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Rif. ".$descrizione_documento." no ".$rs_rif[0]['numero_documento']." del ".date("d/m/Y", strtotime($rs_rif[0]['data']) ).""; $n_rows += 2 ; } } $body .= "
\n"; $body .= $qta."\n"; $body .= "\n"; $body .= nl2br( strtoupper($righe[$i]['um']) ); $body .= "\n"; if ( $stampa_prezzi == '1' ) { $body .= $subtotale; } $body .= "\n"; if ( $stampa_prezzi == '1' ) { $body .= "".$subtot.""."\n"; } if( ( $righe[$i]['sconto']!=0) && ($stampa_prezzi == '1' ) && ($stp_sconti == '1' ) ){ $body .= "
\n- sconto ".number_format( $righe[$i]['sconto'], 2, ",", "." )." €\n"; $n_rows += 2 ; } $body .= "
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\n"; $body .= "  Data Accettazione:\n"; $body .= " \n"; $body .= " TOTALE IMPONIBILE\n"; $body .= "
\n"; //Tabella (condizioni) $body .= " \n"; $body .= " \n"; $body .= " \n"; $body .= " \n"; $body .= " \n"; $body .= " \n"; $body .= " \n"; $body .= " \n"; $body .= " \n"; //Fine tabelle $body .= "
\n"; $body .= "  Nome e cognome del responsabile\n"; $body .= " \n"; $body .= "  Per conferma d'ordine - Timbro e Firma del responsabile\n"; $body .= "
\n"; $body .= " \n"; $body .= "
\n"; //Fine tabella (scadenze + iva) $body .= "
\n"; if ( $stampa_prezzi == '1' ) $body .= " "."".number_format( $imponibile_documento, 2, ",", "." )." €".""."\n"; $body .= "
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\n"; if ( $stampa_prezzi == '1' ) $body .= " ".number_format( $totale_iva, 2, ",", "." )." €\n"; $body .= "
\n"; $body .= " Rivalsa INPS:\n"; $body .= "
\n"; if ( $stampa_prezzi == '1' ) $body .= " ".number_format( $rivalsa_inps, 2, ",", "." )." €\n"; $body .= "
\n"; $body .= " Marca da Bollo\n"; $body .= "
\n"; if ( $stampa_prezzi == '1' ) $body .= " ".number_format( $marca_da_bollo, 2, ",", "." )." €\n"; $body .= "
\n"; $body .= " TOTALE DOCUMENTO\n"; $body .= "
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\n"; $body .= " NETTO A PAGARE\n"; $body .= "
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