCss->value['border']['t']['width']+$this->parsingCss->value['border']['b']['width'];
$this->_drawRectangle($this->pdf->getX(), $this->pdf->getY(), $this->parsingCss->value['width'], $h, $this->parsingCss->value['border'], 0, 0, $this->parsingCss->value['background']);
$this->_maxH = $h;
$this->parsingCss->value['font-size'] = 0;
$this->parsingCss->value['font-size']=$fontSize*0.5; $this->_tag_open_BR($param);
$this->parsingCss->value['text-align'] = $oldAlign;
return true;
* tag : B
* mode : OPEN
* @param array $param
* @param string $other
* @return boolean
protected function _tag_open_B($param, $other = 'b')
$this->parsingCss->value['font-bold'] = true;
$this->parsingCss->analyse($other, $param);
return true;
* tag : STRONG
* mode : OPEN
* @param array $param
* @return boolean
protected function _tag_open_STRONG($param)
return $this->_tag_open_B($param, 'strong');
* tag : B
* mode : CLOSE
* @param array $param
* @return boolean
protected function _tag_close_B($param)
return true;
* tag : STRONG
* mode : CLOSE
* @param array $param
* @return boolean
protected function _tag_close_STRONG($param)
return $this->_tag_close_B($param);
* tag : I
* mode : OPEN
* @param array $param
* @param string $other
* @return boolean
protected function _tag_open_I($param, $other = 'i')
$this->parsingCss->value['font-italic'] = true;
$this->parsingCss->analyse($other, $param);
return true;
* tag : ADDRESS
* mode : OPEN
* @param array $param
* @return boolean
protected function _tag_open_ADDRESS($param)
return $this->_tag_open_I($param, 'address');
* tag : CITE
* mode : OPEN
* @param array $param
* @return boolean
protected function _tag_open_CITE($param)
return $this->_tag_open_I($param, 'cite');
* tag : EM
* mode : OPEN
* @param array $param
* @return boolean
protected function _tag_open_EM($param)
return $this->_tag_open_I($param, 'em');
* tag : SAMP
* mode : OPEN
* @param array $param
* @return boolean
protected function _tag_open_SAMP($param)
return $this->_tag_open_I($param, 'samp');
* tag : I
* mode : CLOSE
* @param array $param
* @return boolean
protected function _tag_close_I($param)
return true;
* tag : ADDRESS
* mode : CLOSE
* @param array $param
* @return boolean
protected function _tag_close_ADDRESS($param)
return $this->_tag_close_I($param);
* tag : CITE
* mode : CLOSE
* @param array $param
* @return boolean
protected function _tag_close_CITE($param)
return $this->_tag_close_I($param);
* tag : EM
* mode : CLOSE
* @param array $param
* @return boolean
protected function _tag_close_EM($param)
return $this->_tag_close_I($param);
* tag : SAMP
* mode : CLOSE
* @param array $param
* @return boolean
protected function _tag_close_SAMP($param)
return $this->_tag_close_I($param);
* tag : S
* mode : OPEN
* @param array $param
* @param string $other
* @return boolean
protected function _tag_open_S($param, $other = 's')
$this->parsingCss->value['font-linethrough'] = true;
$this->parsingCss->analyse($other, $param);
return true;
* tag : DEL
* mode : OPEN
* @param array $param
* @return boolean
protected function _tag_open_DEL($param)
return $this->_tag_open_S($param, 'del');
* tag : S
* mode : CLOSE
* @param array $param
* @return boolean
protected function _tag_close_S($param)
return true;
* tag : DEL
* mode : CLOSE
* @param array $param
* @return boolean
protected function _tag_close_DEL($param)
return $this->_tag_close_S($param);
* tag : U
* mode : OPEN
* @param array $param
* @param string $other
* @return boolean
protected function _tag_open_U($param, $other='u')
$this->parsingCss->value['font-underline'] = true;
$this->parsingCss->analyse($other, $param);
return true;
* tag : INS
* mode : OPEN
* @param array $param
* @return boolean
protected function _tag_open_INS($param)
return $this->_tag_open_U($param, 'ins');
* tag : U
* mode : CLOSE
* @param array $param
* @return boolean
protected function _tag_close_U($param)
return true;
* tag : INS
* mode : CLOSE
* @param array $param
* @return boolean
protected function _tag_close_INS($param)
return $this->_tag_close_U($param);
* tag : A
* mode : OPEN
* @param array $param
* @return boolean
protected function _tag_open_A($param)
$this->_isInLink = str_replace('&amp;', '&', isset($param['href']) ? $param['href'] : '');
if (isset($param['name'])) {
$name = $param['name'];
if (!isset($this->_lstAnchor[$name])) $this->_lstAnchor[$name] = array($this->pdf->AddLink(), false);
if (!$this->_lstAnchor[$name][1]) {
$this->_lstAnchor[$name][1] = true;
$this->pdf->SetLink($this->_lstAnchor[$name][0], -1, -1);
if (preg_match('/^#([^#]+)$/isU', $this->_isInLink, $match)) {
$name = $match[1];
if (!isset($this->_lstAnchor[$name])) $this->_lstAnchor[$name] = array($this->pdf->AddLink(), false);
$this->_isInLink = $this->_lstAnchor[$name][0];
$this->parsingCss->value['font-underline'] = true;
$this->parsingCss->value['color'] = array(20, 20, 250);
$this->parsingCss->analyse('a', $param);
return true;
* tag : A
* mode : CLOSE
* @param array $param
* @return boolean
protected function _tag_close_A($param)
$this->_isInLink = '';
return true;
* tag : H1
* mode : OPEN
* @param array $param
* @param string $other
* @return boolean
protected function _tag_open_H1($param, $other = 'h1')
if ($this->_isForOneLine) return false;
if ($this->_maxH) $this->_tag_open_BR(array());
$this->parsingCss->value['font-bold'] = true;
$size = array('h1' => '28px', 'h2' => '24px', 'h3' => '20px', 'h4' => '16px', 'h5' => '12px', 'h6' => '9px');
$this->parsingCss->value['margin']['l'] = 0;
$this->parsingCss->value['margin']['r'] = 0;
$this->parsingCss->value['margin']['t'] = $this->parsingCss->ConvertToMM('16px');
$this->parsingCss->value['margin']['b'] = $this->parsingCss->ConvertToMM('16px');
$this->parsingCss->value['font-size'] = $this->parsingCss->ConvertToMM($size[$other]);
$this->parsingCss->analyse($other, $param);
return true;
* tag : H2
* mode : OPEN
* @param array $param
* @return boolean
protected function _tag_open_H2($param)
return $this->_tag_open_H1($param, 'h2');
* tag : H3
* mode : OPEN
* @param array $param
* @return boolean
protected function _tag_open_H3($param)
return $this->_tag_open_H1($param, 'h3');
* tag : H4
* mode : OPEN
* @param array $param
* @return boolean
protected function _tag_open_H4($param)
return $this->_tag_open_H1($param, 'h4');
* tag : H5
* mode : OPEN
* @param array $param
* @return boolean
protected function _tag_open_H5($param)
return $this->_tag_open_H1($param, 'h5');
* tag : H6
* mode : OPEN
* @param array $param
* @return boolean
protected function _tag_open_H6($param)
return $this->_tag_open_H1($param, 'h6');
* tag : H1
* mode : CLOSE
* @param array $param
* @return boolean
protected function _tag_close_H1($param)
if ($this->_isForOneLine) return false;
$this->_maxH+= $this->parsingCss->value['margin']['b'];
$h = max($this->_maxH, $this->parsingCss->getLineHeight());
$this->_maxH = 0;
$this->_maxY = max($this->_maxY, $this->pdf->getY());
return true;
* tag : H2
* mode : CLOSE
* @param array $param
* @return boolean
protected function _tag_close_H2($param)
return $this->_tag_close_H1($param);
* tag : H3
* mode : CLOSE
* @param array $param
* @return boolean
protected function _tag_close_H3($param)
return $this->_tag_close_H1($param);
* tag : H4
* mode : CLOSE
* @param array $param
* @return boolean
protected function _tag_close_H4($param)
return $this->_tag_close_H1($param);
* tag : H5
* mode : CLOSE
* @param array $param
* @return boolean
protected function _tag_close_H5($param)
return $this->_tag_close_H1($param);
* tag : H6
* mode : CLOSE
* @param array $param
* @return boolean
protected function _tag_close_H6($param)
return $this->_tag_close_H1($param);
* tag : SPAN
* mode : OPEN
* @param array $param
* @param string $other
* @return boolean
protected function _tag_open_SPAN($param, $other = 'span')
$this->parsingCss->analyse($other, $param);
return true;
* tag : FONT
* mode : OPEN
* @param array $param
* @return boolean
protected function _tag_open_FONT($param)
return $this->_tag_open_SPAN($param, 'font');
* tag : LABEL
* mode : OPEN
* @param array $param
* @return boolean
protected function _tag_open_LABEL($param)
return $this->_tag_open_SPAN($param, 'label');
* tag : SPAN
* mode : CLOSE
* @param array $param
* @return boolean
protected function _tag_close_SPAN($param)
return true;
* tag : FONT
* mode : CLOSE
* @param array $param
* @return boolean
protected function _tag_close_FONT($param)
return $this->_tag_close_SPAN($param);
* tag : LABEL
* mode : CLOSE
* @param array $param
* @return boolean
protected function _tag_close_LABEL($param)
return $this->_tag_close_SPAN($param);
* tag : P
* mode : OPEN
* @param array $param
* @return boolean
protected function _tag_open_P($param)
if ($this->_isForOneLine) return false;
if (!in_array($this->_previousCall, array('_tag_close_P', '_tag_close_UL'))) {
if ($this->_maxH) $this->_tag_open_BR(array());
$this->parsingCss->analyse('p', $param);
// cancel the effects of the setPosition
$this->pdf->setXY($this->pdf->getX()-$this->parsingCss->value['margin']['l'], $this->pdf->getY()-$this->parsingCss->value['margin']['t']);
list($mL, $mR) = $this->_getMargins($this->pdf->getY());
$mR = $this->pdf->getW()-$mR;
$mL+= $this->parsingCss->value['margin']['l']+$this->parsingCss->value['padding']['l'];
$mR+= $this->parsingCss->value['margin']['r']+$this->parsingCss->value['padding']['r'];
$this->_saveMargin($mL, 0, $mR);
if ($this->parsingCss->value['text-indent']>0) {
$y = $this->pdf->getY()+$this->parsingCss->value['margin']['t']+$this->parsingCss->value['padding']['t'];
$this->_pageMarges[floor($y*100)] = array($mL+$this->parsingCss->value['text-indent'], $this->pdf->getW()-$mR);
$y+= $this->parsingCss->getLineHeight()*0.1;
$this->_pageMarges[floor($y*100)] = array($mL, $this->pdf->getW()-$mR);
$this->_isInParagraph = array($mL, $mR);
return true;
* tag : P
* mode : CLOSE
* @param array $param
* @return boolean
