106 lines
5.1 KiB
106 lines
5.1 KiB
//carica report html
$report = file_get_contents ($docroot."/templates/reg_iva/reg_iva.html");
$body = file_get_contents ($docroot."/templates/reg_iva/reg_iva_body.html");
$v_iva = [];
$v_totale = [];
$totale_iva = 0;
$totale_subtotale = 0;
$dir = $_GET['dir'];
$periodo = $_GET['periodo'];
$date_start = $_SESSION['period_start'];
$date_end = $_SESSION['period_end'];
include_once( "pdfgen_variables.php" );
// if ('entrata' == $dir) {
$query = "SELECT *, SUM(subtotale-co_righe_documenti.sconto) AS subtotale, SUM(iva) AS iva, (SELECT ragione_sociale FROM an_anagrafiche WHERE an_anagrafiche.idanagrafica=co_documenti.idanagrafica) AS ragione_sociale FROM co_documenti INNER JOIN co_righe_documenti ON co_documenti.id=co_righe_documenti.iddocumento INNER JOIN co_tipidocumento ON co_documenti.idtipodocumento=co_tipidocumento.id WHERE dir='entrata' AND co_documenti.codice_xml<>'' AND co_documenti.data>='".$date_start."' AND co_documenti.data<='".$date_end."' and co_documenti.idstatodocumento='1' and co_tipidocumento.mod_riepilogo_iva='1' and co_righe_documenti.qta > 0 GROUP BY co_documenti.id, co_righe_documenti.idiva";
// } elseif ('uscita' == $dir) {
// $query = "SELECT *, SUM(subtotale-co_righe_documenti.sconto) AS subtotale, SUM(iva) AS iva, (SELECT ragione_sociale FROM an_anagrafiche WHERE an_anagrafiche.idanagrafica=co_documenti.idanagrafica) AS ragione_sociale FROM co_documenti INNER JOIN co_righe_documenti ON co_documenti.id=co_righe_documenti.iddocumento INNER JOIN co_tipidocumento ON co_documenti.idtipodocumento=co_tipidocumento.id WHERE dir='uscita' AND co_documenti.data>='".$date_start."' AND co_documenti.data<='".$date_end."' and co_documenti.idstatodocumento='1' and co_tipidocumento.mod_riepilogo_iva='1' and co_righe_documenti.qta > 0 GROUP BY co_documenti.id, co_righe_documenti.idiva";
// }
$rs = $dbo->fetchArray($query);
$totrows = sizeof($rs);
$body .= "<h3>$Testo AL ".date("d/m/Y")."</h3>\n";
$body .= "<table cellspacing='0' style='table-layout:fixed;'>\n";
$body .= "<col width='125'><col width='100'><col width='450'><col width='100'><col width='100'><col width='100'>\n";
$body .= "<tr>\n";
$body .= "<th bgcolor='#dddddd' class='full_cell1 cell-padded'>N° Documento</th>\n";
$body .= "<th bgcolor='#dddddd' class='full_cell cell-padded'>Data</th>\n";
$body .= "<th bgcolor='#dddddd' class='full_cell cell-padded'>Causale<br>Ragione sociale</th>\n";
$body .= "<th bgcolor='#dddddd' class='full_cell cell-padded'>Aliquota</th>\n";
$body .= "<th bgcolor='#dddddd' class='full_cell cell-padded'>Imponibile</th>\n";
$body .= "<th bgcolor='#dddddd' class='full_cell cell-padded'>Imposta</th>\n";
$body .= "</tr>\n";
for( $r=0; $r<sizeof($rs); $r++ ){
$body .= "<tr>\n";
$body .= " <td class='first_cell cell-padded'>".$rs[$r]['numero_documento']."</td>\n";
$body .= " <td class='table_cell cell-padded'>".date('d/m/Y', strtotime($rs[$r]['data']))."</td>\n";
if ('entrata' == $dir) {
$body .= "<td class='table_cell cell-padded'>
Fattura di vendita<br>
} elseif ('uscita' == $dir) {
$body .= "<td class='table_cell cell-padded'>
Fattura di acquisto<br>
$body .= " <td class='table_cell text-right cell-padded'>". $rs[$r]['desc_iva']." €</td>\n";
$body .= " <td class='table_cell text-right cell-padded'>".number_format( $rs[$r]['subtotale'], 2, ",", "." )."</td>\n";
$body .= " <td class='table_cell text-right cell-padded'>".number_format( $rs[$r]['iva'], 2, ",", "." )." €</td>\n";
$body .= "</tr>\n";
$v_iva[$rs[$r]['desc_iva']] += $rs[$r]['iva'];
$v_totale[$rs[$r]['desc_iva']] += $rs[$r]['subtotale'];
$totale_iva += $rs[$r]['iva'];
$totale_subtotale += $rs[$r]['subtotale'];
$body .= "</table>\n";
$body .= "<h4>RIEPILOGO IVA</h4>\n";
$body .= "<table cellspacing='0' style='table-layout:fixed;'>\n";
$body .= "<col width='125'><col width='100'><col width='100'>\n";
$body .= "<tr>\n";
$body .= "<th bgcolor='#dddddd' class='full_cell1 cell-padded'>Cod. IVA</th>\n";
$body .= "<th bgcolor='#dddddd' class='full_cell cell-padded'>Imponibile</th>\n";
$body .= "<th bgcolor='#dddddd' class='full_cell cell-padded'>Imposta</th>\n";
$body .= "</tr>\n";
foreach ($v_iva as $desc_iva => $tot_iva) {
if ('' != $desc_iva) {
$body .= "<tr>\n";
$body .= " <td class='first_cell cell-padded'>".$desc_iva."</td>\n";
$body .= " <td class='table_cell text-right cell-padded'>".number_format( $v_totale[$desc_iva], 2, ",", "." )."</td>\n";
$body .= " <td class='table_cell text-right cell-padded'>".number_format( $v_iva[$desc_iva], 2, ",", "." )."</td>\n";
$body .= "</tr>\n";
$body .= "</table>\n";
$orientation = 'L';
$report_name = 'registro_iva.pdf';