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2021-02-24 20:40:04 +00:00
//carica report html
$report = file_get_contents ($docroot."/templates/fatturato/fatturato.html");
$body = file_get_contents ($docroot."/templates/fatturato/fatturato_body.html");
$mesi = array( '', 'Gennaio', 'Febbraio', 'Marzo', 'Aprile', 'Maggio', 'Giugno', 'Luglio', 'Agosto', 'Settembre', 'Ottobre', 'Novembre', 'Dicembre' );
$dir = save($_GET['dir']);
include_once( "pdfgen_variables.php" );
$totale_imponibile = 0;
$totale_iva = 0;
$totale = 0;
if( $dir == "entrata" ){
$addwhere = $additional_where['Fatture di vendita'];
$addwhere = $additional_where['Fatture di acquisto'];
//Ciclo tra le fatture selezionate
$query = "SELECT DATE_FORMAT( data, '%m-%Y' ) AS periodo, data FROM co_documenti INNER JOIN co_tipidocumento ON GROUP BY periodo, dir HAVING (data BETWEEN '".date("Y-m-d", strtotime($_SESSION['period_start']))."' AND '".date("Y-m-d", strtotime($_SESSION['period_end']))."') AND dir='".$dir."' ".$add_where." ORDER BY data ASC";
$rs = $dbo->fetchArray($query);
$totrows = sizeof($rs);
if( $dir == "entrata" ){
$body .= "<h3>FATTURATO MENSILE DAL ".date("d/m/Y", strtotime($_SESSION['period_start']) )." AL ".date("d/m/Y", strtotime($_SESSION['period_end']) )."</h3>\n";
$body .= "<h3>ACQUISTI MENSILI DAL ".date("d/m/Y", strtotime($_SESSION['period_start']) )." AL ".date("d/m/Y", strtotime($_SESSION['period_end']) )."</h3>\n";
$body .= "<table cellspacing='0' style='table-layout:fixed;'>\n";
$body .= "<col width='320'><col width='100'><col width='100'><col width='100'>\n";
$body .= "<tr><th bgcolor='#dddddd' class='full_cell1 cell-padded' width='320'>Mese</th>\n";
$body .= "<th bgcolor='#dddddd' class='full_cell cell-padded' width='100'>Imponibile</th>\n";
$body .= "<th bgcolor='#dddddd' class='full_cell cell-padded' width='100'>Iva</th>\n";
$body .= "<th bgcolor='#dddddd' class='full_cell cell-padded' width='100'>Totale</th></tr>\n";
for( $r=0; $r<sizeof($rs); $r++ ){
//Lettura totali
$rs2 = $dbo->fetchArray("SELECT SUM(subtotale-co_righe_documenti.sconto) AS imponibile, SUM(iva) AS iva, (SELECT SUM(bollo) FROM co_documenti WHERE DATE_FORMAT(data,'%m-%Y') = \"".$rs[$r]['periodo']."\" AND idtipodocumento IN(SELECT id FROM co_tipidocumento WHERE dir=\"".$dir."\")) AS bollo, SUM(co_righe_documenti.rivalsainps) AS rivalsainps, SUM(co_righe_documenti.ritenutaacconto) AS ritenutaacconto FROM co_righe_documenti INNER JOIN co_documenti ON WHERE DATE_FORMAT(data,'%m-%Y') = \"".$rs[$r]['periodo']."\" AND idtipodocumento IN(SELECT id FROM co_tipidocumento WHERE dir=\"".$dir."\")");
$body .= "<tr><td class='first_cell cell-padded'>".$mesi[ intval( date("m", strtotime($rs[$r]['data']) ) ) ]." ".date("Y", strtotime($rs[$r]['data']) )."</td>\n";
$body .= "<td class='table_cell cell-padded text-right'>".number_format( $rs2[0]['imponibile'], 2, ",", "." )." &euro;</td>\n";
$body .= "<td class='table_cell cell-padded text-right'>".number_format( $rs2[0]['iva'], 2, ",", "." )." &euro;</td>\n";
$body .= "<td class='table_cell cell-padded text-right'>".number_format( $rs2[0]['imponibile'] + $rs2[0]['iva'] + $rs2[0]['rivalsainps'] + $rs2[0]['bollo'] + $rs2[0]['ritenutaacconto'], 2, ",", "." )." &euro;</td></tr>\n";
$totale_imponibile += $rs2[0]['imponibile'];
$totale_iva += $rs2[0]['iva'];
$totale += $rs2[0]['imponibile'] + $rs2[0]['iva'] + $rs2[0]['rivalsainps'] + $rs2[0]['bollo'] + $rs2[0]['ritenutaacconto'];
$body .= "<tr>\n";
$body .= " <td class='first_cell cell-padded text-right'><b>TOTALE:</b></td>\n";
$body .= " <td class='table_cell text-right cell-padded'><b>".number_format( $totale_imponibile, 2, ",", "." )." &euro;</b></td>\n";
$body .= " <td class='table_cell text-right cell-padded'><b>".number_format( $totale_iva, 2, ",", "." )." &euro;</b></td>\n";
$body .= " <td class='table_cell text-right cell-padded'><b>".number_format( $totale, 2, ",", "." )." &euro;</b></td>\n";
$body .= "</tr>\n";
$body .= "</table>\n";
$report_name = "inventario.pdf";