protected function _tag_close_P($param)
if ($this->_isForOneLine) return false;
if ($this->_maxH) $this->_tag_open_BR(array());
$this->_isInParagraph = false;
$h = $this->parsingCss->value['margin']['b']+$this->parsingCss->value['padding']['b'];
return true;
* tag : PRE
* mode : OPEN
* @param array $param
* @param string $other
* @return boolean
protected function _tag_open_PRE($param, $other = 'pre')
if ($other=='pre' && $this->_maxH) $this->_tag_open_BR(array());
$this->parsingCss->value['font-family'] = 'courier';
$this->parsingCss->analyse($other, $param);
if ($other=='pre') return $this->_tag_open_DIV($param, $other);
return true;
* tag : CODE
* mode : OPEN
* @param array $param
* @return boolean
protected function _tag_open_CODE($param)
return $this->_tag_open_PRE($param, 'code');
* tag : PRE
* mode : CLOSE
* @param array $param
* @param string $other
* @return boolean
protected function _tag_close_PRE($param, $other = 'pre')
if ($other=='pre') {
if ($this->_isForOneLine) return false;
$this->_tag_close_DIV($param, $other);
return true;
* tag : CODE
* mode : CLOSE
* @param array $param
* @return boolean
protected function _tag_close_CODE($param)
return $this->_tag_close_PRE($param, 'code');
* tag : BIG
* mode : OPEN
* @param array $param
* @return boolean
protected function _tag_open_BIG($param)
$this->parsingCss->value['mini-decal']-= $this->parsingCss->value['mini-size']*0.12;
$this->parsingCss->value['mini-size'] *= 1.2;
$this->parsingCss->analyse('big', $param);
return true;
* tag : BIG
* mode : CLOSE
* @param array $param
* @return boolean
protected function _tag_close_BIG($param)
return true;
* tag : SMALL
* mode : OPEN
* @param array $param
* @return boolean
protected function _tag_open_SMALL($param)
$this->parsingCss->value['mini-decal']+= $this->parsingCss->value['mini-size']*0.05;
$this->parsingCss->value['mini-size'] *= 0.82;
$this->parsingCss->analyse('small', $param);
return true;
* tag : SMALL
* mode : CLOSE
* @param array $param
* @return boolean
protected function _tag_close_SMALL($param)
return true;
* tag : SUP
* mode : OPEN
* @param array $param
* @return boolean
protected function _tag_open_SUP($param)
$this->parsingCss->value['mini-decal']-= $this->parsingCss->value['mini-size']*0.15;
$this->parsingCss->value['mini-size'] *= 0.75;
$this->parsingCss->analyse('sup', $param);
return true;
* tag : SUP
* mode : CLOSE
* @param array $param
* @return boolean
protected function _tag_close_SUP($param)
return true;
* tag : SUB
* mode : OPEN
* @param array $param
* @return boolean
protected function _tag_open_SUB($param)
$this->parsingCss->value['mini-decal']+= $this->parsingCss->value['mini-size']*0.15;
$this->parsingCss->value['mini-size'] *= 0.75;
$this->parsingCss->analyse('sub', $param);
return true;
* tag : SUB
* mode : CLOSE
* @param array $param
* @return boolean
protected function _tag_close_SUB($param)
return true;
* tag : UL
* mode : OPEN
* @param array $param
* @param string $other
* @return boolean
protected function _tag_open_UL($param, $other = 'ul')
if ($this->_isForOneLine) return false;
if (!in_array($this->_previousCall, array('_tag_close_P', '_tag_close_UL'))) {
if ($this->_maxH) $this->_tag_open_BR(array());
if (!count($this->_defList)) $this->_tag_open_BR(array());
if (!isset($param['style']['width'])) $param['allwidth'] = true;
$param['cellspacing'] = 0;
// a list is like a table
$this->_tag_open_TABLE($param, $other);
// add a level of list
$start = (isset($this->parsingCss->value['start']) ? $this->parsingCss->value['start'] : null);
$this->_listeAddLevel($other, $this->parsingCss->value['list-style-type'], $this->parsingCss->value['list-style-image'], $start);
return true;
* tag : OL
* mode : OPEN
* @param array $param
* @return boolean
protected function _tag_open_OL($param)
return $this->_tag_open_UL($param, 'ol');
* tag : UL
* mode : CLOSE
* @param array $param
* @return boolean
protected function _tag_close_UL($param)
if ($this->_isForOneLine) return false;
if (!$this->_subPart) {
if (!count($this->_defList)) $this->_tag_open_BR(array());
return true;
* tag : OL
* mode : CLOSE
* @param array $param
* @return boolean
protected function _tag_close_OL($param)
return $this->_tag_close_UL($param);
* tag : LI
* mode : OPEN
* @param array $param
* @return boolean
protected function _tag_open_LI($param)
if ($this->_isForOneLine) return false;
if (!isset($param['style']['width'])) $param['style']['width'] = '100%';
$paramPUCE = $param;
$inf = $this->_listeGetLi();
if ($inf[0]) {
$paramPUCE['style']['font-family'] = $inf[0];
$paramPUCE['style']['text-align'] = 'li_right';
$paramPUCE['style']['vertical-align'] = 'top';
$paramPUCE['style']['width'] = $this->_listeGetWidth();
$paramPUCE['style']['padding-right'] = $this->_listeGetPadding();
$paramPUCE['txt'] = $inf[2];
} else {
$paramPUCE['style']['text-align'] = 'li_right';
$paramPUCE['style']['vertical-align'] = 'top';
$paramPUCE['style']['width'] = $this->_listeGetWidth();
$paramPUCE['style']['padding-right'] = $this->_listeGetPadding();
$paramPUCE['src'] = $inf[2];
$paramPUCE['sub_li'] = true;
$this->_tag_open_TR($param, 'li');
// if small LI
if ($inf[1]) {
$this->parsingCss->value['mini-decal']+= $this->parsingCss->value['mini-size']*0.045;
$this->parsingCss->value['mini-size'] *= 0.75;
// if we are in a sub html => prepare. Else : display
if ($this->_subPart) {
// TD for the puce
$tmpPos = $this->_tempPos;
$tmpLst1 = $this->parsingHtml->code[$tmpPos+1];
$tmpLst2 = $this->parsingHtml->code[$tmpPos+2];
$this->parsingHtml->code[$tmpPos+1] = array();
$this->parsingHtml->code[$tmpPos+1]['name'] = (isset($paramPUCE['src'])) ? 'img' : 'write';
$this->parsingHtml->code[$tmpPos+1]['param'] = $paramPUCE; unset($this->parsingHtml->code[$tmpPos+1]['param']['style']['width']);
$this->parsingHtml->code[$tmpPos+1]['close'] = 0;
$this->parsingHtml->code[$tmpPos+2] = array();
$this->parsingHtml->code[$tmpPos+2]['name'] = 'li';
$this->parsingHtml->code[$tmpPos+2]['param'] = $paramPUCE;
$this->parsingHtml->code[$tmpPos+2]['close'] = 1;
$this->_tag_open_TD($paramPUCE, 'li_sub');
$this->_tempPos = $tmpPos;
$this->parsingHtml->code[$tmpPos+1] = $tmpLst1;
$this->parsingHtml->code[$tmpPos+2] = $tmpLst2;
} else {
// TD for the puce
$this->_tag_open_TD($paramPUCE, 'li_sub');
if (isset($paramPUCE['src'])) $this->_tag_open_IMG($paramPUCE);
else $this->_tag_open_WRITE($paramPUCE);
// TD for the content
$this->_tag_open_TD($param, 'li');
return true;
* tag : LI
* mode : CLOSE
* @param array $param
* @return boolean
protected function _tag_close_LI($param)
if ($this->_isForOneLine) return false;
return true;
* tag : TBODY
* mode : OPEN
* @param array $param
* @return boolean
protected function _tag_open_TBODY($param)
if ($this->_isForOneLine) return false;
$this->parsingCss->analyse('tbody', $param);
return true;
* tag : TBODY
* mode : CLOSE
* @param array $param
* @return boolean
protected function _tag_close_TBODY($param)
if ($this->_isForOneLine) return false;
return true;
* tag : THEAD
* mode : OPEN
* @param array $param
* @return boolean
protected function _tag_open_THEAD($param)
if ($this->_isForOneLine) return false;
$this->parsingCss->analyse('thead', $param);
// if we are in a sub part, save the number of the first TR in the thead
if ($this->_subPart) {
HTML2PDF::$_tables[$param['num']]['thead']['tr'][0] = HTML2PDF::$_tables[$param['num']]['tr_curr'];
HTML2PDF::$_tables[$param['num']]['thead']['code'] = array();
for ($pos=$this->_tempPos; $pos<count($this->parsingHtml->code); $pos++) {
$action = $this->parsingHtml->code[$pos];
if (strtolower($action['name'])=='thead') $action['name'] = 'thead_sub';
HTML2PDF::$_tables[$param['num']]['thead']['code'][] = $action;
if (strtolower($action['name'])=='thead_sub' && $action['close']) break;
} else {
$level = $this->parsingHtml->getLevel($this->_parsePos);
$this->_parsePos+= count($level);
HTML2PDF::$_tables[$param['num']]['tr_curr']+= count(HTML2PDF::$_tables[$param['num']]['thead']['tr']);
return true;
* tag : THEAD
* mode : CLOSE
* @param array $param
* @return boolean
protected function _tag_close_THEAD($param)
if ($this->_isForOneLine) return false;
// if we are in a sub HTM, construct the list of the TR in the thead
if ($this->_subPart) {
$min = HTML2PDF::$_tables[$param['num']]['thead']['tr'][0];
$max = HTML2PDF::$_tables[$param['num']]['tr_curr']-1;
HTML2PDF::$_tables[$param['num']]['thead']['tr'] = range($min, $max);
return true;
* tag : TFOOT
* mode : OPEN
* @param array $param
* @return boolean
protected function _tag_open_TFOOT($param)
if ($this->_isForOneLine) return false;
$this->parsingCss->analyse('tfoot', $param);
// if we are in a sub part, save the number of the first TR in the tfoot
if ($this->_subPart) {
HTML2PDF::$_tables[$param['num']]['tfoot']['tr'][0] = HTML2PDF::$_tables[$param['num']]['tr_curr'];
HTML2PDF::$_tables[$param['num']]['tfoot']['code'] = array();
for ($pos=$this->_tempPos; $pos<count($this->parsingHtml->code); $pos++) {
$action = $this->parsingHtml->code[$pos];
if (strtolower($action['name'])=='tfoot') $action['name'] = 'tfoot_sub';
HTML2PDF::$_tables[$param['num']]['tfoot']['code'][] = $action;
if (strtolower($action['name'])=='tfoot_sub' && $action['close']) break;
} else {
$level = $this->parsingHtml->getLevel($this->_parsePos);
$this->_parsePos+= count($level);
HTML2PDF::$_tables[$param['num']]['tr_curr']+= count(HTML2PDF::$_tables[$param['num']]['tfoot']['tr']);
return true;
* tag : TFOOT
* mode : CLOSE
* @param array $param
* @return boolean
protected function _tag_close_TFOOT($param)
if ($this->_isForOneLine) return false;
// if we are in a sub HTM, construct the list of the TR in the tfoot
if ($this->_subPart) {
$min = HTML2PDF::$_tables[$param['num']]['tfoot']['tr'][0];
$max = HTML2PDF::$_tables[$param['num']]['tr_curr']-1;
HTML2PDF::$_tables[$param['num']]['tfoot']['tr'] = range($min, $max);
return true;
* It is not a real TAG, do not use it !
