
89 lines
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2021-02-24 20:40:04 +00:00
//carica report html
$report = file_get_contents ($docroot."/templates/magazzino_inventario/magazzino_inventario.html");
$body = file_get_contents ($docroot."/templates/magazzino_inventario/magazzino_inventario_body.html");
$search_codice = $html->form('search_codice');
$search_descrizione = $html->form('search_descrizione');
$search_categoria = $html->form('search_categoria');
$search_sotto_categoria = $html->form('search_subcategoria');
$search_tipo = $html->form('search_tipo');
if( $search_tipo == '' ){
$search_tipo = 'solo prodotti attivi';
if( $search_tipo == "solo prodotti attivi" ){
$add_where = " AND attivo=1";
else if( $search_tipo == "solo prodotti non attivi" ){
$add_where = " AND attivo=0";
$add_where = "";
// $search_categoria= $search_categoria ." ".$search_sotto_categoria;
if( $search_sotto_categoria != '' ){
$search_categoria= $search_categoria ." ".$search_sotto_categoria;
include_once( "pdfgen_variables.php" );
$rs = $dbo->fetchArray("SELECT *, AS id_articolo, (SELECT nome FROM mg_categorie WHERE mg_categorie.parent = 0 AND = mg_articoli.id_categoria) AS categoria,
(SELECT nome FROM mg_categorie WHERE mg_categorie.parent > 0 AND = mg_articoli.id_sottocategoria) AS subcategoria
FROM mg_articoli WHERE ( replace(codice,'.','') LIKE \"%$search_codice%\" OR codice LIKE \"%$search_codice%\" ) AND replace(descrizione,'.','')
LIKE \"%$search_descrizione%\" ".$add_where." AND qta > 0 HAVING CONCAT_WS( ' ', categoria, subcategoria ) LIKE \"%$search_categoria%\" ORDER BY codice ASC");
$totrows = sizeof($rs);
$body .= "<h3>INVENTARIO Mag. Principale AL ".date("d/m/Y")."</h3>\n";
$body .= "<table cellspacing='0' style='table-layout:fixed;'>\n";
$body .= "<col width='100'><col width='230'><col width='140'><col width='140'><col width='70'><col width='70'><col width='70'><col width='90'>\n";
$body .= "<tr>\n";
$body .= "<th bgcolor='#dddddd' class='full_cell1 cell-padded'>Codice</th>\n";
$body .= "<th bgcolor='#dddddd' class='full_cell cell-padded'>Descrizione</th>\n";
$body .= "<th bgcolor='#dddddd' class='full_cell cell-padded'>Categoria</th>\n";
$body .= "<th bgcolor='#dddddd' class='full_cell cell-padded'>SottoCategoria</th>\n";
$body .= "<th bgcolor='#dddddd' class='full_cell cell-padded'>Prezzo di vendita</th>\n";
$body .= "<th bgcolor='#dddddd' class='full_cell cell-padded'>Q.t&agrave;</th>\n";
$body .= "<th bgcolor='#dddddd' class='full_cell cell-padded'>Prezzo di acquisto</th>\n";
$body .= "<th bgcolor='#dddddd' class='full_cell cell-padded'>Valore totale</th>\n";
$body .= "</tr>\n";
for( $r=0; $r<sizeof($rs); $r++ ){
$body .= "<tr>\n";
$body .= " <td class='first_cell cell-padded'>".$rs[$r]['codice']."</td>\n";
$body .= " <td class='table_cell cell-padded'>".$rs[$r]['descrizione']."</td>\n";
$body .= " <td class='table_cell cell-padded'>".$rs[$r]['categoria']."</td>\n";
$body .= " <td class='table_cell cell-padded'>".$rs[$r]['subcategoria']."</td>\n";
$body .= " <td class='table_cell text-right cell-padded'>".number_format( $rs[$r]['prezzo_vendita'], 2, ",", "." )." &euro;</td>\n";
$body .= " <td class='table_cell text-right cell-padded'>".$rs[$r]['um']." ".number_format( $rs[$r]['qta'], 2, ",", "." )."</td>\n";
$body .= " <td class='table_cell text-right cell-padded'>".number_format( $rs[$r]['prezzo_acquisto'], 2, ",", "." )." &euro;</td>\n";
$body .= " <td class='table_cell text-right cell-padded'>".number_format( ($rs[$r]['prezzo_acquisto']*$rs[$r]['qta']), 2, ",", "." )." &euro;</td>\n";
$body .= "</tr>\n";
$totale_qta += $rs[$r]['qta'];
$totale_acquisto += ($rs[$r]['prezzo_acquisto']*$rs[$r]['qta']);
$body .= "<tr>\n";
$body .= "<td colspan='4' bgcolor='#dddddd' class='first_cell text-right cell-padded'><b>TOTALE:</b></td>\n";
$body .= "<td bgcolor='#dddddd' class='first_cell text-right cell-padded'></td>\n";
$body .= "<td bgcolor='#dddddd' class='table_cell text-right cell-padded'><b>".number_format( $totale_qta, 2, ",", "." )."</b></td>\n";
$body .= "<td bgcolor='#dddddd' class='first_cell text-right cell-padded'></td>\n";
$body .= "<td bgcolor='#dddddd' class='table_cell text-right cell-padded'><b>".number_format( $totale_acquisto, 2, ",", "." )." &euro;</b></td>\n";
$body .= "</tr>\n";
$body .= "</table>\n";
$orientation = 'L';
$report_name = "inventario.pdf";