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1err01The tag <b>&lt;[[OTHER]]&gt;</b> does not yet exist.<br><br>If you want to add it, you must create the methods <b>_tag_open_[[OTHER]]</b> (for opening) and <b>_tag_close_[[OTHER]]</b> (for closure) by following the model of existing tags.<br><br>If you create these methods, do not hesitate to send me an email to to included them in the next version of HTML2PDF.
2err02Sentence of 1000 lines => too long<br><b>Sentence :</b> [[OTHER_0]]<br><b>Width box :</b> [[OTHER_1]]<br><b>Length text :</b> [[OTHER_2]]<br>
3err03HTML code invalid, a tag is closed too many times: <b>&lt;[[OTHER]]&gt;</b>
4err04HTML code invalid, the tags are not closed in an orderly fashion.<br>Status : <pre>[[OTHER]]</pre>
5err05HTML code invalid, all tags must be closed.<br>Status : <pre>[[OTHER]]</pre>
6err06Impossible to load the image <b>[[OTHER]]</b>
7err07The content of a TD tag does not fit on only one page
8err08<b>&lt;[[OTHER]]&gt;</b> tag not in a &lt;DRAW&gt; tag
9err09The using of the <b>&lt;[[OTHER_0]]&gt;</b>> tag has changed, you can not use [[OTHER_1]] anymore. Read the WIKI
10txt01ERROR n°
11txt02File :
12txt03Line :
13pdf01Document generated on [[date_y]]-[[date_m]]-[[date_d]]
14pdf02Document generated at [[date_h]]:[[date_i]]
15pdf03Document generated on [[date_y]]-[[date_m]]-[[date_d]] at [[date_h]]:[[date_i]]
16pdf04Page [[page_cu]]/[[page_nb]]
17pdf05The forms require the use of Adobe Reader 9