* @param array $param
* @return boolean
protected function _tag_open_THEAD_SUB($param)
if ($this->_isForOneLine) return false;
$this->parsingCss->analyse('thead', $param);
return true;
* It is not a real TAG, do not use it !
* @param array $param
* @return boolean
protected function _tag_close_THEAD_SUB($param)
if ($this->_isForOneLine) return false;
return true;
* It is not a real TAG, do not use it !
* @param array $param
* @return boolean
protected function _tag_open_TFOOT_SUB($param)
if ($this->_isForOneLine) return false;
$this->parsingCss->analyse('tfoot', $param);
return true;
* It is not a real TAG, do not use it !
* @param array $param
* @return boolean
protected function _tag_close_TFOOT_SUB($param)
if ($this->_isForOneLine) return false;
return true;
* tag : FORM
* mode : OPEN
* @param array $param
* @return boolean
protected function _tag_open_FORM($param)
$this->parsingCss->analyse('form', $param);
'fillColor'=>array(220, 220, 255),
'strokeColor'=>array(128, 128, 200)
$this->_isInForm = isset($param['action']) ? $param['action'] : '';
return true;
* tag : FORM
* mode : CLOSE
* @param array $param
* @return boolean
protected function _tag_close_FORM($param)
$this->_isInForm = false;
return true;
* tag : TABLE
* mode : OPEN
* @param array $param
* @return boolean
protected function _tag_open_TABLE($param, $other = 'table')
if ($this->_maxH) {
if ($this->_isForOneLine) return false;
if ($this->_isForOneLine) {
$this->_maxX = $this->pdf->getW() - $this->pdf->getlMargin() - $this->pdf->getrMargin();
return false;
$this->_maxH = 0;
$alignObject = isset($param['align']) ? strtolower($param['align']) : 'left';
if (isset($param['align'])) unset($param['align']);
if (!in_array($alignObject, array('left', 'center', 'right'))) $alignObject = 'left';
$this->parsingCss->analyse($other, $param);
if ($this->parsingCss->value['margin-auto']) $alignObject = 'center';
// collapse table ?
$collapse = false;
if ($other=='table') {
$collapse = isset($this->parsingCss->value['border']['collapse']) ? $this->parsingCss->value['border']['collapse'] : false;
// if collapse => no borders for the table, only for TD
if ($collapse) {
$param['style']['border'] = 'none';
$param['cellspacing'] = 0;
$none = $this->parsingCss->readBorder('none');
$this->parsingCss->value['border']['t'] = $none;
$this->parsingCss->value['border']['r'] = $none;
$this->parsingCss->value['border']['b'] = $none;
$this->parsingCss->value['border']['l'] = $none;
// if we are in a SUB html => prepare the properties of the table
if ($this->_subPart) {
if ($this->_debugActif) $this->_DEBUG_add('Table n'.$param['num'], true);
HTML2PDF::$_tables[$param['num']] = array();
HTML2PDF::$_tables[$param['num']]['border'] = isset($param['border']) ? $this->parsingCss->readBorder($param['border']) : null;
HTML2PDF::$_tables[$param['num']]['cellpadding'] = $this->parsingCss->ConvertToMM(isset($param['cellpadding']) ? $param['cellpadding'] : '1px');
HTML2PDF::$_tables[$param['num']]['cellspacing'] = $this->parsingCss->ConvertToMM(isset($param['cellspacing']) ? $param['cellspacing'] : '2px');
HTML2PDF::$_tables[$param['num']]['cases'] = array(); // properties of each TR/TD
HTML2PDF::$_tables[$param['num']]['corr'] = array(); // link between TR/TD and colspan/rowspan
HTML2PDF::$_tables[$param['num']]['corr_x'] = 0; // position in 'cases'
HTML2PDF::$_tables[$param['num']]['corr_y'] = 0; // position in 'cases'
HTML2PDF::$_tables[$param['num']]['td_curr'] = 0; // current column
HTML2PDF::$_tables[$param['num']]['tr_curr'] = 0; // current row
HTML2PDF::$_tables[$param['num']]['curr_x'] = $this->pdf->getX();
HTML2PDF::$_tables[$param['num']]['curr_y'] = $this->pdf->getY();
HTML2PDF::$_tables[$param['num']]['width'] = 0; // global width
HTML2PDF::$_tables[$param['num']]['height'] = 0; // global height
HTML2PDF::$_tables[$param['num']]['align'] = $alignObject;
HTML2PDF::$_tables[$param['num']]['marge'] = array();
HTML2PDF::$_tables[$param['num']]['marge']['t'] = $this->parsingCss->value['padding']['t']+$this->parsingCss->value['border']['t']['width']+HTML2PDF::$_tables[$param['num']]['cellspacing']*0.5;
HTML2PDF::$_tables[$param['num']]['marge']['r'] = $this->parsingCss->value['padding']['r']+$this->parsingCss->value['border']['r']['width']+HTML2PDF::$_tables[$param['num']]['cellspacing']*0.5;
HTML2PDF::$_tables[$param['num']]['marge']['b'] = $this->parsingCss->value['padding']['b']+$this->parsingCss->value['border']['b']['width']+HTML2PDF::$_tables[$param['num']]['cellspacing']*0.5;
HTML2PDF::$_tables[$param['num']]['marge']['l'] = $this->parsingCss->value['padding']['l']+$this->parsingCss->value['border']['l']['width']+HTML2PDF::$_tables[$param['num']]['cellspacing']*0.5;
HTML2PDF::$_tables[$param['num']]['page'] = 0; // number of pages
HTML2PDF::$_tables[$param['num']]['new_page'] = true; // flag : new page for the current TR
HTML2PDF::$_tables[$param['num']]['style_value'] = null; // CSS style of the table
HTML2PDF::$_tables[$param['num']]['thead'] = array(); // properties on the thead
HTML2PDF::$_tables[$param['num']]['tfoot'] = array(); // properties on the tfoot
HTML2PDF::$_tables[$param['num']]['thead']['tr'] = array(); // list of the TRs in the thead
HTML2PDF::$_tables[$param['num']]['tfoot']['tr'] = array(); // list of the TRs in the tfoot
HTML2PDF::$_tables[$param['num']]['thead']['height'] = 0; // thead height
HTML2PDF::$_tables[$param['num']]['tfoot']['height'] = 0; // tfoot height
HTML2PDF::$_tables[$param['num']]['thead']['code'] = array(); // HTML content of the thead
HTML2PDF::$_tables[$param['num']]['tfoot']['code'] = array(); // HTML content of the tfoot
HTML2PDF::$_tables[$param['num']]['cols'] = array(); // properties of the COLs
$this->_saveMargin($this->pdf->getlMargin(), $this->pdf->gettMargin(), $this->pdf->getrMargin());
$this->parsingCss->value['width']-= HTML2PDF::$_tables[$param['num']]['marge']['l'] + HTML2PDF::$_tables[$param['num']]['marge']['r'];
} else {
// we start from the first page and the first page of the table
HTML2PDF::$_tables[$param['num']]['page'] = 0;
HTML2PDF::$_tables[$param['num']]['td_curr'] = 0;
HTML2PDF::$_tables[$param['num']]['tr_curr'] = 0;
HTML2PDF::$_tables[$param['num']]['td_x'] = HTML2PDF::$_tables[$param['num']]['marge']['l']+HTML2PDF::$_tables[$param['num']]['curr_x'];
HTML2PDF::$_tables[$param['num']]['td_y'] = HTML2PDF::$_tables[$param['num']]['marge']['t']+HTML2PDF::$_tables[$param['num']]['curr_y'];
// draw the borders/background of the first page/part of the table
isset(HTML2PDF::$_tables[$param['num']]['height'][0]) ? HTML2PDF::$_tables[$param['num']]['height'][0] : null,
HTML2PDF::$_tables[$param['num']]['style_value'] = $this->parsingCss->value;
return true;
* tag : TABLE
* mode : CLOSE
* @param array $param
* @return boolean
protected function _tag_close_TABLE($param)
if ($this->_isForOneLine) return false;
$this->_maxH = 0;
// if we are in a sub HTML
if ($this->_subPart) {
// calculate the size of each case
$this->_calculateTableCellSize(HTML2PDF::$_tables[$param['num']]['cases'], HTML2PDF::$_tables[$param['num']]['corr']);
// calculate the height of the thead and the tfoot
$lst = array('thead', 'tfoot');
foreach ($lst as $mode) {
HTML2PDF::$_tables[$param['num']][$mode]['height'] = 0;
foreach (HTML2PDF::$_tables[$param['num']][$mode]['tr'] as $tr) {
// hauteur de la ligne tr
$h = 0;
for ($i=0; $i<count(HTML2PDF::$_tables[$param['num']]['cases'][$tr]); $i++)
if (HTML2PDF::$_tables[$param['num']]['cases'][$tr][$i]['rowspan']==1)
$h = max($h, HTML2PDF::$_tables[$param['num']]['cases'][$tr][$i]['h']);
HTML2PDF::$_tables[$param['num']][$mode]['height']+= $h;
// calculate the width of the table
HTML2PDF::$_tables[$param['num']]['width'] = HTML2PDF::$_tables[$param['num']]['marge']['l'] + HTML2PDF::$_tables[$param['num']]['marge']['r'];
if (isset(HTML2PDF::$_tables[$param['num']]['cases'][0])) {
foreach (HTML2PDF::$_tables[$param['num']]['cases'][0] as $case) {
HTML2PDF::$_tables[$param['num']]['width']+= $case['w'];
// X position of the table
$old = $this->parsingCss->getOldValues();
$parentWidth = $old['width'] ? $old['width'] : $this->pdf->getW() - $this->pdf->getlMargin() - $this->pdf->getrMargin();
$x = HTML2PDF::$_tables[$param['num']]['curr_x'];
$w = HTML2PDF::$_tables[$param['num']]['width'];
if ($parentWidth>$w) {
if (HTML2PDF::$_tables[$param['num']]['align']=='center')
$x = $x + ($parentWidth-$w)*0.5;
else if (HTML2PDF::$_tables[$param['num']]['align']=='right')
$x = $x + $parentWidth-$w;
HTML2PDF::$_tables[$param['num']]['curr_x'] = $x;
// calculate the height of the table
HTML2PDF::$_tables[$param['num']]['height'] = array();
// minimum of the height because of margins, and of the thead and tfoot height
$h0 = HTML2PDF::$_tables[$param['num']]['marge']['t'] + HTML2PDF::$_tables[$param['num']]['marge']['b'];
$h0+= HTML2PDF::$_tables[$param['num']]['thead']['height'] + HTML2PDF::$_tables[$param['num']]['tfoot']['height'];
// max height of the page
$max = $this->pdf->getH() - $this->pdf->getbMargin();
// current position on the page
$y = HTML2PDF::$_tables[$param['num']]['curr_y'];
$height = $h0;
// we get the height of each line
for ($k=0; $k<count(HTML2PDF::$_tables[$param['num']]['cases']); $k++) {
// if it is a TR of the thead or of the tfoot => skip
if (in_array($k, HTML2PDF::$_tables[$param['num']]['thead']['tr'])) continue;
if (in_array($k, HTML2PDF::$_tables[$param['num']]['tfoot']['tr'])) continue;
// height of the line
$th = 0;
$h = 0;
for ($i=0; $i<count(HTML2PDF::$_tables[$param['num']]['cases'][$k]); $i++) {
$h = max($h, HTML2PDF::$_tables[$param['num']]['cases'][$k][$i]['h']);
if (HTML2PDF::$_tables[$param['num']]['cases'][$k][$i]['rowspan']==1)
$th = max($th, HTML2PDF::$_tables[$param['num']]['cases'][$k][$i]['h']);
// if the row does not fit on the page => new page
if ($y+$h+$height>$max) {
if ($height==$h0) $height = null;
HTML2PDF::$_tables[$param['num']]['height'][] = $height;
$height = $h0;
$y = $this->_margeTop;
$height+= $th;
// if ther is a height at the end, add it
if ($height!=$h0 || $k==0) HTML2PDF::$_tables[$param['num']]['height'][] = $height;
} else {
// if we have tfoor, draw it
if (count(HTML2PDF::$_tables[$param['num']]['tfoot']['code'])) {
$tmpTR = HTML2PDF::$_tables[$param['num']]['tr_curr'];
$tmpTD = HTML2PDF::$_tables[$param['num']]['td_curr'];
$oldParsePos = $this->_parsePos;
$oldParseCode = $this->parsingHtml->code;
HTML2PDF::$_tables[$param['num']]['tr_curr'] = HTML2PDF::$_tables[$param['num']]['tfoot']['tr'][0];
HTML2PDF::$_tables[$param['num']]['td_curr'] = 0;
$this->_parsePos = 0;
$this->parsingHtml->code = HTML2PDF::$_tables[$param['num']]['tfoot']['code'];
$this->_isInTfoot = true;
$this->_isInTfoot = false;
$this->_parsePos = $oldParsePos;
$this->parsingHtml->code = $oldParseCode;
HTML2PDF::$_tables[$param['num']]['tr_curr'] = $tmpTR;
HTML2PDF::$_tables[$param['num']]['td_curr'] = $tmpTD;
// get the positions of the end of the table
$x = HTML2PDF::$_tables[$param['num']]['curr_x'] + HTML2PDF::$_tables[$param['num']]['width'];
if (count(HTML2PDF::$_tables[$param['num']]['height'])>1)
$y = $this->_margeTop+HTML2PDF::$_tables[$param['num']]['height'][count(HTML2PDF::$_tables[$param['num']]['height'])-1];
else if (count(HTML2PDF::$_tables[$param['num']]['height'])==1)
$y = HTML2PDF::$_tables[$param['num']]['curr_y']+HTML2PDF::$_tables[$param['num']]['height'][count(HTML2PDF::$_tables[$param['num']]['height'])-1];
$y = HTML2PDF::$_tables[$param['num']]['curr_y'];
$this->_maxX = max($this->_maxX, $x);
$this->_maxY = max($this->_maxY, $y);
$this->pdf->setXY($this->pdf->getlMargin(), $y);
if ($this->_debugActif) $this->_DEBUG_add('Table '.$param['num'], false);
return true;
* tag : COL
* mode : OPEN
* @param array $param
* @return boolean
protected function _tag_open_COL($param)
$span = isset($param['span']) ? $param['span'] : 1;
for ($k=0; $k<$span; $k++)
HTML2PDF::$_tables[$param['num']]['cols'][] = $param;
* tag : COL
* mode : CLOSE
* @param array $param
* @return boolean
protected function _tag_close_COL($param)
// there is nothing to do here
return true;
* tag : TR
* mode : OPEN
* @param array $param
* @return boolean
protected function _tag_open_TR($param, $other = 'tr')
if ($this->_isForOneLine) return false;
$this->_maxH = 0;
$this->parsingCss->analyse($other, $param);
// position in the table
HTML2PDF::$_tables[$param['num']]['td_curr']= 0;
// if we are not in a sub html
if (!$this->_subPart) {
// Y after the row
for ($ii=0; $ii<count(HTML2PDF::$_tables[$param['num']]['cases'][HTML2PDF::$_tables[$param['num']]['tr_curr']-1]); $ii++) {
$ty = max($ty, HTML2PDF::$_tables[$param['num']]['cases'][HTML2PDF::$_tables[$param['num']]['tr_curr']-1][$ii]['h']);
// height of the tfoot
$hfoot = HTML2PDF::$_tables[$param['num']]['tfoot']['height'];
// if the line does not fit on the page => new page
if (!$this->_isInTfoot && HTML2PDF::$_tables[$param['num']]['td_y'] + HTML2PDF::$_tables[$param['num']]['marge']['b'] + $ty +$hfoot> $this->pdf->getH() - $this->pdf->getbMargin()) {
// fi ther is a tfoot => draw it
if (count(HTML2PDF::$_tables[$param['num']]['tfoot']['code'])) {
$tmpTR = HTML2PDF::$_tables[$param['num']]['tr_curr'];
$tmpTD = HTML2PDF::$_tables[$param['num']]['td_curr'];
$oldParsePos = $this->_parsePos;
$oldParseCode = $this->parsingHtml->code;
HTML2PDF::$_tables[$param['num']]['tr_curr'] = HTML2PDF::$_tables[$param['num']]['tfoot']['tr'][0];
HTML2PDF::$_tables[$param['num']]['td_curr'] = 0;
$this->_parsePos = 0;
$this->parsingHtml->code = HTML2PDF::$_tables[$param['num']]['tfoot']['code'];
$this->_isInTfoot = true;
$this->_isInTfoot = false;
$this->_parsePos = $oldParsePos;
$this->parsingHtml->code = $oldParseCode;
HTML2PDF::$_tables[$param['num']]['tr_curr'] = $tmpTR;
HTML2PDF::$_tables[$param['num']]['td_curr'] = $tmpTD;
// new page
HTML2PDF::$_tables[$param['num']]['new_page'] = true;
// new position
HTML2PDF::$_tables[$param['num']]['curr_y'] = $this->pdf->getY();
HTML2PDF::$_tables[$param['num']]['td_y'] = HTML2PDF::$_tables[$param['num']]['curr_y']+HTML2PDF::$_tables[$param['num']]['marge']['t'];
// if we have the height of the tbale on the page => draw borders and background
if (isset(HTML2PDF::$_tables[$param['num']]['height'][HTML2PDF::$_tables[$param['num']]['page']])) {
$old = $this->parsingCss->value;
$this->parsingCss->value = HTML2PDF::$_tables[$param['num']]['style_value'];
$this->parsingCss->value = $old;
// if we are in a new page, and if we have a thead => draw it
if (HTML2PDF::$_tables[$param['num']]['new_page'] && count(HTML2PDF::$_tables[$param['num']]['thead']['code'])) {
HTML2PDF::$_tables[$param['num']]['new_page'] = false;
$tmpTR = HTML2PDF::$_tables[$param['num']]['tr_curr'];
$tmpTD = HTML2PDF::$_tables[$param['num']]['td_curr'];
$oldParsePos = $this->_parsePos;
$oldParseCode = $this->parsingHtml->code;
HTML2PDF::$_tables[$param['num']]['tr_curr'] = HTML2PDF::$_tables[$param['num']]['thead']['tr'][0];
HTML2PDF::$_tables[$param['num']]['td_curr'] = 0;
$this->_parsePos = 0;
$this->parsingHtml->code = HTML2PDF::$_tables[$param['num']]['thead']['code'];
$this->_isInThead = true;
$this->_isInThead = false;
$this->_parsePos = $oldParsePos;
$this->parsingHtml->code = $oldParseCode;
HTML2PDF::$_tables[$param['num']]['tr_curr'] = $tmpTR;
HTML2PDF::$_tables[$param['num']]['td_curr'] = $tmpTD;
HTML2PDF::$_tables[$param['num']]['new_page'] = true;
// else (in a sub HTML)
} else {
// prepare it
HTML2PDF::$_tables[$param['num']]['cases'][HTML2PDF::$_tables[$param['num']]['tr_curr']-1] = array();
if (!isset(HTML2PDF::$_tables[$param['num']]['corr'][HTML2PDF::$_tables[$param['num']]['corr_y']]))
HTML2PDF::$_tables[$param['num']]['corr'][HTML2PDF::$_tables[$param['num']]['corr_y']] = array();
return true;
* tag : TR
* mode : CLOSE
* @param array $param
* @return boolean
protected function _tag_close_TR($param)
if ($this->_isForOneLine) return false;
$this->_maxH = 0;
// if we are not in a sub HTML
if (!$this->_subPart) {
// Y of the current line
for ($ii=0; $ii<count(HTML2PDF::$_tables[$param['num']]['cases'][HTML2PDF::$_tables[$param['num']]['tr_curr']-1]); $ii++) {
if (HTML2PDF::$_tables[$param['num']]['cases'][HTML2PDF::$_tables[$param['num']]['tr_curr']-1][$ii]['rowspan']==1) {
$ty = HTML2PDF::$_tables[$param['num']]['cases'][HTML2PDF::$_tables[$param['num']]['tr_curr']-1][$ii]['h'];
// new position
HTML2PDF::$_tables[$param['num']]['td_x'] = HTML2PDF::$_tables[$param['num']]['curr_x']+HTML2PDF::$_tables[$param['num']]['marge']['l'];
HTML2PDF::$_tables[$param['num']]['td_y']+= $ty;
HTML2PDF::$_tables[$param['num']]['new_page'] = false;
} else {
return true;
* tag : TD
* mode : OPEN
* @param array $param
* @param string $other
* @return boolean
* @throws HTML2PDF_exception
protected function _tag_open_TD($param, $other = 'td')
if ($this->_isForOneLine) return false;
$this->_maxH = 0;
$param['cellpadding'] = HTML2PDF::$_tables[$param['num']]['cellpadding'].'mm';
$param['cellspacing'] = HTML2PDF::$_tables[$param['num']]['cellspacing'].'mm';
// specific style for LI
if ($other=='li') {
$specialLi = true;
} else {
$specialLi = false;
if ($other=='li_sub') {
$param['style']['border'] = 'none';
$param['style']['background-color'] = 'transparent';
$param['style']['background-image'] = 'none';
$param['style']['background-position'] = '';
$param['style']['background-repeat'] = '';
$other = 'li';
// get the properties of the TD
$x = HTML2PDF::$_tables[$param['num']]['td_curr'];
$y = HTML2PDF::$_tables[$param['num']]['tr_curr']-1;
$colspan = isset($param['colspan']) ? $param['colspan'] : 1;
$rowspan = isset($param['rowspan']) ? $param['rowspan'] : 1;
// flag for collapse table
$collapse = false;
// specific treatment for TD and TH
if (in_array($other, array('td', 'th'))) {
// id of the column
$numCol = isset(HTML2PDF::$_tables[$param['num']]['cases'][$y][$x]['Xr']) ? HTML2PDF::$_tables[$param['num']]['cases'][$y][$x]['Xr'] : HTML2PDF::$_tables[$param['num']]['corr_x'];
// we get the properties of the COL tag, if exist
if (isset(HTML2PDF::$_tables[$param['num']]['cols'][$numCol])) {
$colParam = HTML2PDF::$_tables[$param['num']]['cols'][$numCol];
// for colspans => we get all the needed widths
$colParam['style']['width'] = array();
for ($k=0; $k<$colspan; $k++) {
if (isset(HTML2PDF::$_tables[$param['num']]['cols'][$numCol+$k]['style']['width'])) {
$colParam['style']['width'][] = HTML2PDF::$_tables[$param['num']]['cols'][$numCol+$k]['style']['width'];
// calculate the total width of the column
$total = '';
$last = $this->parsingCss->getLastWidth();
if (count($colParam['style']['width'])) {
$total = $colParam['style']['width'][0]; unset($colParam['style']['width'][0]);
foreach ($colParam['style']['width'] as $width) {
if (substr($total, -1)=='%' && substr($width, -1)=='%')
$total = (str_replace('%', '', $total)+str_replace('%', '', $width)).'%';
$total = ($this->parsingCss->ConvertToMM($total, $last) + $this->parsingCss->ConvertToMM($width, $last)).'mm';
// get the final width
if ($total) {
$colParam['style']['width'] = $total;
} else {
// merge the styles of the COL and the TD
$param['style'] = array_merge($colParam['style'], $param['style']);
// merge the class of the COL and the TD
if (isset($colParam['class'])) {
$param['class'] = $colParam['class'].(isset($param['class']) ? ' '.$param['class'] : '');
$collapse = isset($this->parsingCss->value['border']['collapse']) ? $this->parsingCss->value['border']['collapse'] : false;
// legacy for TD and TH
$legacy = null;
if (in_array($other, array('td', 'th'))) {
$legacy = array();
$old = $this->parsingCss->getLastValue('background');
if ($old && ($old['color'] || $old['image']))
$legacy['background'] = $old;
if (HTML2PDF::$_tables[$param['num']]['border']) {
$legacy['border'] = array();
$legacy['border']['l'] = HTML2PDF::$_tables[$param['num']]['border'];
$legacy['border']['t'] = HTML2PDF::$_tables[$param['num']]['border'];
$legacy['border']['r'] = HTML2PDF::$_tables[$param['num']]['border'];
$legacy['border']['b'] = HTML2PDF::$_tables[$param['num']]['border'];
$return = $this->parsingCss->analyse($other, $param, $legacy);
if ($specialLi) {
$this->parsingCss->value['width']-= $this->parsingCss->ConvertToMM($this->_listeGetWidth());
$this->parsingCss->value['width']-= $this->parsingCss->ConvertToMM($this->_listeGetPadding());
// if table collapse => modify the borders
if ($collapse) {
if (!$this->_subPart) {
if (
(HTML2PDF::$_tables[$param['num']]['tr_curr']>1 && !HTML2PDF::$_tables[$param['num']]['new_page']) ||
(!$this->_isInThead && count(HTML2PDF::$_tables[$param['num']]['thead']['code']))
) {
$this->parsingCss->value['border']['t'] = $this->parsingCss->readBorder('none');
if (HTML2PDF::$_tables[$param['num']]['td_curr']>0) {
if (!$return) $this->parsingCss->value['width']+= $this->parsingCss->value['border']['l']['width'];
$this->parsingCss->value['border']['l'] = $this->parsingCss->readBorder('none');
// margins of the table
$marge = array();
$marge['t'] = $this->parsingCss->value['padding']['t']+0.5*HTML2PDF::$_tables[$param['num']]['cellspacing']+$this->parsingCss->value['border']['t']['width'];
$marge['r'] = $this->parsingCss->value['padding']['r']+0.5*HTML2PDF::$_tables[$param['num']]['cellspacing']+$this->parsingCss->value['border']['r']['width'];
$marge['b'] = $this->parsingCss->value['padding']['b']+0.5*HTML2PDF::$_tables[$param['num']]['cellspacing']+$this->parsingCss->value['border']['b']['width'];
$marge['l'] = $this->parsingCss->value['padding']['l']+0.5*HTML2PDF::$_tables[$param['num']]['cellspacing']+$this->parsingCss->value['border']['l']['width'];
// if we are in a sub HTML
if ($this->_subPart) {
// new position in the table
HTML2PDF::$_tables[$param['num']]['cases'][$y][$x] = array();
HTML2PDF::$_tables[$param['num']]['cases'][$y][$x]['w'] = 0;
HTML2PDF::$_tables[$param['num']]['cases'][$y][$x]['h'] = 0;
HTML2PDF::$_tables[$param['num']]['cases'][$y][$x]['dw'] = 0;
HTML2PDF::$_tables[$param['num']]['cases'][$y][$x]['colspan'] = $colspan;
HTML2PDF::$_tables[$param['num']]['cases'][$y][$x]['rowspan'] = $rowspan;
HTML2PDF::$_tables[$param['num']]['cases'][$y][$x]['Xr'] = HTML2PDF::$_tables[$param['num']]['corr_x'];
HTML2PDF::$_tables[$param['num']]['cases'][$y][$x]['Yr'] = HTML2PDF::$_tables[$param['num']]['corr_y'];
// prepare the mapping for rowspan and colspan
for ($j=0; $j<$rowspan; $j++) {
for ($i=0; $i<$colspan; $i++) {
[HTML2PDF::$_tables[$param['num']]['corr_x']+$i] = ($i+$j>0) ? '' : array($x,$y,$colspan,$rowspan);
HTML2PDF::$_tables[$param['num']]['corr_x']+= $colspan;
while (isset(HTML2PDF::$_tables[$param['num']]['corr'][HTML2PDF::$_tables[$param['num']]['corr_y']][HTML2PDF::$_tables[$param['num']]['corr_x']])) {
// extract the content of the TD, and calculate his size
$level = $this->parsingHtml->getLevel($this->_tempPos);
$this->_subHtml->parsingHtml->code = $level;
$this->_tempPos+= count($level);
} else {
// new position in the table
HTML2PDF::$_tables[$param['num']]['td_x']+= HTML2PDF::$_tables[$param['num']]['cases'][$y][$x]['dw'];
// borders and background of the TD
$this->parsingCss->value['width'] = HTML2PDF::$_tables[$param['num']]['cases'][$y][$x]['w'] - $marge['l'] - $marge['r'];
// marges = size of the TD
$mL = HTML2PDF::$_tables[$param['num']]['td_x']+$marge['l'];
$mR = $this->pdf->getW() - $mL - $this->parsingCss->value['width'];
$this->_saveMargin($mL, 0, $mR);
// position of the content, from vertical-align
$hCorr = HTML2PDF::$_tables[$param['num']]['cases'][$y][$x]['h'];
$hReel = HTML2PDF::$_tables[$param['num']]['cases'][$y][$x]['real_h'];
case 'bottom':
$yCorr = $hCorr-$hReel;
case 'middle':
$yCorr = ($hCorr-$hReel)*0.5;
case 'top':
$yCorr = 0;
// position of the content
$x = HTML2PDF::$_tables[$param['num']]['td_x']+$marge['l'];
$y = HTML2PDF::$_tables[$param['num']]['td_y']+$marge['t']+$yCorr;
$this->pdf->setXY($x, $y);
return true;
* tag : TD
* mode : CLOSE
* @param array $param
* @return boolean
protected function _tag_close_TD($param)
if ($this->_isForOneLine) return false;
$this->_maxH = 0;
// get the margins
$marge = array();
$marge['t'] = $this->parsingCss->value['padding']['t']+0.5*HTML2PDF::$_tables[$param['num']]['cellspacing']+$this->parsingCss->value['border']['t']['width'];
$marge['r'] = $this->parsingCss->value['padding']['r']+0.5*HTML2PDF::$_tables[$param['num']]['cellspacing']+$this->parsingCss->value['border']['r']['width'];
$marge['b'] = $this->parsingCss->value['padding']['b']+0.5*HTML2PDF::$_tables[$param['num']]['cellspacing']+$this->parsingCss->value['border']['b']['width'];
$marge['l'] = $this->parsingCss->value['padding']['l']+0.5*HTML2PDF::$_tables[$param['num']]['cellspacing']+$this->parsingCss->value['border']['l']['width'];
$marge['t']+= 0.001;
$marge['r']+= 0.001;
$marge['b']+= 0.001;
$marge['l']+= 0.001;
// if we are in a sub HTML
if ($this->_subPart) {
// it msut take only one page
if ($this->_testTdInOnepage && $this->_subHtml->pdf->getPage()>1) {
throw new HTML2PDF_exception(7);
// size of the content of the TD
$w0 = $this->_subHtml->_maxX + $marge['l'] + $marge['r'];
$h0 = $this->_subHtml->_maxY + $marge['t'] + $marge['b'];
// size from the CSS style
$w2 = $this->parsingCss->value['width'] + $marge['l'] + $marge['r'];
$h2 = $this->parsingCss->value['height'] + $marge['t'] + $marge['b'];
// final size of the TD
HTML2PDF::$_tables[$param['num']]['cases'][HTML2PDF::$_tables[$param['num']]['tr_curr']-1][HTML2PDF::$_tables[$param['num']]['td_curr']-1]['w'] = max(array($w0, $w2));
HTML2PDF::$_tables[$param['num']]['cases'][HTML2PDF::$_tables[$param['num']]['tr_curr']-1][HTML2PDF::$_tables[$param['num']]['td_curr']-1]['h'] = max(array($h0, $h2));
// real position of the content
HTML2PDF::$_tables[$param['num']]['cases'][HTML2PDF::$_tables[$param['num']]['tr_curr']-1][HTML2PDF::$_tables[$param['num']]['td_curr']-1]['real_w'] = $w0;
HTML2PDF::$_tables[$param['num']]['cases'][HTML2PDF::$_tables[$param['num']]['tr_curr']-1][HTML2PDF::$_tables[$param['num']]['td_curr']-1]['real_h'] = $h0;
// destroy the sub HTML
} else {
HTML2PDF::$_tables[$param['num']]['td_x']+= HTML2PDF::$_tables[$param['num']]['cases'][HTML2PDF::$_tables[$param['num']]['tr_curr']-1][HTML2PDF::$_tables[$param['num']]['td_curr']-1]['w'];
return true;
* tag : TH
* mode : OPEN
* @param array $param
* @return boolean
protected function _tag_open_TH($param)
if ($this->_isForOneLine) return false;
$this->parsingCss->value['font-bold'] = true;
$this->_tag_open_TD($param, 'th');
return true;
* tag : TH
* mode : CLOSE
* @param array $param
* @return boolean
protected function _tag_close_TH($param)
if ($this->_isForOneLine) return false;
return true;
* tag : IMG
* mode : OPEN
* @param array $param
* @return boolean
protected function _tag_open_IMG($param)
$src = str_replace('&amp;', '&', $param['src']);
$this->parsingCss->value['width'] = 0;
$this->parsingCss->value['height'] = 0;
$this->parsingCss->value['border'] = array('type' => 'none', 'width' => 0, 'color' => array(0, 0, 0));
$this->parsingCss->value['background'] = array('color' => null, 'image' => null, 'position' => null, 'repeat' => null);
$this->parsingCss->analyse('img', $param);
$res = $this->_drawImage($src, isset($param['sub_li']));
if (!$res) return $res;
return true;
* tag : SELECT
* mode : OPEN
* @param array $param
* @return boolean
protected function _tag_open_SELECT($param)
if (!isset($param['name'])) {
$param['name'] = 'champs_pdf_'.(count($this->_lstField)+1);
$param['name'] = strtolower($param['name']);
if (isset($this->_lstField[$param['name']])) {
} else {
$this->_lstField[$param['name']] = 1;
$this->parsingCss->analyse('select', $param);
$this->_lstSelect = array();
$this->_lstSelect['name'] = $param['name'];
$this->_lstSelect['multi'] = isset($param['multiple']) ? true : false;
$this->_lstSelect['size'] = isset($param['size']) ? $param['size'] : 1;
$this->_lstSelect['options'] = array();
if ($this->_lstSelect['multi'] && $this->_lstSelect['size']<3) $this->_lstSelect['size'] = 3;
return true;
* tag : OPTION
* mode : OPEN
* @param array $param
* @return boolean
protected function _tag_open_OPTION($param)
// get the content of the option : it is the text of the option
$level = $this->parsingHtml->getLevel($this->_parsePos);
$this->_parsePos+= count($level);
$value = isset($param['value']) ? $param['value'] : 'aut_tag_open_opt_'.(count($this->_lstSelect)+1);
$this->_lstSelect['options'][$value] = isset($level[0]['param']['txt']) ? $level[0]['param']['txt'] : '';
return true;
* tag : OPTION
* mode : CLOSE
* @param array $param
* @return boolean
protected function _tag_close_OPTION($param)
// nothing to do here
return true;
* tag : SELECT
* mode : CLOSE
* @param array $param
* @return boolean
protected function _tag_close_SELECT()
// position of the select
$x = $this->pdf->getX();
$y = $this->pdf->getY();
$f = 1.08*$this->parsingCss->value['font-size'];
// width
$w = $this->parsingCss->value['width']; if (!$w) $w = 50;
// height (automatic)
$h = ($f*1.07*$this->_lstSelect['size'] + 1);
$prop = $this->parsingCss->getFormStyle();
// multy select
if ($this->_lstSelect['multi']) {
$prop['multipleSelection'] = 'true';
// single or multi select
if ($this->_lstSelect['size']>1) {
$this->pdf->ListBox($this->_lstSelect['name'], $w, $h, $this->_lstSelect['options'], $prop);
} else {
$this->pdf->ComboBox($this->_lstSelect['name'], $w, $h, $this->_lstSelect['options'], $prop);
$this->_maxX = max($this->_maxX, $x+$w);
$this->_maxY = max($this->_maxY, $y+$h);
$this->_maxH = max($this->_maxH, $h);
$this->_lstSelect = array();
return true;
* tag : TEXTAREA
* mode : OPEN
* @param array $param
* @return boolean
protected function _tag_open_TEXTAREA($param)
if (!isset($param['name'])) {
$param['name'] = 'champs_pdf_'.(count($this->_lstField)+1);
$param['name'] = strtolower($param['name']);
if (isset($this->_lstField[$param['name']])) {
} else {
$this->_lstField[$param['name']] = 1;
$this->parsingCss->analyse('textarea', $param);
$x = $this->pdf->getX();
$y = $this->pdf->getY();
$fx = 0.65*$this->parsingCss->value['font-size'];
$fy = 1.08*$this->parsingCss->value['font-size'];
// extract the content the textarea : value
$level = $this->parsingHtml->getLevel($this->_parsePos);
$this->_parsePos+= count($level);
// automatic size, from cols and rows properties
$w = $fx*(isset($param['cols']) ? $param['cols'] : 22)+1;
$h = $fy*1.07*(isset($param['rows']) ? $param['rows'] : 3)+3;
$prop = $this->parsingCss->getFormStyle();
$prop['multiline'] = true;
$prop['value'] = isset($level[0]['param']['txt']) ? $level[0]['param']['txt'] : '';
$this->pdf->TextField($param['name'], $w, $h, $prop, array(), $x, $y);
$this->_maxX = max($this->_maxX, $x+$w);
$this->_maxY = max($this->_maxY, $y+$h);
$this->_maxH = max($this->_maxH, $h);
return true;
* tag : TEXTAREA
* mode : CLOSE
* @param array $param
* @return boolean
protected function _tag_close_TEXTAREA()
return true;
* tag : INPUT
* mode : OPEN
* @param array $param
* @return boolean
protected function _tag_open_INPUT($param)
if (!isset($param['name'])) $param['name'] = 'champs_pdf_'.(count($this->_lstField)+1);
if (!isset($param['value'])) $param['value'] = '';
if (!isset($param['type'])) $param['type'] = 'text';
$param['name'] = strtolower($param['name']);
$param['type'] = strtolower($param['type']);
// the type must be valid
if (!in_array($param['type'], array('text', 'checkbox', 'radio', 'hidden', 'submit', 'reset', 'button'))) {
$param['type'] = 'text';
if (isset($this->_lstField[$param['name']])) {
} else {
$this->_lstField[$param['name']] = 1;
$this->parsingCss->analyse('input', $param);
$name = $param['name'];
$x = $this->pdf->getX();
$y = $this->pdf->getY();
$f = 1.08*$this->parsingCss->value['font-size'];
$prop = $this->parsingCss->getFormStyle();
case 'checkbox':
$w = 3;
$h = $w;
if ($h<$f) $y+= ($f-$h)*0.5;
$checked = (isset($param['checked']) && $param['checked']=='checked');
$this->pdf->CheckBox($name, $w, $checked, $prop, array(), ($param['value'] ? $param['value'] : 'Yes'), $x, $y);
case 'radio':
$w = 3;
$h = $w;
if ($h<$f) $y+= ($f-$h)*0.5;
$checked = (isset($param['checked']) && $param['checked']=='checked');
$this->pdf->RadioButton($name, $w, $prop, array(), ($param['value'] ? $param['value'] : 'On'), $checked, $x, $y);
case 'hidden':
$w = 0;
$h = 0;
$prop['value'] = $param['value'];
$this->pdf->TextField($name, $w, $h, $prop, array(), $x, $y);
case 'text':
$w = $this->parsingCss->value['width']; if (!$w) $w = 40;
$h = $f*1.3;
$prop['value'] = $param['value'];
$this->pdf->TextField($name, $w, $h, $prop, array(), $x, $y);
case 'submit':
$w = $this->parsingCss->value['width']; if (!$w) $w = 40;
$h = $this->parsingCss->value['height']; if (!$h) $h = $f*1.3;
$action = array('S'=>'SubmitForm', 'F'=>$this->_isInForm, 'Flags'=>array('ExportFormat'));
$this->pdf->Button($name, $w, $h, $param['value'], $action, $prop, array(), $x, $y);
case 'reset':
$w = $this->parsingCss->value['width']; if (!$w) $w = 40;
$h = $this->parsingCss->value['height']; if (!$h) $h = $f*1.3;
$action = array('S'=>'ResetForm');
$this->pdf->Button($name, $w, $h, $param['value'], $action, $prop, array(), $x, $y);
case 'button':
$w = $this->parsingCss->value['width']; if (!$w) $w = 40;
$h = $this->parsingCss->value['height']; if (!$h) $h = $f*1.3;
$action = isset($param['onclick']) ? $param['onclick'] : '';
$this->pdf->Button($name, $w, $h, $param['value'], $action, $prop, array(), $x, $y);
$w = 0;
$h = 0;
$this->_maxX = max($this->_maxX, $x+$w);
$this->_maxY = max($this->_maxY, $y+$h);
$this->_maxH = max($this->_maxH, $h);
return true;
* tag : DRAW
* mode : OPEN
* @param array $param
* @return boolean
protected function _tag_open_DRAW($param)
if ($this->_isForOneLine) return false;
if ($this->_debugActif) $this->_DEBUG_add('DRAW', true);
$this->parsingCss->analyse('draw', $param);
$alignObject = null;
if ($this->parsingCss->value['margin-auto']) $alignObject = 'center';
$overW = $this->parsingCss->value['width'];
$overH = $this->parsingCss->value['height'];
$this->parsingCss->value['old_maxX'] = $this->_maxX;
$this->parsingCss->value['old_maxY'] = $this->_maxY;
$this->parsingCss->value['old_maxH'] = $this->_maxH;
$w = $this->parsingCss->value['width'];
$h = $this->parsingCss->value['height'];
if (!$this->parsingCss->value['position']) {
if (
$w < ($this->pdf->getW() - $this->pdf->getlMargin()-$this->pdf->getrMargin()) &&
$this->pdf->getX() + $w>=($this->pdf->getW() - $this->pdf->getrMargin())
if (
($h < ($this->pdf->getH() - $this->pdf->gettMargin()-$this->pdf->getbMargin())) &&
($this->pdf->getY() + $h>=($this->pdf->getH() - $this->pdf->getbMargin())) &&
$old = $this->parsingCss->getOldValues();
$parentWidth = $old['width'] ? $old['width'] : $this->pdf->getW() - $this->pdf->getlMargin() - $this->pdf->getrMargin();
if ($parentWidth>$w) {
if ($alignObject=='center') $this->pdf->setX($this->pdf->getX() + ($parentWidth-$w)*0.5);
else if ($alignObject=='right') $this->pdf->setX($this->pdf->getX() + $parentWidth-$w);
} else {
$old = $this->parsingCss->getOldValues();
$parentWidth = $old['width'] ? $old['width'] : $this->pdf->getW() - $this->pdf->getlMargin() - $this->pdf->getrMargin();
if ($parentWidth>$w) {
if ($alignObject=='center') $this->pdf->setX($this->pdf->getX() + ($parentWidth-$w)*0.5);
else if ($alignObject=='right') $this->pdf->setX($this->pdf->getX() + $parentWidth-$w);
$this->_maxX = 0;
$this->_maxY = 0;
$this->_maxH = 0;
$this->_maxE = 0;
$marge = array();
$marge['l'] = $this->parsingCss->value['border']['l']['width'];
$marge['r'] = $this->parsingCss->value['border']['r']['width'];
$marge['t'] = $this->parsingCss->value['border']['t']['width'];
$marge['b'] = $this->parsingCss->value['border']['b']['width'];
$this->parsingCss->value['width'] -= $marge['l']+$marge['r'];
$this->parsingCss->value['height']-= $marge['t']+$marge['b'];
$overW-= $marge['l']+$marge['r'];
$overH-= $marge['t']+$marge['b'];
// clipping to draw only in the size opf the DRAW tag
// left and right of the DRAW tag
$mL = $this->parsingCss->value['x']+$marge['l'];
$mR = $this->pdf->getW() - $mL - $overW;
// position of the DRAW tag
$x = $this->parsingCss->value['x']+$marge['l'];
$y = $this->parsingCss->value['y']+$marge['t'];
// prepare the drawing area
$this->_saveMargin($mL, 0, $mR);
$this->pdf->setXY($x, $y);
// we are in a draw tag
$this->_isInDraw = array(
'x' => $x,
'y' => $y,
'w' => $overW,
'h' => $overH,
// init the translate matrix : (0,0) => ($x, $y)
return true;
* tag : DRAW
* mode : CLOSE
* @param array $param
* @return boolean
protected function _tag_close_DRAW($param)
if ($this->_isForOneLine) return false;
$this->_maxX = $this->parsingCss->value['old_maxX'];
$this->_maxY = $this->parsingCss->value['old_maxY'];
$this->_maxH = $this->parsingCss->value['old_maxH'];
$marge = array();
$marge['l'] = $this->parsingCss->value['border']['l']['width'];
$marge['r'] = $this->parsingCss->value['border']['r']['width'];
$marge['t'] = $this->parsingCss->value['border']['t']['width'];
$marge['b'] = $this->parsingCss->value['border']['b']['width'];
$x = $this->parsingCss->value['x'];
$y = $this->parsingCss->value['y'];
$w = $this->parsingCss->value['width']+$marge['l']+$marge['r'];
$h = $this->parsingCss->value['height']+$marge['t']+$marge['b'];
if ($this->parsingCss->value['position']!='absolute') {
$this->pdf->setXY($x+$w, $y);
$this->_maxX = max($this->_maxX, $x+$w);
$this->_maxY = max($this->_maxY, $y+$h);
$this->_maxH = max($this->_maxH, $h);
} else {
// position
$this->pdf->setXY($this->parsingCss->value['xc'], $this->parsingCss->value['yc']);
$block = ($this->parsingCss->value['display']!='inline' && $this->parsingCss->value['position']!='absolute');
if ($block) $this->_tag_open_BR(array());
if ($this->_debugActif) $this->_DEBUG_add('DRAW', false);
$this->_isInDraw = null;
return true;
* tag : LINE
* mode : OPEN
* @param array $param
* @return boolean
protected function _tag_open_LINE($param)
if (!$this->_isInDraw) throw new HTML2PDF_exception(8, 'LINE');
$this->pdf->doTransform(isset($param['transform']) ? $this->_prepareTransform($param['transform']) : null);
$styles = $this->parsingCss->getSvgStyle('path', $param);
$styles['fill'] = null;
$style = $this->pdf->svgSetStyle($styles);
$x1 = isset($param['x1']) ? $this->parsingCss->ConvertToMM($param['x1'], $this->_isInDraw['w']) : 0.;
$y1 = isset($param['y1']) ? $this->parsingCss->ConvertToMM($param['y1'], $this->_isInDraw['h']) : 0.;
$x2 = isset($param['x2']) ? $this->parsingCss->ConvertToMM($param['x2'], $this->_isInDraw['w']) : 0.;
$y2 = isset($param['y2']) ? $this->parsingCss->ConvertToMM($param['y2'], $this->_isInDraw['h']) : 0.;
$this->pdf->svgLine($x1, $y1, $x2, $y2);
* tag : RECT
* mode : OPEN
* @param array $param
* @return boolean
protected function _tag_open_RECT($param)
if (!$this->_isInDraw) throw new HTML2PDF_exception(8, 'RECT');
$this->pdf->doTransform(isset($param['transform']) ? $this->_prepareTransform($param['transform']) : null);
$styles = $this->parsingCss->getSvgStyle('path', $param);
$style = $this->pdf->svgSetStyle($styles);
$x = isset($param['x']) ? $this->parsingCss->ConvertToMM($param['x'], $this->_isInDraw['w']) : 0.;
$y = isset($param['y']) ? $this->parsingCss->ConvertToMM($param['y'], $this->_isInDraw['h']) : 0.;
$w = isset($param['w']) ? $this->parsingCss->ConvertToMM($param['w'], $this->_isInDraw['w']) : 0.;
$h = isset($param['h']) ? $this->parsingCss->ConvertToMM($param['h'], $this->_isInDraw['h']) : 0.;
$this->pdf->svgRect($x, $y, $w, $h, $style);
* tag : CIRCLE
* mode : OPEN
* @param array $param
* @return boolean
protected function _tag_open_CIRCLE($param)
if (!$this->_isInDraw) throw new HTML2PDF_exception(8, 'CIRCLE');
$this->pdf->doTransform(isset($param['transform']) ? $this->_prepareTransform($param['transform']) : null);
$styles = $this->parsingCss->getSvgStyle('path', $param);
$style = $this->pdf->svgSetStyle($styles);
$cx = isset($param['cx']) ? $this->parsingCss->ConvertToMM($param['cx'], $this->_isInDraw['w']) : 0.;
$cy = isset($param['cy']) ? $this->parsingCss->ConvertToMM($param['cy'], $this->_isInDraw['h']) : 0.;
$r = isset($param['r']) ? $this->parsingCss->ConvertToMM($param['r'], $this->_isInDraw['w']) : 0.;
$this->pdf->svgEllipse($cx, $cy, $r, $r, $style);
* tag : ELLIPSE
* mode : OPEN
* @param array $param
* @return boolean
protected function _tag_open_ELLIPSE($param)
if (!$this->_isInDraw) throw new HTML2PDF_exception(8, 'ELLIPSE');
$this->pdf->doTransform(isset($param['transform']) ? $this->_prepareTransform($param['transform']) : null);
$styles = $this->parsingCss->getSvgStyle('path', $param);
$style = $this->pdf->svgSetStyle($styles);
$cx = isset($param['cx']) ? $this->parsingCss->ConvertToMM($param['cx'], $this->_isInDraw['w']) : 0.;
$cy = isset($param['cy']) ? $this->parsingCss->ConvertToMM($param['cy'], $this->_isInDraw['h']) : 0.;
$rx = isset($param['ry']) ? $this->parsingCss->ConvertToMM($param['rx'], $this->_isInDraw['w']) : 0.;
$ry = isset($param['rx']) ? $this->parsingCss->ConvertToMM($param['ry'], $this->_isInDraw['h']) : 0.;
$this->pdf->svgEllipse($cx, $cy, $rx, $ry, $style);
* tag : POLYLINE
* mode : OPEN
* @param array $param
* @return boolean
protected function _tag_open_POLYLINE($param)
if (!$this->_isInDraw) throw new HTML2PDF_exception(8, 'POLYGON');
$this->pdf->doTransform(isset($param['transform']) ? $this->_prepareTransform($param['transform']) : null);
$styles = $this->parsingCss->getSvgStyle('path', $param);
$style = $this->pdf->svgSetStyle($styles);
$path = isset($param['points']) ? $param['points'] : null;
if ($path) {
$path = str_replace(',', ' ', $path);
$path = preg_replace('/[\s]+/', ' ', trim($path));
// prepare the path
$path = explode(' ', $path);
foreach ($path as $k => $v) {
$path[$k] = trim($v);
if ($path[$k]==='') unset($path[$k]);
$path = array_values($path);
$actions = array();
for ($k=0; $k<count($path); $k+=2) {
$actions[] = array(
($k ? 'L' : 'M') ,
$this->parsingCss->ConvertToMM($path[$k+0], $this->_isInDraw['w']),
$this->parsingCss->ConvertToMM($path[$k+1], $this->_isInDraw['h'])
// drawing
$this->pdf->svgPolygone($actions, $style);
* tag : POLYGON
* mode : OPEN
* @param array $param
* @return boolean
protected function _tag_open_POLYGON($param)
if (!$this->_isInDraw) throw new HTML2PDF_exception(8, 'POLYGON');
$this->pdf->doTransform(isset($param['transform']) ? $this->_prepareTransform($param['transform']) : null);
$styles = $this->parsingCss->getSvgStyle('path', $param);
$style = $this->pdf->svgSetStyle($styles);
$path = (isset($param['points']) ? $param['points'] : null);
if ($path) {
$path = str_replace(',', ' ', $path);
$path = preg_replace('/[\s]+/', ' ', trim($path));
// prepare the path
$path = explode(' ', $path);
foreach ($path as $k => $v) {
$path[$k] = trim($v);
if ($path[$k]==='') unset($path[$k]);
$path = array_values($path);
$actions = array();
for ($k=0; $k<count($path); $k+=2) {
$actions[] = array(
($k ? 'L' : 'M') ,
$this->parsingCss->ConvertToMM($path[$k+0], $this->_isInDraw['w']),
$this->parsingCss->ConvertToMM($path[$k+1], $this->_isInDraw['h'])
$actions[] = array('z');
// drawing
$this->pdf->svgPolygone($actions, $style);
* tag : PATH
* mode : OPEN
* @param array $param
* @return boolean
protected function _tag_open_PATH($param)
if (!$this->_isInDraw) throw new HTML2PDF_exception(8, 'PATH');
$this->pdf->doTransform(isset($param['transform']) ? $this->_prepareTransform($param['transform']) : null);
$styles = $this->parsingCss->getSvgStyle('path', $param);
$style = $this->pdf->svgSetStyle($styles);
$path = isset($param['d']) ? $param['d'] : null;
if ($path) {
// prepare the path
$path = str_replace(',', ' ', $path);
$path = preg_replace('/([a-zA-Z])([0-9\.\-])/', '$1 $2', $path);
$path = preg_replace('/([0-9\.])([a-zA-Z])/', '$1 $2', $path);
$path = preg_replace('/[\s]+/', ' ', trim($path));
$path = preg_replace('/ ([a-z]{2})/', '$1', $path);
$path = explode(' ', $path);
foreach ($path as $k => $v) {
$path[$k] = trim($v);
if ($path[$k]==='') unset($path[$k]);
$path = array_values($path);
// read each actions in the path
$actions = array();
$action = array();
$lastAction = null; // last action found
for ($k=0; $k<count($path);true) {
// for this actions, we can not have multi coordonate
if (in_array($lastAction, array('z', 'Z'))) {
$lastAction = null;
// read the new action (forcing if no action before)
if (preg_match('/^[a-z]+$/i', $path[$k]) || $lastAction===null) {
$lastAction = $path[$k];
// current action
$action = array();
$action[] = $lastAction;
case 'C':
case 'c':
$action[] = $this->parsingCss->ConvertToMM($path[$k+0], $this->_isInDraw['w']); // x1
$action[] = $this->parsingCss->ConvertToMM($path[$k+1], $this->_isInDraw['h']); // y1
$action[] = $this->parsingCss->ConvertToMM($path[$k+2], $this->_isInDraw['w']); // x2
$action[] = $this->parsingCss->ConvertToMM($path[$k+3], $this->_isInDraw['h']); // y2
$action[] = $this->parsingCss->ConvertToMM($path[$k+4], $this->_isInDraw['w']); // x
$action[] = $this->parsingCss->ConvertToMM($path[$k+5], $this->_isInDraw['h']); // y
$k+= 6;
case 'Q':
case 'S':
case 'q':
case 's':
$action[] = $this->parsingCss->ConvertToMM($path[$k+0], $this->_isInDraw['w']); // x2
$action[] = $this->parsingCss->ConvertToMM($path[$k+1], $this->_isInDraw['h']); // y2
$action[] = $this->parsingCss->ConvertToMM($path[$k+2], $this->_isInDraw['w']); // x
$action[] = $this->parsingCss->ConvertToMM($path[$k+3], $this->_isInDraw['h']); // y
$k+= 4;
case 'A':
case 'a':
$action[] = $this->parsingCss->ConvertToMM($path[$k+0], $this->_isInDraw['w']); // rx
$action[] = $this->parsingCss->ConvertToMM($path[$k+1], $this->_isInDraw['h']); // ry
$action[] = 1.*$path[$k+2]; // angle de deviation de l'axe X
$action[] = ($path[$k+3]=='1') ? 1 : 0; // large-arc-flag
$action[] = ($path[$k+4]=='1') ? 1 : 0; // sweep-flag
$action[] = $this->parsingCss->ConvertToMM($path[$k+5], $this->_isInDraw['w']); // x
$action[] = $this->parsingCss->ConvertToMM($path[$k+6], $this->_isInDraw['h']); // y
$k+= 7;
case 'M':
case 'L':
case 'T':
case 'm':
case 'l':
case 't':
$action[] = $this->parsingCss->ConvertToMM($path[$k+0], $this->_isInDraw['w']); // x
$action[] = $this->parsingCss->ConvertToMM($path[$k+1], $this->_isInDraw['h']); // y
$k+= 2;
case 'H':
case 'h':
$action[] = $this->parsingCss->ConvertToMM($path[$k+0], $this->_isInDraw['w']); // x
$k+= 1;
case 'V':
case 'v':
$action[] = $this->parsingCss->ConvertToMM($path[$k+0], $this->_isInDraw['h']); // y
$k+= 1;
case 'z':
case 'Z':
// add the action
$actions[] = $action;
// drawing
$this->pdf->svgPolygone($actions, $style);
* tag : G
* mode : OPEN
* @param array $param
* @return boolean
protected function _tag_open_G($param)
if (!$this->_isInDraw) throw new HTML2PDF_exception(8, 'G');
$this->pdf->doTransform(isset($param['transform']) ? $this->_prepareTransform($param['transform']) : null);
$styles = $this->parsingCss->getSvgStyle('path', $param);
$style = $this->pdf->svgSetStyle($styles);
* tag : G
* mode : CLOSE
* @param array $param
* @return boolean
protected function _tag_close_G($param)
* mode : OPEN
* @param array $param
* @return void
protected function _tag_open_END_LAST_PAGE($param)
$height = $this->parsingCss->ConvertToMM(
$this->pdf->getH() - $this->pdf->gettMargin()-$this->pdf->getbMargin()
if ($height < ($this->pdf->getH() - $this->pdf->gettMargin()-$this->pdf->getbMargin())
&& $this->pdf->getY() + $height>=($this->pdf->getH() - $this->pdf->getbMargin())
) {
$this->parsingCss->analyse('end_last_page', $param);
$this->pdf->setY($this->pdf->getH() - $this->pdf->getbMargin() - $height);
* mode : CLOSE
* @param array $param
* @return void
protected function _tag_close_END_LAST_PAGE($param)
* new page for the automatic Index, do not use this method. Only HTML2PDF_myPdf could use it !!!!
* @param &int $page
* @return integer $oldPage
public function _INDEX_NewPage(&$page)
if ($page) {
$oldPage = $this->pdf->getPage();
$this->pdf->setXY($this->_margeLeft, $this->_margeTop);
$this->_maxH = 0;
return $oldPage;
} else {
return null;